DISCONNECTION OF UTILITIES. In the event that LESSEE fails to pay for the charges or fees incurred in connection with the supply to, consumption and use of public utilities and services in the Leased Premises and/or the Common Areas for an aggregate period of one (1) month and such charges or fees are not being disputed on valid grounds by the LESSEE, LESSOR shall have the right to disconnect or discontinue the supply thereof upon prior written notice to LESSEE, for as long as any such charges or fees remain unpaid charges if the same has been confirmed by the service provider subject to prior notice to LESSEE of such confirmation. No disconnection shall be made by LESSOR pending such confirmation provided that LESSEE shall have made a payment for the charges or fee in an amount equivalent to the average of its billing statements for three (3) months prior to the disputed billing. LESSEE shall immediately settle any remaining balance without any more question upon receipt of the service provider’s adjusted billing statement or confirmation billing. LESSOR shall fully cooperate and assist LESSEE in resolving any dispute. WNS Global Services Philippines, Inc._Techno Plaza II_5th and 6th Floors This right of disconnection shall be in addition to LESSOR’s other rights provided for in Article 11.2.
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DISCONNECTION OF UTILITIES. In the event that LESSEE fails to pay for the charges or fees incurred in connection with the supply, consumption and use of air-conditioning, telephone, telex, facsimile, telecommunications, electricity, water and other public services and utilities to the Leased Premises and/or the Common Areas for an aggregate period of one (1) month, LESSOR shall have the right to disconnect or discontinue the supply thereof for as long as any such charges or fees remain unpaid. This right shall be in addition to its other rights provided for in Article 13.2. Where the pertinent contract of utility service is in the name of LESSEE and where xxxxxxxx for the consumption of utilities are issued by the relevant utility provider in the name of LESSEE, LESSOR shall not have the right to disconnect utilities or discontinue supply thereof to the LEASED PREMISES on the ground of non-payment of utility bills. In cases where LESSOR is given the right to disconnect utilities or discontinue the supply thereof to the Leased Premises, LESSEE shall be served with a written notice of disconnection at least fifteen (15) days before the intended date of disconnection.
DISCONNECTION OF UTILITIES. Under any condition as stipulated under Section 7.1, the Landlord may disconnect all electricity, air-conditioning, water, telephone, internet, other utility services and/or supplies to the Premises provided that a three (3) days’ th prior notice has been given to the Tenant of the Landlord‘s intention to do so. All relevant costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in connection with the disconnection and the subsequent re-connection of the electricity air-conditioning, water, telephone, internet, other utility services and/or supplies to the Premises shall be paid by the Tenant and shall be recoverable from the Tenant as a debt or be deductible by the Landlord from the Deposit paid by the Tenant in accordance with Clause 8 of Appendix One hereof.


  • Services and Utilities As long as Tenant is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease, Landlord shall maintain the Premises and the public and common areas of the Building, such as lobbies, stairs, corridors and restrooms, in reasonably good order and condition except for damage occasioned by the act or omission of Tenant, the repair of which damage shall be paid for by Tenant. Landlord shall furnish the Premises with electricity for lighting and the operation of low-power-usage office machines, heat and normal air conditioning, and elevator service during ordinary business hours. Landlord shall also provide light replacement service for Landlord-furnished lighting, toilet room supplies, window washing at reasonable intervals, and customary building janitorial service. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any loss or damage caused by or resulting from any variation, interruption, or failure to such services due to any cause whatsoever. No temporary interruption or failure of such services incident to the making of repairs, alterations, or improvements, or due to accident or strike or conditions or events beyond Landlord's reasonable control shall be deemed an eviction of Tenant or relieve Tenant from any of Tenant's obligations hereunder. Before installing any equipment in the Premises that generates more than a minimum amount of heat, Tenant shall obtain the written permission of Landlord, and Landlord may refuse to grant such permission if the amount of heat generated would place an undue burden on the air conditioning system of the Building. If Tenant uses any high-power-usage equipment in the Premises, Tenant shall in advance, on the first day of each month during the least term, pay Landlord as Additional Rent the reasonable amount estimated by Landlord as the cost of furnishing electricity for the operation of such equipment. The monthly Rent stated in Subsection 1.g hereof does not include any amount to cover the cost of furnishing electricity for such purpose unless so stated herein. Tenant shall pay prior to delinquency all personal property taxes payable with respect to all property of Tenant located on the Premises or the Building and shall provide promptly, upon request of Landlord, written proof of such payment.

  • Availability of Utilities All utility services necessary for the construction of the Improvements will be available prior to the commencement of construction, and all utility services necessary for the proper operation of the Improvements for their intended purposes are available at the Leased Premises or will be available at the Leased Premises prior to the Final Disbursement Date, at commercially comparable utility rates and hook-up charges for the vicinity, including water supply, storm and sanitary sewer facilities, gas, electricity and telephone facilities. Lessee shall furnish evidence of such availability of utilities from time to time at Lessor's request.

  • GOVERNMENT ENERGY OR UTILITY CONTROLS In the event of imposition of federal, state or local government controls, rules, regulations, or restrictions on the use or consumption of energy or other utilities during the Term, both Landlord and Tenant shall be bound thereby. In the event of a difference in interpretation by Landlord and Tenant of any such controls, the interpretation of Landlord shall prevail, and Landlord shall have the right to enforce compliance therewith, including the right of entry into the Premises to effect compliance.

