Electronic prescriptions Sample Clauses
Electronic prescriptions. A prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or appliances by means of an electronic prescription if the prescription is not:
Electronic prescriptions. 21.1 A Prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or Appliances by means of an Electronic Prescription if:
21.1.1 the Contractor holds a contract with a primary care trust which is specified in directions issued by the Secretary of State under section 17 of the Act as being a primary care trust which can authorise its contractors to use the ETP service;
21.1.2 the Patient to whom the prescription relates has:
(a) nominated one or more Dispensers in his NHS Care Record;
(b) confirmed that he intends to use that Dispenser (or one of them) for the purposes of obtaining the drugs, medicines or Appliances ordered on the Electronic Prescription in question; and
(c) consents to the use of an Electronic Prescription on the particular occasion; and
21.1.3 the Electronic Prescription is not:
(a) for a controlled drug within the meaning of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, other than a drug which is for the time being specified in Schedules 4 or 5 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001;
(b) for the supply by instalments under Clause 20.6; or
(c) a bulk prescription issued for a school or institution under Clause 29.
21.2 In relation to a Patient who is a Child or an adult incapable of nominating a Dispenser, Clause 21.1.2 shall apply as if the reference to the Patient to whom the prescription relates included a reference to:
21.2.1 in the case of a Child that Patient's Parent or other person referred to in paragraph 14(4)a of the National Health Service (Personal Medical Services Agreements) Regulations 2004; or
21.2.2 in the case of an adult, that Patient’s relative, Primary Carer, a donee of a lasting power of attorney granted by that person or a deputy appointed for that person by the court under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
21.3 A Prescriber who orders drugs, medicines or Appliances by means of an Electronic Prescription shall:
21.3.1 in the case of an Electronic Repeatable Prescription, issue the Patient with a form provided by the Co-ordinating Commissioner for the purpose of recording details of that Electronic Repeatable Prescription and linked to that Electronic Repeatable Prescription by a number contained on the form; and
21.3.2 in the case of an Electronic Prescription Form, issue the Patient, if he so requests, with a written record of the prescription which has been created.
Electronic prescriptions. A new fee of $0.15 per transaction will be paid to pharmacists for dispensing of PBS, RPBS and undercopayment prescriptions that are generated electronically by prescribers, equating to $75.5m over the life of the Fifth Agreement. The fee will offset some of the costs charged to pharmacists by prescription exchange service providers which is currently approximately $0.25 per prescription. The fee will only be paid for: • each electronic prescription generated electronically by prescribers, processed through a prescription exchange service in accordance with the specifications of the National e-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) and claimed for by community pharmacy using PBS Online; and • f NEHTA specifications change or a Commonwealth approved individual electronic health record becomes available, the criteria may be reviewed, in the interests of obtaining as much information as possible about dispensed prescriptions. Having a secure system for the electronic transmission of prescriptions is a critical step in the Government’s e-health agenda. In the initial stages the paper prescription will continue to be provided, however, this initiative is a large step in the move to a paper-free health care environment. Additionally, electronically processed prescriptions can decrease prescription interpretation and transcription errors, and therefore increase patient safety. The CSO arrangements were introduced as part of the Fourth Agreement to ensure the timely supply of PBS medicines to community pharmacies across Australia. Through the CSO payments are made to eligible pharmaceutical wholesalers (called CSO distributors) who meet the CSO requirements, which assist in making it commercially viable for CSO distributors to supply the full range of PBS medicines across Australia in a timely way. Funding of $949.5m will be provided for the CSO funding pool over the life of the Fifth Agreement, compared to $663.4m over the life of the Fourth Agreement. Savings of $19.2m will be obtained by not applying indexation in 2010-11. The Department may make administrative changes during the Fifth Agreement to improve the efficiency of the CSO, including extending invitations to wholesalers to apply to participate.
Electronic prescriptions. 14.3.1. A prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or appliances by means of an
(a) the Board authorises the Contractor to use the Electronic Prescription Service;
(b) the patient to whom the prescription relates has—
Electronic prescriptions. 14.3.1 A prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or appliances by means of an electronic prescription if:
a) the Department authorises the Contractor to use the Electronic Prescription Service;
b) the patient to whom the prescription relates has:
i) nominated one or more dispensers;
ii) confirmed the intention to use that dispenser (or one of them) for the purposes of obtaining the drugs, medicines or appliances ordered on the electronic prescription in question; and
iii) consented to the use of an electronic prescription on the particular occasion; and
c) the prescription is not:
i) for a controlled drug within the meaning of section 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1976 (which relates to controlled drugs and their classification for the purposes of that Act), other than a drug which is for the time being specified in Schedules 2 to 5 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001(of Parliament) (as applied to the Island by the Misuse of Drugs (Miscellaneous Enactments) (Application) Order 2013; or
ii) bulk prescription issued for a school or institution under clauses 14.8.1 to 14.8.3.
14.3.2 A health care professional may not order home oxygen services by means of an electronic prescription.
14.3.3 In relation to a patient who is a child or an adult who lacks capacity to nominate a dispenser, clause 14.3.1(b) applies as if the reference to the patient to whom the prescription relates included a reference to:
a) Where the patient is a child: i) either parent, or in the absence of both parents, the guardian or other adult who has care of the patient.
Electronic prescriptions. Electronic Prescription Fees continue to be paid through approved pharmacists for the first year, after which payments will be made directly to Prescription Exchange Service providers.
Electronic prescriptions. 277A. A prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or appliances by means of an electronic prescription if— 277A.1. the Contract is with a Primary Care Trust which is specified in directions issued by the Secretary of State under section 17 of the Act as being a Primary Care Trust which can authorise its Contractors to use the ETP service;
Electronic prescriptions. Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada uses electronic prescriptions to manager your medications.
Electronic prescriptions. A prescriber may only order drugs, medicines or appliances by means of an electronic prescription if— the Board authorises the Contractor to use the Electronic Prescription Service; the patient to whom the prescription relates has— nominated one or more dispensers; confirmed that he intends to use that dispenser (or one of them) for the purposes of obtaining the drugs, medicines or appliances ordered on the electronic prescription in question; and consents to the use of an electronic prescription on the particular occasion; and the prescription is not— for a controlled drug within the meaning of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, other than a drug which is for the time being specified in Schedule 4 or 5 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001; for supply by instalments under clause 14.2.12; or
Electronic prescriptions. County and any Subcontractors who may issue prescriptions under Business & Professions Code § 4040(a) shall have the capacity to prescribe electronically and shall issue electronic prescriptions in accordance with Business & Professions Code § 688.