Electronic Documents We may make periodic statements, disclosures, notices, and other documents available to you electronically, and, subject to any delivery and receipt verification procedures required by law, you agree to receive such documents electronically and to check the statements for accuracy. If you believe any such statement contains incorrect information, you must follow the procedures set forth in the Related Agreement(s).
Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records The Parties consent to the use of electronic signatures. The Agreement, and any other documents requiring a signature hereunder, may be signed electronically by the Parties in the manner specified by any applicable City regulation, rule, and/or ordinance. The Parties agree not to deny the legal effect or enforceability of the Agreement solely because it is in electronic form or because an electronic record was used in its formation. The Parties agree not to object to the admissibility of the Agreement in the form of an electronic record, or a paper copy of an electronic document, or a paper copy of a document bearing an electronic signature, on the ground that it is an electronic record or electronic signature or that it is not in its original form or is not an original.
Electronic Backups Subrecipient shall ensure that all electronic information is protected by performing regular backups of automated files and databases and ensure the availability of information assets for continued business. Subrecipient shall ensure that all data, files, and backup files are encrypted.