CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 0%. The student engagement requirement of this Contract is 0 hours. The Career Education requirement for this Contract is 0 hours. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 0% per 12 month term. The paid student employment requirement of this Contract is on a sliding scale based on compensation per 12 month term: Expenditure Range Student Employment $0 - $49,999 0 $50,000 - $74,999 100 $75,000 - $199,999 200 $200,000 - $399,999 300 $400,000 - $599,999 400 $600,000 - $799,999 600 $800,000 - $999,999 800 $1,000,000 < 900. The student career awareness requirement for this Contract is 10 hours per 12 month term. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 0% per 12 month term. The paid student employment requirement of this Contract is 400 hours per 12 month term. The student career awareness requirement for this Contract is 10 hours per 12 month term. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 25%. The Career Education requirement for this Contract is 10 hours. The student engagement requirements are on a sliding scale based on annual contract expenditures as follows: Expenditure Range Student Employment $0 - $49,999 0 $50,000 - $74,999 100 $75,000 - $199,999 200 $200,000 - $399,999 300 $400,000 - $599,999 400 $600,000 - $799,999 600 $800,000 - $999,999 800 $1,000,000 < 900 Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement, student engagement requirement, and Career Education requirement for this Contract is as stated in Appendix G. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 0%. The paid student employment requirement of this Contract is 0 how-s. The student career awareness requirement for this Contract is 0 homs. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set fo1ih in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby inco1-porated by reference.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. It is a requirement of this contract, that the vendor provide service for 100% of the vehicle requests. In no case should a government employee utilizing this contract be turned away. Should the Primary vendor run-out of vehicles (no vehicles exist on the lot), the Primary vendor must refer the government employee to the Secondary vendor. The State will periodically review reports to determine if the Primary and Secondary vendors are in compliance. EXHIBIT B SPECIAL DEFINITIONS & CONDITIONS
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB rcquncmcnt on tins Contract 1s 0% The �tudcnl engagement 1cqu11cmcnt of tinsContract 1s 300 horns "I he Carcc1 Educal1on 1equi1cment f01 thisContract 1� 10 hollls. Fa1lmc to achieve these icquiremcnts may icsult 111 the application ofsome ot all ofthe sancttons set fotth 111 Adm111ist1at1ve Policy 3.10, which 1s hc1cby 111co1po1atcd by 1efc1cncc.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 0%. The student engagement requirement of this Contract is 1200 hours per 36 month contract term. The Career Education requirement for this Contract is 30 hours per 36 month contract term. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference. Addendum to Urban Ecology Center Blanket Contract Renewal The Urban Ecology Center is committed to providing high-quality environmental education programs through our Neighborhood Environmental Education Project. We have enjoyed the strength of our partnership with Milwaukee Public Schools and look forward to continued commitment and engagement with students at Milwaukee Public Schools. In an effort to provide further context, below is a breakdown of annual program rates and capacity, along with an overview funding support for total program costs.
1. Annual program rates and capacity The Urban Ecology Center cost for services are based on a per program rate. The rate increases annually to offset the cost of inflation. We will also be increasing our capacity to serve more schools during the course of this contract. As we transition out of pandemic program regulations, we will be gradually increasing our capacities at each branch during the 2022- 2023 and 2023-2024 school years. During the 2024-205 school year, we will be able to increase the number of schools served at our Washington Park Branch due to the completion of a building renovation project. Each school is able to book approximately 24 programs a year based on our current program model. We will work with each school individually to create an annual program schedule that meets the needs of their teachers and students, which may include a full day field trip that is the equivalent of two programs. Year # Schools Approx. # programs per school Total # of programs Cost per program Total MPS Cost 2022-2023 31 24 744 $235 $174,840 2023-2024 33 24 792 $250 $198,000 2024-2025 35 24 840 $265 $222,600 $595,440
2. Funding support for total program costs
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. The HUB requirement on this Contract is 1% per 12-month term, applicable to professional services labor; however, should a recognized HUB firm provide hardware of software, HUB credit is allowable. The student engagement requirement of this Contract is 400 hours per 12-month term. The Career Education requirement for this Contract is 10 hours per 12-month term. Failure to achieve these requirements may result in the application of some or all of the sanctions set forth in Administrative Policy 3.10, which is hereby incorporated by reference.