Duties and Responsibilities of the Department Chairperson. (a) The duties of the department chairperson in departments with four (4) to six (6) full-time equivalent members of the Faculty (including the department chairperson) shall constitute one three-credit hour course per semester.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Department Chairperson. (a) The duties of the department chairperson in departments with four (4) to six (6) full-time equivalent members of the Faculty (including the department chairperson) shall constitute one three-credit hour course per semester; department chairs with seven (7) to 10 full-time equivalent members of the Faculty (including the department chairperson) shall constitute one four-credit hour course per semester; department chairs with more than 10 full-time equivalent members of the Faculty (including the department chairperson) shall constitute one five-credit hour semester. It is further agreed that any combination of adjunct/part-time faculty teaching a full-time equivalency, i.e., 12 credit hours, shall constitute one (1) full- time faculty member which will be included in the calculation of the aggregate full-time equivalency formula referenced above for the awarding of course release for department chairs. In addition to the course release time cited above, department chairpersons will receive a two thousand dollars ($2,000) stipend for each academic semester served (fall and spring). Compensation for the fall shall be paid at the end of January and compensation for the spring shall be paid at the end of June.