Develop. The objective of this phase is to convert the deliverables of the Design Phase into the new system components and test each programmed unit code independent of the other programs as specified in Section 9.7 of this SOW.
Develop a “fact sheet” for distribution to all secondary school counselors, youth opportunity centers, social action agencies and state employment offices.
Develop. The CIP is developed in this phase, which lays the foundation for an immediate and smooth transition into execution. It typically involves a broad range of family planning stakeholders at various levels and across various sectors. The outcome of the development phase is a country-owned, government-approved CIP, which is officially launched and communicated to all relevant stakeholders. The kick-off meeting for CIP development marks the beginning of the development phase, while the formal launch of the CIP document marks the end of the development phase and onset of the execution phase.
Develop. The Develop stage takes the group of processes (records) from the Refine Stage and continues the process for building and unit testing the solution which will include integrations, running mini‐conversion activities, and functional testing of data conversion efforts (or dry runs for the production). The subscribed Civic Application Solution includes pre‐defined business process automation/validation. For example, common business rules are included such as sending an email to an applicant when a record is submitted and preventing record issuance when a balance is due. There is no tailoring of the automations as part of the Civic Application solutions. If custom solutions are defined in the tailoring workshops, these components are built by the Health District, and unit tested during the Develop stage. Another series of Conference Room Checkpoints will be conducted upon completing development for each grouping.
Develop maintain and distribute a ‘skills inventory list’ for all hourly employees to facilitate bumping.
Develop. To develop a suite of tools and methods that policy makers can use to gain better understanding of their urban areas as well as providing an early warning system for identifying potential problems that may arise in areas that would go otherwise unnoticed. In addition, an ability to examine the likely effects of policies before implementation will be permitted by the project and will help increase economic prosperity, security and perception of security. Objective 4: Transfer. To initiate knowledge transfer by allowing the knowledge and understanding generated in other components of the project to be disseminated through a number of different methods (commercial, education, NGO and IT), through the development of a systematic methodology that will enhance decision making and policy support at the European level by providing a common support methodology.
Develop a) Criteria for selecting projects for Foundation participation.
b) The process to create and review project information packages, including standards and format.
c) Documentation requirements for potential donations.
Develop. CREATIVE STRATEGY To document an understanding of the specific creative and brand assets and give visual and experiential direction for the current development. - Client Visioning Session - To determine visual and brand assets that maintain the corporate message and brand personality.
Develop. This is intended to require system planning in conjunction with Stakeholders, assessment of need, and the establishment of a Network strategy to meet the needs of community, through the delivery of evidence-based practices, or pilot initiatives approved by the Department. This expectation includes annual review of applicable plans, assessments and strategies.