For Non-Responsibility The Bidder agrees that if it is found by the State that the Bidder’s responses to the Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire were intentionally false or intentionally incomplete, on such finding, the Commissioner may terminate the Contract.
Employer Responsibility The Employer accepts its responsibility to insure equal opportunity in all aspects of employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, reliance on public assistance, sex, marital status, sexual orientation/affectional preference, or any other class or group distinction, as set forth by state or federal anti-discrimination laws, or in Board policy.
Union Responsibility The Union accepts the following responsibilities: 3.1 The Union agrees that it will not intimidate or coerce Employees into membership in the Union. 3.2 The Union agrees that membership solicitation and other Union activity not pertaining to this agreement, will not take place during working hours or on the premises of the Employer or on any work project the Employer may be engaged in. 3.3 The Union agrees that during the life of this agreement and during the period of negotiation of any revision to this agreement, or of any new agreement, including the period of arbitration, there shall be no strike or other cessation of work. 3.4 The Union agrees that it will not discriminate against any member or person employed by the Employer because of race, creed, colour, nationality, ancestry, or place of origin. 3.5 The Union recognizes that it is the exclusive right and function of the Employer (a) To direct the working force which includes the right to direct, plan and control working operations and to schedule working hours, and (b) To hire, classify, transfer, promote, demote, dismiss or lay-off Employees because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons, and (c) To introduce new and improved facilities and methods to improve the efficiency of the operations of the Employer, but such exclusive functions of the Employer are subject always to the provisions of this agreement. 3.6 The Union recognizes and accepts the provisions of this agreement as binding upon itself, each of its duly authorized officers, representatives and Employees represented by the Union, and pledges that it, each of its duly authorized officers and representatives, and Employees represented by the Union, will observe the provisions of this agreement.
Allocation of Responsibility The City assumes no responsibility for the tax consequences of any VEBA contributions made by or on behalf of any member. Each union that elects to require VEBA contributions for the benefit of its members assumes sole responsibility for insuring that the VEBA complies with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, the Internal Revenue Code, and agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any taxes, penalties and any other costs and expenses resulting from such contributions.
Allocation of Responsibilities The persons responsible for the Plan and the duties and responsibilities allocated to each are as follows:
Employer Responsibilities Recognizing the inherent risk(s) in a correctional setting, the Employer is obligated to provide a safe workplace and to educate employees on proper safety procedures and use of protective and safety equipment. The Employer is committed to responding to legitimate safety concerns raised by the Union and employees. The Employer will comply with federal and state safety standards, including requirements relating to first aid training, first aid equipment and the use of protective devices and equipment.
Provider Responsibilities The Private Child-Caring Facility (PCC) (a.k.a., Provider) must comply with the following requirements:
Repair Responsibility Cracks exceeding 1/4 inch in width or 1/4 inch in vertical displacement will be repaired by patching or other remedies.
Engineer Responsibilities No subcontract relieves the Engineer of any responsibilities under this contract.
Administrative Responsibilities Client shall be responsible for orienting Consultant to Client’s policies and procedures regarding the submission of any requisite paperwork which must be tendered for reimbursement by funding entities such as Medicare, Medicaid, or health insurance. Such paperwork may include, but is not limited to, patient care plans, comprehensive patient histories, individual education plans, or Client specific program plans. During the contracted assignment, should Consultant fail to submit paperwork as required per Client’s policies and procedures, Client must notify ProCare in writing within three (3) business days of alleged failure. Failure to notify ProCare before assignment ends shall negate any Client claim to withhold payment due to untimely work and/or paperwork non-compliance by Consultant. Client agrees that all approved time sheets by Client’s assigned representative are not subjected to billing dispute if Client fails to notify ProCare of time sheet and work performed discrepancies.