Without limiting the other provisions of this Section 3.1, among other delegations by the Trustees, the Trustees have determined that there is a significant risk that the Trust and its shareholders may be adversely affected by investors with short term trading activity and/or whose purchase and redemption activity follows a market timing pattern as defined in the prospectus for the Trust, and have authorized the Trust, the Underwriter and the Trust's transfer agent to adopt procedures and take other action (including, without limitation, rejecting specific purchase orders in whole or in part) as they deem necessary to reduce, discourage, restrict or eliminate such trading and/or market timing activity. You agree that your purchases and redemptions of Portfolio shares are subject to, and that you will assist us in implementing, the Market Timing Trading Policy and Additional Policies (as described in the Trust's prospectus) and the Trust's restrictions on excessive and/or short term trading activity and/or purchase and redemption activity that follows a market timing pattern.
OTHER LEAVE WITH OR WITHOUT PAY 17.01 In respect to applications for leave made pursuant to this Article, the employee may be required to provide satisfactory validation of the circumstances necessitating such requests.
Termination without Notice The Employer may terminate an Employee’s employment without notice if the Employee engages in serious misconduct.
Parental Leave Without Pay (a) Where an employee has or will have the actual care and custody of a new- born child (including the new-born child of a common-law spouse), the employee shall, upon request, be granted parental leave without pay for a single period of up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks in the fifty-two (52) week period beginning on the day on which the child is born or the day on which the child comes into the employee’s care. (b) Where an employee commences legal proceedings under the laws of a province to adopt a child or obtains an order under the laws of a province for the adoption of a child, the employee shall, upon request, be granted parental leave without pay for a single period of up to thirty-seven (37) consecutive weeks in the fifty-two (52) week period beginning on the day on which the child comes into the employee’s care. (c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b): (i) where the employee’s child is hospitalized within the period defined in the above paragraphs, and the employee has not yet proceeded on parental leave without pay, or (ii) where the employee has proceeded on parental leave without pay and then returns to work for all or part of the period during which his or her child is hospitalized, the period of parental leave without pay specified in the original leave request may be extended by a period equal to that portion of the period of the child’s hospitalization during which the employee was not on parental leave. However, the extension shall end not later than one hundred and four (104) weeks after the day on which the child comes into the employee’s care. (d) An employee who intends to request parental leave without pay shall notify the Employer at least four (4) weeks in advance of the expected date of birth of the employee’s child (including the child of a common-law spouse), or the date the child is expected to come into the employee’s care pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b). (e) The Employer may, (i) defer the commencement of parental leave without pay at the request of the employee; (ii) grant the employee parental leave without pay with less than four
Leave Without Pay An employee shall not be entitled to payment for a public holiday falling during a period of leave without pay (including sick leave and military leave without pay) unless the employee has worked during the fortnight ending on the day on which the holiday is observed.
Other Leaves Without Pay 10.10.1 Upon recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board of Trustees, leave without compensation, increment, seniority, or tenure credit may be granted for a period of one school year for the following purposes: Peace Corps, care for a member of the immediate family who is ill, long-term illness of the bargaining unit member, service in an elected public office, or professional study or research. 10.10.2 The applications for and granting of such leaves of absence shall be in writing. In addition, a bargaining unit member on such leave shall notify the District Human Resources Office by March 15 of the school year as to an intent to return to employment in the District. Failure to so notify will be considered an abandonment of position.
Leave Without Pay for Personal Needs 35.15.1 Leave without pay will be granted for personal needs, in the following manner: Subject to operational requirements, leave without pay for a period of up to three (3) months will be granted to an employee for personal needs. Subject to operational requirements, leave without pay of more than three (3) months but not exceeding one (1) year will be granted to an employee for personal needs. An employee is entitled to leave without pay for personal needs only once under each of
Personal Leave Without Pay Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the College for legitimate personal reasons.
Transfers Without Posting Lateral transfers or voluntary demotions may be granted, without posting for: (a) Compassionate or medical grounds to regular Employees who have completed their probationary period; (b) All Employees who have become incapacitated by industrial injury or industrial illness. In such cases, the Screening Committee outlined in 11.11 shall consider any applications or requests presented to the Committee. Each request for special consideration shall be judged solely on its merit.
Leaves Without Pay A. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with statutory requirements and University policy. B. Appearance as an individual rather than as an officer or an employee of the University, whether voluntary or in response to a legal order, to appear and testify in private litigation. If an employee has vacation or compensatory time off available to use, the employee may choose to use that leave for this purpose. C. In accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act, an employee shall be granted up to twelve (12) weeks unpaid leave to care for a family member. During this period of time, the Employer shall continue to make the Employer's contribution to the employee's health insurance as though the employee were on payroll. An employee may also be eligible to use sick leave under the provisions of Article 17. D. An employee shall be granted up to sixteen (16) hours unpaid time per year for business connected to children's schooling (i.e., conferences). If an employee has vacation or compensatory time off available to use, the employee may choose to use that leave for this purpose. E. Other personal leaves may be granted at any time to any employee for any period of time for personal purposes with department head approval. This leave may include personal unpaid educational leave to attend a University educational program leading toward a University degree. Should more than one (1) employee in a work location request personal leave at the same time and staffing not allow approval of more than one (1) employee on leave, the employee with the most University Seniority shall get the leave. However, personal or educational leave may be denied if other previously approved leaves do not allow staffing flexibility to grant additional leaves.