(1) The CONSULTANT shall submit to the PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT for review by the COUNTY'S RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION all insurance certificates which are required under this Agreement for review and approval with respect to compliance with the insurance requirements.
(2) All such insurance certificates shall be in a form and underwritten by an insurance company(s) acceptable to the COUNTY and licensed in the State of Florida.
(3) Each Certificate of Insurance submitted to the COUNTY shall be an original and shall be executed by an authorized representative of the insurance company affording coverage.
(4) Each Certificate of Insurance shall be addressed to the Lee County Board of County Commissioners, Attention: Lee County Procurement Management, P O Box 398, Fort Xxxxx, Florida 33902-0398.
(5) Each Certificate of Insurance shall specifically include all of the following:
(A) The name and type of policy and coverages provided; and
(B) The amount or limit applicable to each coverage provided and the deductible amount, if any, applicable to each type of insurance coverage being provided; and
(C) The date of expiration of coverage; and
(D) The designation of the Lee County Board of County Commissioners both as an additional insured and as a certificate holder. (This requirement is excepted for Professional Liability Insurance and for Workers' Compensation Insurance); and
(E) A statement indicating any services or work included in or required under Agreement Exhibit "A" Scope of Professional Services that is specifically excluded or exempted from coverage under the provisions, terms, conditions or endorsements of the CONSULTANT'S insurance policy. A statement which indicates any and all deductible amounts applicable to each type of insurance coverage required. In the absence of any such statements, the COUNTY will proceed with the understanding, stipulation and condition that there are no deductible amounts, or exclusions or exemptions to the insurance coverage provided.
(6) Each Certificate of Insurance shall be issued by an insurance agent and/or agency duly authorized to do so by and on behalf of the insurance company affording the insurance coverage indicated on each Certificate of Insurance.
(7) If the initial or any subsequently issued Certificate of Insurance expires prior to the completion of the work or termination of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall furnish to the COUNTY renewal or replacement Certificate of Insurance, or Certified Bin...