Contribution of the Government. 5.1 The Government shall contribute to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) the personnel listed at Annex A. Any personnel above the level indicated in this MOU shall be a national responsibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Nations.
5.2 The Government shall contribute to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) the major equipment listed in Annex B. The Government shall ensure that the major equipment and related minor equipment meet the performance standards set out in Annex D for the duration of the deployment of such equipment to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Any equipment above the level indicated in this MOU shall be a national responsibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Nations.
5.3 The Government shall contribute to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) the minor equipment and consumables related to self-sustainment as listed in Annex C. The Government shall ensure that the minor equipment and consumables meet the performance standards set out in Annex E for the duration of the deployment of such equipment to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Any equipment above the level indicated in this MOU shall be a national responsibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Nations.
6.1 The United Nations shall reimburse the Government in respect of the personnel provided under this MOU at the rates stated in Article 2 of Annex A.
6.2 The United Nations shall reimburse the Government for the major equipment provided as listed in Annex B. The reimbursement for the major equipment shall be reduced in the event that such equipment does not meet the required performance standards set out in Annex D or in the event that the equipment listing is reduced.
6.3 The United Nations shall reimburse the Government for the provision of self-sustainment goods and services at the rates and levels stated at Annex C. The reimbursement for self- sustainment shall be reduced in the event that the contingent does not meet the required performance standards set out in Annex E, or in the event that the level of self-sustainment is reduced.
6.4 Reimbursement for troop costs will continue at full rates until departure of personnel.
6.5 Reimbursement for major equipment will be in effect at full rates until the date of cessation of operations by a troop contributor...
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government agrees to provide all the resources, either financial or in kind, needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre.
2. The Government undertakes to:
(a) provide the Centre with appropriate office space, equipment and facilities;
(b) entirely assume the maintenance of the premises; and cover the cost of communications and utilities, plus the expenses of holding sessions of the Governing Board;
(c) contribute to the Centre a total amount of US $1.0 million per year; and
(d) make available to the Centre the staff necessary for the performance of its functions.
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government shall provide all the resources, financial or in kind needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Institute.
2. The Ministry of Education, on behalf of the Government, shall be responsible for the implementation of the Institute’s institutional funding.
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government, through the Cultural Heritage Administration, shall provide all the resources, either financial or in kind, needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre.
2. The Government undertakes to:
(a) cover the cost of salaries and compensations of the staff including the Director, and the funds necessary for the implementation of the Centre’s activities including the cost of holding the sessions of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee;
(b) make available to the Centre required office space, documentation rooms, meeting rooms, equipment and other facilities for its secretariat;
(c) entirely assume the maintenance of the premises and cover the cost of communication, and other utilities;
(d) contribute to the Centre a minimum amount of US$500,000 annually;
(e) make available to the Centre the administrative staff necessary for the performance of its functions, which shall comprise an accountant and technical support personnel.
Contribution of the Government. 13.1. The Government shall provide all the resources, either financial or in kind, needed for the administration and proper operation of the Centre.
13.2. The Government undertakes to:
(a) make available facilities for the Centre in the Xxxxxxx Capanema Palace located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the pursuit of its activities;
(b) entirely assume all costs for the operation and maintenance of the Centre;
(c) finance the organizational costs of the Governing Board meetings as well as of the activities carried out by the Centre in accordance with its annual work plan and budget;
(d) make available to the Centre the technical and administrative staff necessary for the performance of its functions.
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government, through the Cultural Heritage Administration, shall, subject to its relevant and appropriate laws and regulations, and following the annual budget appropriation of the Republic of Korea, provide all the resources, either financial or in-kind, needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre.
2. The Government undertakes to:
a) make available to the Centre necessary financial resources for its operation;
b) make available to the Centre premises for its activities;
c) entirely assume responsibility for the maintenance of the premises of the Centre; and
d) make available to the Centre the staff necessary for the performance of its functions, which shall comprise a Director and Secretariat staff.
Contribution of the Government. 5.1. The Government shall contribute to UNMIK the personnel listed at annex A. Any personnel above the level indicated in this Memorandum shall be a national respon- sibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Na- tions.
5.2. The Government shall contribute to UNMIK the major equipment listed in an- nex B. The Government shall ensure that the major equipment and related minor equip- ment meet the performance standards set out in annex D for the duration of the deploy- ment of such equipment to UNMIK. Any equipment above the level indicated in this Memorandum shall be a national responsibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Nations. 1 Annex G was previously distributed and is not included in the present document.
5.3. The Government shall contribute to UNMIK the minor equipment and consum- ables related to self-sustainment as listed in annex C. The Government shall ensure that the minor equipment and consumables meet the performance standards set out in annex E for the duration of the deployment of such equipment to UNMIK. Any equipment above the level indicated in this Memorandum shall be a national responsibility and thus not subject to reimbursement or other kind of support by the United Nations.
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government shall commit to providing all the resources, either financial or in kind, needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre by: - Making premises available to the Centre for its headquarters in Cuzco; - Assuming entirely during the period 2006-2011 the operating and maintenance costs of the Centre and examining the use of these resources annually; - Allocating an annual budget of $500,000 to the Centre via the National Institute of Culture of Cuzco. This amount shall cover the administrative costs of running the Centre, the organizational expenses of the Governing Board and Executive Committee and the costs of organizing particular activities; - Making available to the Centre the administrative staff necessary for the performance of its functions and covering the corresponding expenses.
Contribution of the Government. 1. The Government shall provide all the resources, financial or in kind needed for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre.
2. The Science and Technology Council of Mexico (CONACYT), on behalf of the Government, shall be responsible for the implementation of the Centre’s institutional funding.
3. The Government undertakes to:
(a) encourage Mexican institutions in collaborating with the Centre to make financial and/or in-kind contributions; and
(b) help the Centre to undertake various fund-raising activities from other national and international institutions/organizations; and
Contribution of the Government.
1. The Government shall provide all the resources, either financial or in-kind, required for the administration and proper functioning of the Centre and shall do so in accordance with the laws, rules, regulations and national policies from time to time in force.
2. The Government undertakes to -
a) make available to the Centre appropriate office space, equipment and facilities;
b) entirely assume the communication, utilities and maintenance costs of the Centre, plus the expenses of holding the sessions of the Governing Board and special consultative sessions;
c) contribute to the Centre funds that shall cover programmes and activities, such as capacity-building activities, studies and publications; and
d) make available to the Centre the administrative staff which shall comprise of a Director and secretariat staff (professional, technical and administrative support) for the performance of function of to the Centre.