Article II Sample Clauses
Article II. 14 Who Mandatory for all beneficiaries based on conditions set up in the GA Optional and foreseen for multiple beneficiaries based on criteria to be defined by the Commission (see above). Mandatory for beneficiaries which will use average personnel costs unless a certificate on the Methodology is provided. In this case, the certificate on the Methodology replaces the certificate on average personnel costs If total contribution < €,375,000 no certificate For beneficiaries with multiple participations The method has to be consistent with the management principles and usual accounting practices of Condition For projects > 2 years: Interim and/or final payment Each time that the cumulated EC contribution is not yet certified > €375.000 For projects ≤ 2 years: If total contribution > €375,000 Only one CFS at the final payment. Exception: When Certificate on the Methodology is accepted by the Commission, CFS not required for interim payment. the beneficiary The average costs cannot differ significantly from actual personnel costs. Scope The project and reporting periods concerned. It covers all eligible costs not yet certified By default, all the beneficiary's projects throughout FP7 By default, all the beneficiary's projects throughout FP7 Timing For projects ≤ 2 years: at the final payment For projects > 2 years: When criteria are met At any time of the implementation of FP7 but at the earliest on the start date of the first GA signed by the beneficiary under FP7 At any time of the implementation of FP7 but at the earliest on the start date of the first GA signed by the beneficiary under FP7 Form Detailed description verified as factual by external auditor or competent public officer Independent report on factual findings (Annex VII Form D) Independent report on factual findings (Annex VII Form E) Independent report on factual findings (relevant part of Form E) Advantage s Applying the CFS will increase the certainty on the eligibility of costs for the beneficiary When a Certificate on the Methodology is accepted by the Commission, no CFS required for interim payments If the Methodology is accepted, no risk of rectification after audit if the method is applied correctly If the Methodology is accepted, the average costs are deemed not to differ significantly from actual costs. If the Methodology is accepted, no risk of rectification after audit if the method is correctly applied.
Article II. By execution of this Participation Agreement, REC acknowledges its obligation to participate in the three (3) xxxxx described in Exhibit “E” (the “Xxxxx”) and the rig mobilization/demobilization to the Main Pass “A” Platform (the “Platform”). Concurrently with execution hereof, REC will execute and return to W&T each Authority for Expenditure (“AFE”) attached hereto as Exhibits “E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4”, each AFE describing the drilling and evaluation of three (3) Test Xxxxx and the cost associated the mobilization and demobilization of the H&P Rig No. 206 to the Platform as listed below: AFE #D07021: Main Pass 283 – OCS-G 13662 Well X-0 XX-0 XXX #X00000: Xxxx Xxxx 000 - XXX-X 26168 Well X-0 XX-0 XXX #X00000: Xxxx Xxxx 000 - XXX-X 26168 Well A-5 ST-1 AFE #D07018: Rig Mobilization/Demobilization
Article II. A. Nondiscrimination
Article II. The seller stipulates that the seller is the sole owner of the tract of land named above and has the full right and power to dispose of the timber specified in this agreement (3) Make certain that the timber you sell is, in fact, yours to sell. If you have any questions about title, liens or other encumbrances, see your lawyer.
Article II. Objednávky a uzatváranie Čiastkových kúpnych zmlúv Orders and conclusion of the Partial sales contracts
1. Na základe tejto Zmluvy je Kupujúci oprávnený objednávať humánny liek Stivarga 40 mg filmom obalené tablety tbl flm 84(3x28)x40 mg (fľ.HDPE), ŠÚKL kód: 6959A.
1. On the basis of this Agreement the Buyer shall be entritled to order human drug Stivarga 40 mg film tablets tbl flm 84(3x28)x40 mg (fľ.HDPE), SUKL code: 6959A.
2. Návrhom na uzatvorenie Čiastkovej kúpnej zmluvy je Objednávka. Objednávka Kupujúceho musí byť písomná a musí obsahovať nasledovné náležitosti: názov, celú adresu a identifikačné číslo Kupujúceho, adresu dodania, názov tovaru, balenie a požadované množstvo (ďalej len „Tovar“), meno Kupujúceho alebo ním poverenej osoby a telefón 2. Order shall be considered as the proposal for conclusion of the sales contract. Order of the Buyer must be in written and must contain following essentials: name, full address and identification number of the Buyer, and the place of delivery name of goods, package and requested amount (hereinafter as the „Goods“), name of the Buyer or name of person authorized by Buyer, phone number Objednávka Tovaru musí byť doručená elektronicky na adresu: Order of Goods must be in electronic form delivered to address:
3. Čiastková kúpna zmluva je uzatvorená potvrdením Objednávky zo strany Predávajúceho. Ak Predávajúci prijme Objednávku, môže tak urobiť písomne e- mailom alebo konkludentne samotným dodaním Tovaru v súlade s touto Zmluvou. Pre vylúčenie pochybností berie Kupujúci na vedomie, že samotným zaslaním Objednávky podľa tejto Zmluvy mu nevzniká právo na uzatvorenie Čiastkovej kúpnej zmluvy. 4. Pre Čiastkové kúpne zmluvy uzatvorené najneskôr v utorok toho ktorého týždňa, sa Predávajúci zaväzuje dodať Tovar najneskôr do piatku toho istého týždňa do 15 hod. V prípade ak nie je piatok pracovným dňom, Tovar bude dodaný najneskôr v najbližší nasledujúci pracovný deň.
3. Partial sales contract shall be concluded by the confirmation of the Order by the Buyer. Acceptation of the Order by the Seller can be done in written, by e-mail or implied by the delivery of Goods in accordance with the Agreement. In order to avoid any doubts, the Buyer takes into consideration, that on the basis of sending of the Order according the Agreement the right to conclude the Partial sales contract shall not arise.
4. For the Partial sale contracts concluded at the latest on Tuesday of any we...
Article II. CREDIT ENHANCEMENT FEE; SERIES SUPPLEMENTS; THE COLLATERAL Section 2.01. Credit Enhancement Fee........................................................... 9 Section 2.02. Series Supplements............................................................... 9 Section 2.03. Grant of Security Interest by the Transferor..................................... 10 Section 2.04. Priority......................................................................... 10 Section 2.05. Transferor Remains Liable........................................................ 11 Section 2.06. Maintenance of Collateral........................................................ 11 Section 2.07. Termination and Release of Rights................................................ 12 Section 2.08. Non-Recourse Obligations of Transferor........................................... 13 ARTICLE III. SPREAD ACCOUNTS Section 3.01. Establishment of Spread Accounts; Initial Deposits into Spread Accounts............................................................... 13 Section 3.02. Investments...................................................................... 14 Section 3.03. Distributions; Priority of Payments.............................................. 15 Section 3.04. General Provisions Regarding Spread Accounts..................................... 17 Section 3.05. Reports by the Collateral Agent.................................................. 18 ARTICLE IV.
Article II. Article II of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by adding to the end thereof a new Section 2.12 to read as follows:
Article II. 8.1 shall not apply if such use risks threatening the rights and freedoms of individuals concerned as protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or harm the commercial interest of the Expert.
Article II a. Amendment of Section 2.01(b). Effective as of the Amendment Date, Section 2.01(b) is hereby amended and restated in its entirety to read as follows:
Article II. Section 2.1. Transfer of the Shares........................................ 4 Section 2.2. Adjustments................................................... 5 ARTICLE III. Section 3.1.