Constraints on the Experimenters Use. The SoftFIRE infrastructure is composed by loosely integrated platform under different administrative domains. In addition the different platform are ran for experimental purposes and they are not yet considered a mass production tool. This means that bugs and issues in the platform behavior can occur and will occur. Actually the scope of the experiments is also to support the tune up and the assessment of the platform as a whole. The Platform is still under development and it has a basic set of functionalities that have to be tuned up and it is missing a number of features that will be progressively added in the future. SoftFIRE is by no means to be considered a product and so the usual support for software development cannot be granted. Even if SoftFIRE aims at programmers, not all the features to allow for a fast programming approach are provided. This is due to differences in the component testbeds and to security controls imposed by different administrative domains. The programming phases could results cumbersome and not particularly attractive, however they may improve along the lifetime of the project. Service level agreements (SLA) do not apply during the experimentation phases. Because this is a period to test and explore SoftFIRE, the experimenters should not run production applications on the infrastructure Platform during the trial. The SoftFIRE project reserves the right to discontinue at any time the service if the use is not consistent with the purpose of SDN/NFV and/or violate any aspects of infrastructure security or shall conflicts any ongoing experimentation. During the running period of the experiments, the SoftFIRE project will put in place a team that will support the experiments in their work on the platform. As said this is not offered as a professional service and its working will be on the base of best effort. The entire infrastructure should be considered more a sort of α-test platform. Possible downs could occur without notice or due to overload caused by parallel experiments. SoftFIRE will offer expertise available by email (with possible follow-up by phone) and two hours per day during the experimentation phase in order to collect issues and provide responses. We’ll try to provide most of the answers by 24 hours (typically next morning or afternoon). Some issues could be not solvable due to the short time of the experiment period or due to the need to intervene on the platform. The supporting time will work with experimenters ...
Constraints on the Experimenters Use. Note:
Section 6.1 has been already presented in section 3.1