Distributor may control load Sample Clauses

Distributor may control load. Subject to clause 5.3, the Distributor may control part or all of the Customer’s load (as the case may be) in accordance with this clause 5, Schedule 1, and Schedule 8 if: (a) the Distributor provides a Price Category or Price Option that allows for a non- continuous level of service in respect of part or all of the Customer’s load (a “Controlled Load Option”), and charges the Trader on the basis of the Controlled Load Option in respect of the Customer; or (b) the Distributor provides any other service in respect of part or all of the Customer’s load advised by the Distributor to the Trader from time to time (an “Other Load Control Option”) with respect to the Customer (who elects to take up the Other Load Control Option).
Distributor may control load. If: (a) the Distributor provides a Price Category or Tariff Option for a non-continuous level of service in respect of part of or all of the Consumer’s load (a "Controlled Load Option"), and charges the Retailer on the basis of the Controlled Load Option with respect to the Consumer; or (b) the Distributor provides any other service in respect of part of or all of the Consumer’s load advised by the Distributor to the Retailer from time to time (an “Other Load Control Option”) with respect to the Consumer (who elects to take up the Other Load Control Option), the Distributor may control the relevant part of the Consumer’s load in accordance with clause 6 and schedule 7.
Distributor may control load. Subject to clause 6.3, the Distributor may control part or all of the Customer’s load in accordance with this clause 6 and Schedule 5 if: (a) the Distributor provides a Price Category or Price Option that allows for a non- continuous level of service in respect of part or all of the Customer’s load (a “Controlled Load Option”), and charges the Customer or Retailer (as the case may be) on the basis of the Controlled Load Option; or (b) the Distributor provides any other service in respect of part or all of the Customer’s load advised by the Distributor to the Retailer from time to time (an “Other Load Control Option”) with respect to the Customer (who elects to take up the Other Load Control Option); or (c) notwithstanding clauses 6.2 and 6.3, the Distributor's Network Connection Standards require load control equipment to be fitted to certain connections that are not on a Controlled Load Option so that the load may be controlled by the Distributor to comply with requests and instructions issued by the System Operator when managing System Security or Network system security during a System Emergency Event.
Distributor may control load. Clause 5.1 of the draft DDA states that If the Distributor provides a Price Category or Price Option that provides for a non-continuous level of service by allowing the Distributor to control part or all of the Customer’s load (a “Controlled Load Option”), and the Customer elects to take up the Trader’s corresponding price option that incorporates the Controlled Load Option, the Distributor may control the relevant part of the Customer’s load in accordance with this clause. Xx. Schedule 1 and Schedule 8. In some cases distributors do not have price categories or price options as set out in draft DDA clause 5.1, but do send ripple and other signals which support customer response to dynamic peak pricing signals. The ability for distributors to control load in this dynamic way improves the operational efficiency of the network (and potentially the reliability). The draft DDA could be improved by making it clear that ensuring that this type of dynamic load management was not precluded from occurring under the DDA. If this type of load management was not allowed it would result in reduced efficiency by way of network utilisation.
Distributor may control load. Clause 5.1 of the draft DDA states that if the Distributor provides a Price Category or Price Option that provides for a non-continuous level of service by allowing the Distributor to control part or all of the Customer’s load (a “Controlled Load Option”), and the Customer elects to take up the Trader’s corresponding price option that incorporates the Controlled Load Option, the Distributor may control the relevant part of the Customer’s load in accordance with […]. (emphasis added) This clause seems based on a presumption that the trader will have a corresponding price option. If a trader does not have a corresponding price then it seems that the distributor would not be able to offer this service to customers. This hinders competition and customer choice.

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  • Global Access Transport Charges (U S. Bridged): Per-minute per-bridge port usage charges, based on availability of service, zone and origination access type. Bridging charges are additional and are priced at Customer's applicable Toll Meet Meet-Me Access rate per minute.

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  • Agreement Structure This Agreement includes Part 1 - General Terms, Part 2 - Country-unique Terms (if any), the LI, and the XxX and is the complete agreement between Licensee and Lenovo regarding the use of the Program. It replaces any prior oral or written communications between Licensee and Lenovo concerning Licensee’s use of the Program. The terms of Part 2 may replace or modify those of Part 1. To the extent of any conflict, the LI prevails over both Parts.