EC Fees Sample Clauses

EC Fees. Sponsor shall reimburse Institution for EC fees in connection with the Study listed in the attached Budget. If Institution will be using the central EC, Sponsor will pay Institution’s EC fees directly to the central EC designated by Sponsor for the Study and will not reimburse Institution for EC fees incurred in connection with the Study. 7. Poplatky pro etickou komisi. Zadavatel nahradí zdravotnickému zařízení poplatky pro etickou komisi ve spojitosti se studií uvedené v přiloženém rozpočtu. Pokud zdravotnické zařízení použije ústřední etickou komisi, zadavatel zaplatí poplatky zdravotnického zařízení pro etickou komisi přímo ústřední etické komisi, kterou zadavatel určí pro studii, a nenahradí zdravotnickému zařízení poplatky etické komisi ve spojitosti se studií.
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EC Fees. N. Další náklady Další náklady budou hrazeny v níže uvedené výši za každý případ. Podmínkou úhrady je předložení originálu faktury společnosti DrugDev a případných dalších informací, které bude společnost IQVIA požadovat k řádnému doložení úkonu. Na originálu faktury musí být uvedeno pacientovo číslo a datum vyšetření. Další náklady Náklady/jednotka (včetně režijních nákladů)
EC Fees. All fees related to Ethics Committees (MEC and LEC) and Regulatory Authority (RA) are paid by PPD and/or Sponsor apart from this Agreement or Exhibit 1. Ďalšie priebežné náklady súvisiace so skúšaním: Ďalšie priebežné náklady súvisiace s klinickým skúšaním, ako sú definované v rozpočte – Príloha 1, sa uhradia zdravotníckemu zariadeniu na základe doručenej faktúry. Other pass through costs: Other incurred pass through costs as defined in the study Exhibit 1 – Budget will be paid to the Institution upon receipt of invoice notification to Sponsor/PPD of full execution of the Agreement. Porušenie protokolu: Platby nebudú uhradené v prípade, že pacienti sú zaradení do klinického skúšania v rozpore s protokolom, ktorý spôsobila chyba na strane zdravotníckeho zariadenia alebo hlavného skúšajúceho. Protocol Violations: No payment will be provided in the event subjects are enrolled in violation of the Protocol due to the fault of Institution or Principal Investigator. Dodanie vybavenia: Dodávatelia určení zadávateľom a PPD môžu zdravotníckemu zariadeniu dodať vybavenie určené na používanie počas vykonávania klinického skúšania. Toto vybavenie sa vráti dodávateľovi, ktorého určil PPD alebo zadávateľ, po dokončení klinického skúšania. Ak zdravotnícke Equipment Allocation: Sponsor designated vendors and PPD may provide equipment to the Institution to use during the performance of the Study. This equipment will be returned to the PPD or Sponsor designated vendor upon completion of the Study. If Institution or Investigator does not return the equipment, the zariadenia alebo skúšajúci vybavenie nevrátia, z koncovej platby sa odpočíta skutočná trhová hodnota tohto vybavenia. Ak koncová platba nepokrýva celkové náklady na skutočnú trhovú hodnotu vybavenia, za úhradu zvyšku nákladov v prospech zadávateľa/PPD nesie zodpovednosť centrum. fair market value of the equipment will be deducted from the final payment. If the final payment does not cover the entire cost of the equipment fair market value, the site will be responsible for reimbursing Sponsor/PPD for the remainder of the cost. Koncová platba: Koncová platba, ktorá zahŕňa aj nevyplatených pätnásť (15) percent, je splatná po dokončení záverečnej návštevy a po prijatí nasledovného: (i) kompletnej dokumentácie klinického skúšania, (ii) na vlastnú zodpovednosť prepočítaného počtu balení nepoužitého skúšaného liečivo, (iii) všetkých vyplnených a správnych záznamov CRF/námietok, (iv) všetkých žiadostí o objasnenie, o ktoré p...
EC Fees. Sponsor shall reimburse Provider for EC fees in connection with the Study listed in the attached Budget. If Provider will be using the central EC, Sponsor will pay Provider’s EC fees directly to the central EC designated by Sponsor for the Study and will not reimburse Provider for EC fees incurred in connection with the Study.
EC Fees. Central and local Ethics Committee fees will be paid directly by CRO/Pfizer unless otherwise specified herein. Odměna EK: Poplatky centrální a lokální etické komisi budou hrazeny přímo CRO/společností Pfizer, pokud v tomto dokumentu není specifikováno jinak. Invoices & Payments: Email invoices, in English, to: the Grants Management mailbox below: Faktury a platby: Faktury v anglickém jazyce zašlete e-mailem oddělení Grants Management (správa grantů) na adresu: Please indicate following on the Subject line: Sponsor name; Study Protocol #, Project code # 00XXX0000 and PI name Do předmětu zprávy uveďte následující: jméno zadavatele; č. Protokolu studie, kód projektu 00XXX0000 a jméno Hlavního zkoušejícího Correspondence should be addressed to the Grants Management mailbox below: Email Korespondence musí být adresována oddělení Grants Management na adresu: Email: Please indicate following on the Subject line: Sponsor name; Study Protocol #, Project code # Do předmětu zprávy uveďte následující: jméno zadavatele; č. Protokolu studie, kód 00XXX0000 and PI name projektu 00XXX0000 a jméno Hlavního zkoušejícího Invoices should not be submitted until approval has been received from CRO and/or Pfizer to begin enrollment. Invoices will not be paid until such time. If invoices are received prior to approval to begin enrollment, they will not be processed and payment will be delayed. Faktury by neměly být předkládány, dokud neobdržíte souhlas CRO a/nebo společnosti Pfizer se zahájením náboru subjektů. Do takového okamžiku faktury nebudou propláceny. Pokud budou přijaty faktury před souhlasem se zahájením náboru, nebudou zpracovány a platba bude opožděna. For any costs not in Exhibit 1, do not submit invoices until a budget modification letter or contract amendment has been received. To expedite payment, such invoices can be accompanied by a copy of the amendment. Za náklady neuvedené v příloze č. 1 nepředkládejte faktury, dokud neobdržíte dopis o úpravě rozpočtu nebo dodatek ke Smlouvě. K urychlení plateb by k fakturám měla být přiložena kopie takového dodatku. The following information must be included on all invoices: • Invoice numberInvoice date • CZK amount of invoice • Principal Investigator NameInstitution NameProtocol Number • CRO project NumberDate of event (visit or procedure as ap...
EC Fees. IRB costs will be reimbursed directly to the IRB by CRO on a pass-through basis upon receipt of invoice and are not included in the attached Budget. Any subsequent re-submissions or renewals, upon approval by CRO and Sponsor, will be reimbursed upon receipt of invoice.
EC Fees. I. POPLATEK EK: Local and central EC fees will be reimbursed directly by CRO/Sponsor unless otherwise specified herein. Poplatek lokální a centrální EK bude uhrazen přímo CRO/zadavatelem, pokud v tomto dokumentu není specifikováno jinak.
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Related to EC Fees

