Demand Projections Sample Clauses
Demand Projections. Due to the successful marketing of several industrial properties in Newton County, water demand projections have increased significantly. The Newton County Strategic Water Plan Forecasts and Capacity Evaluations (Strategic Plan), completed by Xxxxxx & Xxxxxx in 2019, includes detailed population growth projections along with water and wastewater projections and potential upgrades to address capacity needs. Since the Strategic Plan was completed, water demand projections communicated by major industries, such as Takeda and Rivian (future industry), have fluctuated. Using best available data, demand projections were updated for the OWRA using the following methods and assumptions: • New residential water demands were developed based on updated Georgia Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) population projections and using the same water usage metrics identified in the Strategic Plan. • Rivian demands were updated to a minimum potable demand at buildout of 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD), assuming reuse water production is maximized. Total maximum potable water demand will be 4.1 MGD at buildout if no reuse water is available. In November of 2023, Xxxxxx provided the anticipated demand and flows shown in Table 3. Based on the April 2024 news that Xxxxxx has indefinitely delayed construction of their Newton County facility, the schedule shown in Error! Unknown switch argument. was adjusted by 18 months for demand projection development. Potable Water 0.19 0.37 2.0 Peak Daily Reuse Water 0.22 0.80 2.1 Avg. Daily 3.1 Peak Daily Sanitary Sewer 0.08 0.13 0.68 • A master plan provided by the IDA for the Xxxxxxx Xxxxx site from June 2020 was used to estimate a potential water demand of 0.3 MGD. Land use demand projections were based on water use data provided by the City of Covington for similar developments on Hazelbrand Road at I-20. • Water demands and sewer flow projections provided by Takeda indicate a consumptive loss of between 5 – 10%, which is unusually low. As such 20% consumptive loss was used for this study based on other historically observed usage. Correspondence from Takeda indicates that water demand and wastewater flows will reach buildout conditions by 2030 and be as follows: o Potable demand: 1.0 MGD o Potential reuse demand: 0.33 MGD o Industrial wastewater flows: 0.85 MGD o Sanitary sewer flows: 0.15 MGD • NCWR is working on a project to upgrade the Cornish Creek WTP to 39.5 MGD max daily demand (MDD), 27 MGD annual average day (AAD) w...
Demand Projections. The CONSULTANT will develop several growth scenarios based on the information and data compiled in 1.
1. CONSULTANT will develop a service area map depicting the potential/projected geographic areas of growth for the natural gas distribution system. Task 1 Deliverable(s):
1.1 Draft master plan chapter
1.2 Service area map with identified areas of potential load growth
Demand Projections. Projections indicate that the proposed development of the I-16 Mega- Site as well as associated industrial, commercial, and residential growth will generate a demand for approximately 6.65 million gallons per day (MGD) of water. Additional demands within Bryan County over the next 15 years could generate approximately 3.50 MGD, and development within the State Route 119/Highway 80 service area of Bulloch County could generate approximately 0.35 MGD or more of potable water demands. Bulloch County may experience additional development outside the State Route 119/Highway 80 service area that could generate additional water demands.
Demand Projections. The CONSULTANT will support the City’s efforts to present updated demand projections and justification of the requested allocation, and documentation of methodology in a new WUP application that includes C-51 Reservoir project water.