  • Utilities Lessee shall pay for all water, gas, heat, light, power, telephone, trash disposal and other utilities and services supplied to the Premises, together with any taxes thereon. If any such services are not separately metered to Lessee, Lessee shall pay a reasonable proportion, to be determined by Lessor, of all charges jointly metered.

  • Interconnection If Manager desires to interconnect a portion of the Service Area Network with another carrier and Sprint PCS can interconnect with that carrier at a lower rate, then to the extent permitted by applicable laws, tariffs and contracts, Sprint PCS may arrange for the interconnection under its agreements with the carrier and if it does so, Sprint PCS will xxxx the interconnection fees to Manager.

  • Installation and Maintenance of Meters The Servicer shall cause to be installed, replaced and maintained meters in accordance with the Servicer Policies and Practices.

  • Electricity 14.01 Tenant shall obtain electricity for the Demised Premises on a direct meter basis, Tenant shall be responsible for and pay to the applicable utility all charges for electricity as measured by such meter. Landlord shall not in any way be liable or responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage or expense which Tenant may sustain or incur if either the quantity or character of electric service is changed or is no longer available or suitable for Tenant’s requirements. Any additional riser or risers to supply Tenant’s electrical requirements, upon written request to Tenant, will be installed by Landlord, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, unless, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, the same will cause permanent damage or injury to the Building or the Demised Premises or cause or create a dangerous or hazardous condition or interfere with or disturb other tenants or occupants. In addition to the installation of such riser or risers, Landlord will also at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, install all other equipment proper and necessary in connection therewith subject to the aforesaid terms and conditions. Tenant covenants and agrees that at all times its use of electric current shall never exceed the capacity of the feeders to the Building or the risers or wiring installation which Landlord represents is sufficient for ordinary office use. It is further covenanted and agreed by the Tenant that all the aforesaid costs and expenses are chargeable and collectible as Additional Rent and shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord within ten (10) days after the rendering of any xxxx or statement to the Tenant therefor. Tenant shall make no alterations or additions to the electric equipment and/or appliances without the prior written consent of Landlord in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, should electric service be interrupted for a period of more than five (5) consecutive business days through the sole fault of Landlord so as to prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises, Fixed Rent shall xxxxx until such service resumes and Tenant is able to resume the use of at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the Demised Premises. Should such service interruption prevent Tenant from using at least seventy-five (75%) of the Demised Premises for more than sixty (60) days and be due to the sole fault of Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Landlord no later than the seventieth (70th) consecutive day and vacating no later than the ninetieth (90th) consecutive day. TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE for Tenant as to both dates.

  • Record Maintenance The Service Provider shall maintain, and require any third parties with which it contracts to maintain with respect to the Fund’s shareholders holding the Fund’s shares in a Service Provider account (“Customers”) the following records:

  • Electric N/A Electric from Clark from PP6 to DCU-843 2 N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N/A Electric from Clark from PP6 to Feed Tanks 4 N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Electrical During the Term of this Lease, there shall be available to the Leased Premises electrical facilities comparable to those supplied in other comparable office buildings in the vicinity of the Building to provide sufficient power for normal lighting and office machines of similar low electrical consumption, and one personal computer for each desk station, but not for any additional computers or extraordinary data processing equipment, special lighting and any other item of electrical equipment which requires a voltage other than one hundred ten (110) volts single phase and is not typically found in an office, as determined by Landlord in its sole, but reasonable discretion; and provided, however, that if the installation of such electrical equipment requires additional air conditioning capacity above that normally provided to tenants of the Building or above standard usage of existing capacity as determined by Landlord in its sole, but reasonable discretion, then the additional air conditioning installation and/or operating costs attributable thereto shall be paid by Tenant. Tenant agrees not to use any apparatus or device in, upon or about the Leased Premises which may in any way increase the amount of such electricity usually furnished or supplied to the Leased Premises, and Tenant further agrees not to connect any apparatus or device to the wires, conduits or pipes or other means by which such electricity is supplied, for the purpose of using additional or unusual amounts of electricity, without the prior written consent of Landlord. At all times, Tenant’s use of electric current shall never exceed Tenant’s share of the capacity of the feeders to the Building or the risers or wiring installation. Tenant shall not install or use or permit the installation or use in the Leased Premises of any computer or electronic data processing or ancillary equipment or any other electrical apparatus designed to operate on electrical current in excess of 110 volts and 5 amps per machine, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. If Tenant shall require electrical current in excess of that usually furnished or supplied for use of the Leased Premises as general office space, Tenant shall first procure the written consent of Landlord (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) to the use thereof and Landlord or Tenant may (i) cause a meter to be installed in or for the Leased Premises, or (ii) if Tenant elects not to install said meter, Landlord may reasonably estimate such excess electrical current. The cost of any meters (including, without limitation, the cost of any installation) or surveys to estimate such excess electrical current shall be paid by Tenant. Landlord’s approval of any space plan, floor plan, construction plans, specifications, or other drawings or materials regarding the construction of the Tenant Improvements or any alterations shall not be deemed or construed as consent by Landlord under this paragraph to Tenant’s use of such excess electrical current as provided above. Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord, promptly upon demand therefor, all costs of such excess electrical current consumed as calculated by said meters (at the rates charged for such services to the Building by the municipality or the local public utility) or the excess amount specified in said estimate, as the case may be, plus any additional expense incurred in keeping account of the electrical current so consumed, which additional expense Landlord shall advise Tenant within a reasonable time after request by Tenant.

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