Dugouts Sample Clauses

Dugouts. Dugouts are used to protect the players from inclement weather and the sun and to provide an area where they can rest while the opposing team is in the field. Typical dugout structures should be designed to hold a roster of 25 players plus coaches. This would require a dugout to be at least 60 feet long. Some dugouts are totally enclosed while some may have a low fence in front of the dugout, which is highly recommended. This will help to protect the players in the dugout from foul balls and thrown bats. Some dugouts are sunken into the ground by 2-4 steps. This is not required but does provide a more traditional setting. The dugout can be built at field level. The floor of the dugout should be covered with some type of rubber material to provide safe footing to players wearing metal cleats. The installation of bat and helmet racks in the dugout is also helpful to extend the life of the equipment and increase player safety. Coaches’ Boxes There are two coaches’ boxes on the field: one for third base and one for first base. The coaches’ boxes are marked with a white line. The first and third base coaches stand in these areas. The box is located 15 feet from the foul line in foul territory. The box is 20 feet long and the sides of the box are 10 feet long. The box is sometimes closed in the back, toward the baseline fencing. Outfield and Baseline Fencing Chain link fencing is often used to enclose the “perimeter of the field of play” on youth, school and recreational fields. For higher levels of play, the outfield fencing may be made from metal sheets or wood and is padded with 3-inch thick foam. This provides the player with a sense of security allowing him or her to pursue difficult plays without the threat of being injured. Baseline and outfield fencing is required. A field that is completely enclosed by fencing also facilitates on-going maintenance by discouraging or limiting the use of the field for activities that may be harmful to the turf. The average height of the perimeter fencing is 8 feet; however, 4-6 foot fencing is often used on recreational fields. The age group served by the field, player safety and field security should be considered when determining the appropriate height of the outfield and baseline fencing. Protective fence cap is also installed on chain link fencing for player safety. This product is made of plastic and is attached to the top of the fence. All unattached or curled chain link fabric should be reattached to the rails or r...
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Dugouts. The Leagues shall maintain all improved dugouts, including paved surfaces in the dugouts.

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  • Pendahuluan Semakin tahun semakin besar kebutuhan akan tanah, baik untuk kepentingan pembangunan perumahan atau gedung maupun untuk pelaksanaan usaha, termasuk usaha pertanian, sedangkan tanah 1 Xxxxx Xxxxxx,XX.XX. adalah Xxxxx Xxxxx III Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi xxx Xxxxx Tetap PS. Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Batanghari Jambi. kosong yang tersedia sudah semakin sedikit xxx tidak pula memiliki tanah sendiri. Dikarenakan tanah sendiri tidak ada atau sangat kecil sedangkan kebutuhan untuk usaha sangat besar, maka diperlukan pihak xxxx xxxx memiliki lahan tanah yang luas untuk menggunakan tanahnya. Pihak yang membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas untuk usahanya tidak hanya orang perorangan melainkan juga suatu badan usaha. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan lahan tanah yang cukup luas untuk usahanya di kabupaten Muaro Jambi adalah PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama. Perusahaan ini membutuhkan lahan tanah yang luas guna usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dari usaha yang dilakukan, akhirnya PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama mendapatkan lahan tanah yang diinginkannya dengan menggunakan tanah xxxxx masyarakat kecamatan Xxxx Xxxx. Penggunaan tanah masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx untuk keperluan usaha perkebunan PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama bukanlah terjadi dengan sendirinya xxx penguasaan semena-mena, melainkan diawali dengan suatu perjanjian kepada xxxxx masyarakat pemilik tanah tersebut. Perjanjian yang diadakan antara PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dengan masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx adalah perjanjian penggunaan tanah untuk keperluan usaha, yang dituangkan dalam surat perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian yang diadakan, ditentukan xxx xxx kewajiban masing-masing pihak, umumnya hak dari pihak PT. Era Sakti Wiraforestama dapat menggunakan tanah milik masyrakat adat untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunannya hingga jangka waktu yang ditentukan dengan kewajiban membayar sejumlah harga dari hasil perkebunan yang dilakukan xxx mengembalikan pengelolaan tanah tersebut kepada xxxxx masyarakat adat pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu perjanjian. Sedangkan hak masyarakat adat selaku pemilik tanah selain mendapatkan bagian hasil perkebunan juga mendapatkan tanahnya kembali setelah berakhirnya perjanjian. Dikarenakan penggunaan tanah untuk usaha perkebunan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, maka banyak terjadi perubahan- perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kadangkala tidak diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat, sehingga merugikan xxxxx masyarakat itu sendiri. Dengan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian tanpa diketahui oleh pihak xxxxx masyarakat adat Xxxx Xxxx, timbulah berbagai permasalahan berupa :

  • DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ (a) The Institution acknowledges and agrees that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all discoveries, inventions, technologies, results, Study Data, information, know-how, copyright work, concepts or ideas, whether or not patentable, created, developed, conceived or reduced to practice in connection with the (a) Zdravotnické zařízení uznává a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem objevům, vynálezům, technologiím, výsledkům, Studijním údajům, informacím, know- how, autorskému dílu, koncepcím a nápadům, ať už patentovatelným či nikoli, vytvořeným, vyvinutým, vynalezeným nebo uvedeným do conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Investigational Medicinal Product, together with all intellectual property rights relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”). The Institution, via Investigator, shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel. All Intellectual Property and any information with respect thereto shall be Confidential Information subject to the obligations set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement. praxe v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a (nebo) používáním Hodnoceného léčivého přípravku společně s právy duševního vlastnictví s nimi souvisejícími („Duševní vlastnictví“). Zdravotnické zařízení prostřednictvím Hlavního zkoušejícího bude neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvořeném Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a (nebo) Studijním personálem. Veškeré Duševní vlastnictví a jakékoli informace s ním související budou Důvěrnými informacemi, na něž se vztahují povinnosti stanovené v článku 3 této Smlouvy.

  • Platby In consideration for the proper performance of the Study by Site in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment A, with the last payment being made after the Site completes all its obligations hereunder, and IQVIA and/or Sponsor have received all properly completed CRFs and, if IQVIA and /or Sponsor requests, all other Confidential V souvislosti s řádným plněním Studie Místem provádění klinického hodnocení, a to v souladu s podmínkami a ustanoveními této Smlouvy, budou poskytovány platby dle podmínek a ustanovení definovaných v Příloze A, přičemž poslední platba bude uskutečněna poté, co Místo provádění klinického hodnocení splní a dokončí veškeré závazky, jež mu vyplývají z této Smlouvy, a IQVIA a/nebo Zadavatel obdrží veškeré Information (as defined below). řádně vyplněné CRF a, bude-li tak IQVIA a/nebo Zadavatel vyžadovat, veškeré další Důvěrné informace (ve smyslu níže uvedené definice). The estimated value of financial payment under this Agreement shall be approximately CZK 90.199. Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle této Smlouvy činí přibližně 90.199 Kč.

  • Welder (a) The Welder shall when issued a specific job assume the role of a Welder and representative of the Employer and take the initiative to perform the work, according to the best practice of this industry. Where circumstances are beyond his or her control he or she shall immediately advise the Employer.

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