  • ATM Fees If you use an ATM to obtain a cash advance and the ATM is not operated by us, you may be charged an ATM surcharge by the ATM operator or an ATM network utilized for such a transaction. The ATM surcharge may be charged to your account if you complete the transaction.

  • SaaS Fees You agree to pay us the SaaS Fees. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicing and Payment Policy. The SaaS Fees are based on the number of Defined Users and amount of Data Storage Capacity. You may add additional users or additional data storage capacity on the terms set forth in Section H(1). In the event you regularly and/or meaningfully exceed the Defined Users or Data Storage Capacity, we reserve the right to charge you additional fees commensurate with the overage(s).

  • Monthly Fees ACS will xxxx Customer each month during the term of this Agreement based on number of "Actions" which occurred during the prior month. The definition of "Actions" and fees for each Action will be documented in each Task Order. Customer shall cause ACS to be paid the foregoing fees on a monthly basis within thirty (30) days of ACS' delivery of an invoice for the preceding month's Actions.

  • Support Fees The payment as provided on the applicable Order or on AvePoint’s invoice to Customer is payable prior to the commencement of any services hereunder. In the event of on-site services requested by Customer, Customer agrees to reimburse AvePoint for any and all pre-approved or reasonable and necessary direct expenses incurred by AvePoint for purposes of performing such on-site services (including travel and living expenses). Where an annual payment for multi-year Support Terms has been agreed between the Parties, AvePoint, within its reasonable discretion, shall invoice the Customer approximately forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of each annual period. Due dates and late payment consequences shall apply as set forth in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Agreement.

  • Admin Fees 5.5.1 If, in any rolling three (3) Month period, two (2) or more MI Failures occur, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that the Authority shall have the right to invoice the Supplier Admin Fees and (subject to paragraph 5.5.2 below) in respect of any MI Failures as they arise in subsequent Months.

  • Applicable Fees 48.1. CONTRACTOR shall not charge any clients or third-party payers any fee for service unless directed to do so by the Director at the time the client is referred for services. When directed to charge for services, CONTRACTOR shall use the uniform billing and collection guidelines prescribed by DHCS.

  • Program Fees Stripe will provide the Issuing Platform Services to you and the Stripe Issuing Services to Stripe Issuing Accountholders at the rates and for the fees described on the Stripe Pricing Page, unless you and Stripe otherwise agree in writing. In addition to the fees, you are also responsible for any penalties imposed on you or Stripe in relation to your use of the Issuing Platform Services. Fees and penalties may include periodic fees, foreign transaction fees, penalties for misuse, funds transfer fees, account maintenance fees, Card issuance or replacement fees, and penalties for late or failed payments. All fees or penalties you owe are in addition to amounts owed for Card Transactions and Card accounts associated with each Stripe Issuing Account. Stripe may change fees or penalties by providing Stripe Issuing Accountholder advance notice before revisions become applicable to Stripe Issuing Accountholder, subject to Law.

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