DEFINITIONS AND CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT. 2.01 The word "employees" wherever used in this Agreement shall mean those employees of the Company at its plant in Xxxxxxx who are recognized as being covered by this Agreement. 2.02 Categories of employment shall be as follows:
DEFINITIONS AND CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT. 2.01 The word “employees” wherever used in this Agreement shall mean all employees of the Company at its plants in Winnipeg as described in 3.01. 2.02 Categories of employment shall be as follows:
DEFINITIONS AND CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT. 2.01 The word “employees” wherever used in this Agreement shall mean all employees of the Company at its plants in Winnipeg as described in 3.01. 2.02 Categories of employment shall be as follows: (a) “Regular employee” - an employee who has completed the probationary period as defined in Article 8.01. (b) “Part-time employee” - an employee who normally works between twenty-four (24) hours and forty (40) hours in a work week. A part-time employee shall have seniority over other part-time employees only for the purpose of bidding on a vacant posted position and the purpose of lay-off. Part-time seniority will be defined as accumulated hours of service worked with the Company from their date of original hire. The Company reserves the right to schedule hours less than twenty-four (24) in a week based on the needs of the business.


  • Categories of Employment 2.3.1 Full-time A full-time employee is an employee who is employed for 37.5 or 40 hours per week. 2.3.2 Part-time A part-time employee is an employee who is regularly employed for less than the full-time hours as specified in clause 2.3.1.

  • CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEES The following categories of employees may apply for benefits under this policy: Category 1: Employees who have acquired eighty-five KPERS retirement points (a combination of age and KPERS service that adds to 85) and who have completed by June 30 of the retirement year fifteen (15) years of service in USD 434 that could include service given through the employment of the Three Lakes Cooperative. Category 2: Employee who qualifies for retirement under the basic provisions of KPERS. These employees must have attained the age of 62 and have 10 years of vested service in KPERS but have not acquired eighty-five retirement points at the time of retirement and who have completed by June 30 of the retirement year fifteen (15) years of service in USD 434 that could include service given through the employment of the Three Lakes Cooperative.

  • Employment Categories (a) Employees under this Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories: (i) full-time; (ii) part time; or (iii) casual. (b) At the time of engagement an employer will inform each employee whether they are employed on a full-time, part time or casual basis. An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties that are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training, consistent with the respective classification.

  • Definition of Employees a) A Full-Time Employee is a person employed by the Day Care who regularly works the full time hours as specified in Article 17.

  • Employee Categories All employees fall into one or the other of four principal categories as outlined below.

  • Types of Employment 19.1 Employees under this Agreement may be employed in any one of the following employment categories: (a) full-time employment; (b) regular part-time employment; or (c) casual employment. 19.2 At the time of engagement an Employer will inform each Employee of the terms of their engagement, and in particular whether they are to be full-time, regular part-time or casual.

  • Terms of Employment This Section 2 sets forth the terms and conditions on which the Company agrees to employ Executive during the period (the "Protected Period") beginning on the first day during the Term of this Agreement on which a Change of Control occurs and ending on the second anniversary of that date, or such earlier date as Executive's employment terminates as contemplated by Section 3.

  • Employment Terms As a condition to your employment with the Company, you are required to (a) sign and return a satisfactory I-9 Immigration form providing sufficient documentation establishing your employment eligibility in the United States, and (b) provide satisfactory proof of your identity as required by United States law.

  • EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES D3.01 On application by an employee, the Employer shall provide personal references to the prospective employer of such employee, indicating length of service, principal duties and responsibilities, and performance of such duties.

  • Definition of Good Reason For purposes hereof, “Good Reason” shall mean: