Drainage Facilities. Clean and recondition drainage facilities in accordance with T-8310 Ditch Cleaning and T-8340 Drainage Structure Maintenance. Maintain all other structures per 3.1, item 5 above within termini indicated in CT5.31# Summary Table.
Drainage Facilities. DB Contractor shall design and construct all parallel and cross drainage structures for the Project. All drainage facilities within the reconstruction limits shall be new construction.
Drainage Facilities. Drainage structures including energy dissipation devices (rip-rap, drop structures, cut-off walls, etc.), drainage diversion structures, facilities required as part of the environmental mitigation measures, and other drainage channel appurtenances including drainage pipes connecting the brow ditches to the channel, shall be deemed substantially complete for payment of the Base Increment upon the installation thereof as shown on the approved plans and specifications therefore and in accordance with City standard plans and specifications and the verification of such installation by the civil engineer and confirmation of such installation by the Field Inspector.
Drainage Facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for continual inspection of surface drains, V- ditches, located within the landscaped areas. Surface drains shall be checked and maintained free of obstruction and debris at all times to assure proper drainage. Remove any debris or vegetation that might accumulate at the inlet to prevent proper flow of water. See also LITTER CONTROL/DEBRIS REMOVAL Section above. The controlling factor in the performance of water management within the City landscape maintenance area is the application of water to landscape plants at a rate that closely matches the demands of plants with little or no runoff. Plan health, roadway safety and water conservation are the primary reasons for proper irrigation maintenance. Contractor shall maintain strict adherence to specification requirements. The format for inspection and repairs are as follows:
Drainage Facilities. Developer shall dedicate land for and provide drainage improvements as provided in this Section.
Drainage Facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for continual inspection of surface drains, V- ditches, located within the landscaped areas. Surface drains shall be checked and maintained free of obstruction and debris at all times to assure proper drainage. Remove any debris or vegetation that might accumulate at the inlet to prevent proper flow of water. See also LITTER CONTROL/DEBRIS REMOVAL Section above.
Drainage Facilities. Developer shall install all required drainage facilities, in compliance with Mile High Flood District design standards.
Drainage Facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for continual inspection of surface drains, V- ditches, located within the landscaped areas. Surface drains shall be checked and maintained free of obstruction and debris at all times to assure proper drainage. Remove any debris or vegetation that might accumulate at the inlet to prevent proper flow of water. See also LITTER CONTROL/DEBRIS REMOVAL Section above. The Contractor shall compost all appropriate green waste removed from City landscape areas at an approved facility where green waste is converted to a usable soil amendment. If any compost is used in the execution of the landscape maintenance contract, it must be from a facility that receives and composts City of Coachella green waste. Said products shall be approved by the Public Works Director or his designee before use. The Contractor shall submit verification of recycling City of Coachella green waste as part of the Contractor’s monthly report.
Drainage Facilities. Developer shall dedicate easements for and provide drainage improvements as provided in this Section and as required by the conditions of any small lot tentative subdivision map.