Distribution of Surplus. It is understood that surplus accumulations, if any, will be used only for the purpose of reducing premium costs. Surplus accumulations must be disposed of within reasonable time limits. Questions in this respect will be referred to the Joint Welfare Board for decision.
Distribution of Surplus. The current practice for surpluses generated by the Health and Welfare Trust is for both parties to take a contribution holiday. It is agreed that the Union may use employee surpluses or increased employee contributions to improve benefits provided by the Health and Welfare Trust. Such benefits must be pooled separately in such a way that the additional benefits paid for by employees do not impact on the present or future experience of the base plan such that the Company’s present or future costs would be increased.
Distribution of Surplus. The current practice for surpluses generated by the Health and Welfare Trust is for both parties to take a contribution holiday. It is agreed that the Union may use employee surpluses or increased employee contributions to improve benefits provided by the Health and Welfare Trust. Such funds must be pooled separately in such a way that the additional benefits paid for by employees do not impact on the present or future experience of the base plan such that the employer’s present or future costs would be increased. It is understood that surplus accumulations, if any, will be used only for the purpose of reducing premium costs. Surplus accumulations must be disposed of within reasonable time limits.
Distribution of Surplus. The balance of the award in respect of the Unit, if any, shall be distributed to the Owner of the Unit and to each mortgagee of the Unit, the remittance being made payable jointly to the Owner and such mortgagees.
Distribution of Surplus. 8.1 In September of each year the accumulated surplus identified in clause 7.3(b) shall be distributed in accordance with the relevant provisions of this clause 8.
8.2 NOT USED The accumulated surplus identified for distribution in September 2012 shall be distributed to each Member Authority in accordance with clause 8.5.
8.3 NOT USED The accumulated surplus identified for distribution in September 2013 shall be distributed to each Member Authority in proportions calculated using the arithmetic mean of the proportions identified by the distribution method stated in clause 8.5 and proportions identified by the distribution method stated in clause 8.6
8.4 NOT USED The accumulated surplus identified for distribution in September 2014 and in September of each subsequent year during the term of this Agreement shall be distributed to each Member Authority in accordance with clause 8.6.
8.5 NOT USED In respect of clause 8.2 the balance of the accumulated surplus shall be distributed as follows:
a) the proportion of the accumulated surplus identified as arising from sales and receipts generated by transactions other than with a Member Authority shall be divided and distributed between the Member Authorities in equal shares (which for the avoidance of doubt shall be a 25% share for each of the Member Authorities)
b) the amount of the accumulated surplus identified which is attributable to the use of WME (or its predecessor West Mercia Supplies) by transactions with the Member Authorities shall be divided between the Member Authorities in a ratio equal and rounded to the nearest 0.5% percentile equivalent of their respective previous five year purchasing history of each Member Authority from WME (or its predecessor West Mercia Supplies)
8.6 In respect of clause 8.4 t The balance of the accumulated surplus identified for distribution shall be divided and distributed to each Member Authority as follows:
a) each Member Authority shall receive a percentage share of the accumulated surplus identified for distribution arising from transactions with the Member Authorities calculated in accordance with the percentage of the gross profit generated by the receiving Member Authority’s transactions with WME during the financial year prior to the date of distribution; and
b) each Member Authority shall receive 25% of the accumulated surplus identified for distribution generated by transactions with non-Member Authority customers during the financial year prior to the date of dis...
Distribution of Surplus. It is understood that surplus accumulations, if any, will
Distribution of Surplus. In each year the accumulated surplus identified in clause 7.3(b) shall be distributed in accordance with the relevant provisions of this clause 8.
Distribution of Surplus. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Security Documents and to Clause 4.9 and (in the case of approving dividends) to the passing of a resolution of the Shareholders at a General Meeting as described in Clause 7.1, the net cash surplus of the Company (if any) from time to time shall be distributed as follows:
Distribution of Surplus. 10.1. Any dividends of the Company shall, subject to mandatory provisions of Belgian law, be distributed to the Shareholders in proportion to their respective shareholdings from time to time in the Company. The Shareholders undertake to vote in favour of any distribution of dividends by the Company to the extent that the financial means so distributed are not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company (taking into account that part of the Hire to be received by the Company under the Charter was prepaid to the Company) and always provided that any amounts due under the Shareholders Loans have been repaid. In this context, the Shareholders further undertake to repay all debt (including the Shareholders Loans) as soon as possible, taking into account the Company’s financial means not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company (taking into account that a part of the Hire to be received by the Company under the Charter was prepaid to the Company). Any disagreement respecting the question whether the financial means so distributed are not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company, shall be resolved by the Shareholders and subject to the provisions of Article 9.2.
10.2. If the Ship is sold and all liabilities are discharged in respect of the Ship (for sake of clarity including the obligations on the Shareholders Loans and the repayment of any Hire prepaid under the Charter) and the Company, the balance of the funds remaining (after repayment of the Shareholders Loans and possible repayment of prepaid Hire under the Charter) will be distributed to the Shareholders, subject to mandatory provisions of Belgian law.
Distribution of Surplus. 10.1. Any dividends of the Company shall, subject to mandatory provisions of Belgian law, be distributed to the Shareholders in proportion to their respective shareholdings from time to time in the Company. The Shareholders undertake to vote in favour of any distribution of dividends by the Company to the extent that the financial means so distributed are not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company and always provided that any amounts due under the Bonds and any Shareholders Loans have been repaid. In this context, the Shareholders further undertake to repay all debt (including the Bonds) as soon as possible, taking into account the Company’s financial means not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company. Any disagreement respecting the question whether the financial means so distributed are not reasonably required or necessary for the operation of the Company, shall be resolved by the Shareholders and subject to the provisions of Article 10.2.
10.2. If the Ship is sold and all liabilities are discharged in respect of the Ship (for sake of clarity including the obligations on the Bonds) and the Company, the balance of the funds remaining (after repayment of the Bonds) will be distributed to the Shareholders, subject to mandatory provisions of Belgian law.