DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. A. System of Records Involved VA SORN used for purposes of the subject data exchanges include: Accounts Receivable Records 88VA244 Routine Use #3 is the only routine VA plans to use HUD SORNs used for purposes of the subject data exchanges include: HUD/SFH-01 – Single Family Default Monitoring System, SFDMS, F42D (72 Fed. Reg. 65350 November 20, 2007; routine uses updated 77 Fed. Reg. 41993 July 17, 2012) SFDMS maintains data on mortgages that are 90 or more days delinquent. The Mortgagee or Servicer must submit a Monthly Delinquent Loan Report (HUD- 92068-A) to HUD on a monthly basis until the mortgage is paid off by all Mortgagees, terminated, or deleted. Mortgagees and Servicers provide default data to HUD through either the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or using the Internet via FHA Connection, through which the data is sorted, prescreened, key- entered, edited, and otherwise processed. Reports are then generated for HUD Headquarters and Field Offices review. HSNG.SF/HWAA.02 – Single Family Insurance System - Claims Subsystem, CLAIMS, A43C (79 Fed. Reg. 10825 February 26, 2014) CLAIMS provides automated receipt, tracking and processing of submitted form HUD-27011, Single Family Application for Insurance Benefits. CLAIMS also provides online update and inquiry capability to Single Family Insurance and Claims databases, and to cumulative history files. Claim payments are made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) via an HDS platform (IBM mainframe/Treasury interface) on a daily basis. HUD/HS-55 – Debt Collection and Asset Management System (DCAMS), which consists of two sister systems identified as DCAMS – Title I, DCAMS-T1, F71 and DCAMS – Generic Debt, DCAMS-GD, F71A (72 Fed. Reg. 63919 November 13, 2007)
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. Data Elements Used in the Match:
X. XXX agrees to furnish VA with a data file containing data elements on currently confined inmates as defined in Article II ("Definitions") above, noting the exclusions listed in paragraph C below. These data elements are to be submitted monthly showing the individuals admitted during the reporting period. The data are to be submitted to VA as soon as possible after the end of the reporting period, taking into account the time needed to have the required data elements entered into the prisoner database.
B. Upon request, and with prior coordination with BOP, BOP will provide VA with a total current prison population data file of all currently confined inmates as defined in Article II. Subsequent monthly files will contain only accretions to the prison population. (The BOP inmate data will adhere to the input specifications listed in Attachment II.) The data elements provided to VA will be taken from DOJ's Inmate Central Records System, Justice/BOP- 005, initially published on June 7, 1984 (48 FR 23711)) and last modified on May 6, 2019 (84 FR 19808). A citation of the "routine use" as applicable to VA is provided here as Attachment III.
C. BOP data elements to be provided are:
1. Social Security Number
2. Last Name 3. First Name 4. Middle name 5. Suffix Name 6. Date of Birth
7. Date Computation Begins (i.e. date sentence begins to run) 8. Length of Sentence
9. Place of Current Confinement or Destination of Confinement ifin-Transit
10. Federal Register Number
11. Type of Offense (Felony or Misdemeanor)
12. Date of Scheduled Release As part of the initial data exchange, BOP will provide a data file which includes all BOP Institution Addresses and main Telephone Numbers.
D. VA will match SSNs received from BOP with SSNs in VA's system of records entitled "Compensation, Pension, Education, and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Records - VA (58 VA 21/22/28)", published at 74 FR 29275 (June 19, 2009), last amended at 84 FR 4138 on February 14, 2019. VA will also match SSNs received from BOP with SSNs in VA’s SOR entitled “Enrollment and Eligibility Records-VA” (147VA10NF1) published on July 13, 2016 (81 FR 45597), once this SOR is amended, to include a routine use to allow for this match.
X. The inmate name information that BOP reports to VA will pertain only to the name information that BOP identifies as the inmate's committed name. BOP will not report to VA any other inmate name information that is maintained, such as al...
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. The Parties to this agreement must ensure their system notice (s) ("system of records notice" or “SORN”) pursuant to subsection (e)(4) of the Privacy Act contain "routine uses" established pursuant to subsection (b)(3) of the Privacy Act for each system of records from which they intend to disclose Privacy Act protected information in accordance with this agreement. If not, a new or amended SORN must be published.
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. A. Specified Data Elements for Definitive Records
1. SSA will disclose to Fiscal Service a finder file with the SSN for each individual for whom SSA requests Savings Securities ownership information.
2. When a match occurs on an SSN, Fiscal Service will disclose the following to SSA:
a. the denomination of the security;
b. the serial number;
c. the series;
d. the issue date of the security;
e. the current redemption value; and
f. the return date of the finder file.
B. Specified Data Elements for Book Entry Records:
1. SSA will disclose to Fiscal Service a finder file with the SSN, in the format specified in Attachment 2 of this agreement, for each individual for whom they request Savings Securities registration information. Fiscal Service bases the query on the SSN associated with the account and reports any subsequent account holdings.
2. When a match occurs on an SSN, Fiscal Service will disclose the following:
a. the purchase amount;
b. the account number and confirmation number;
c. the series;
d. the issue date of the security;
e. the current redemption value; and
f. the return date of the finder file.
C. Systems of Records (SOR) SSA will disclose to Fiscal Service a finder file consisting of SSNs extracted from SSA’s Medicare Database (MDB) File System, 60-0321, fully published at 71 Fed. Reg. 42159 (July 25, 2006), as amended at 72 Fed. Reg. 69723 (December 10, 2007) and 83 Fed. Reg. 54969 (November 1, 2018). The MDB File System is a repository of Medicare applicant and beneficiary information related to Medicare Part A, Part B, Medicare Advantage Part C, and Medicare Part D. Fiscal Service will match the SSNs from SSA’s finder file with the SSNs in Fiscal Service system of records notice .014 (United States Securities and Access), fully published at 85 Fed. Reg. 11776 (February 27, 2020). System of records notice .014 (United States Securities and Access) is derived from legacy BPD systems of records notices .002 (United States Savings-Type Securities), .003 (United States Securities (Other than Savings-Type Securities)), and .008 (Retail Treasury Securities Access Application). Fiscal Service will return the formatted comparison file to SSA as indicated in Attachment 2. The SORs involved in this matching program have routine uses permitting the disclosures needed to conduct this match.
1. SSA will provide CMS with a finder file on a monthly basis, which will be extracted from data maintained pursuant to SSA’s Supplemental Security Income Record and Special Veterans Benefits, SOR 60-0103, last fully published on January 11, 2006 (71 Fed. Reg. 1830), as amended on December 10, 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 69723), July 3, 2018 (83 Fed. Reg. 31250- 31251), and November 1, 2018 (83 Fed. Reg. 54969). Routine use 19 of the SOR allows the disclosure under this agreement. The information in this SOR may be updated during the effective period of this agreement as required by the Privacy Act.
2. CMS will match the SSA finder file against data maintained pursuant to the Long Term Care-Minimum Data Set (LTC/MDS) (System Number 09-70-0528) SOR, last fully published on March 19, 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 12801), as amended on April 23, 2013 (78 Fed. Reg. 23938), May 29, 2013 (78 Fed. Reg. 32257), and February 14, 2018 (83 Fed. Reg. 6591); and submit its response file to SSA. Routine use 2 of the SOR allows the disclosure under this agreement. The information in this SOR may be updated during the effective period of this agreement as required by the Privacy Act.
B. Specified Data Elements Used in the Match
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. Data Elements Used in the Match:
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. Data Elements Used in the Match:
X. XXX agrees to furnish VBA with a data file containing data elements on currently confined inmates as defined in Article II (“Definitions”) above, noting the exclusions listed in paragraph C below. These data elements are to be submitted monthly showing the individuals admitted during the reporting period. The data are to be submitted to VA as soon as possible after the end of the reporting period, taking into account the time needed to have the required data elements entered into the prisoner database.
B. Upon request, and with prior coordination with BOP, BOP will provide VBA with a total current prison population data file of all currently confined inmates as defined in Article II. Subsequent monthly files will contain only accretions to the prison population. (The BOP inmate data will adhere to the input specifications listed in Attachment II.) The data elements provided to VBA will be taken from DOJ's Inmate Central Records System, Justice/BOP-005, published on June 7, 1984 (48 FR 23711)) republished on May 9, 2002 (67 FR 31371), January 25, 2007 (72 FR 3410), and April 26, 2012 (77 FR 24982) and last modified on April 18, 2016 (81 FR 22639). A copy of the "routine use" as applicable to VA is provided here as Attachment III.
C. BOP data elements to be provided are:
DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS TO BE MATCHED. The Parties to this agreement must ensure their system notice (s) ("system of records notice" or “SORN”) pursuant to subsection (e)(4) of the Privacy Act contain "routine uses" established pursuant to subsection (b)(3) of the Privacy Act for each system of records from which they intend to disclose Privacy Act protected information in accordance with this agreement. If not, a new or amended SORN must be published. 3 OMB M-18-20 states that the specific estimate of savings is not required in the cost benefit analysis.