Emergency Medical Service Incentive Pay. Each Fire Fighter and Captain will receive incentive pay after being certified as an EMT IV, AEMT, or Paramedic (as defined by state law) by the State of Washington and certified by the Yakima County Medical Program Director. The Fire Chief, in their sole discretion, will determine how many certified employees there will be at each level subject to budgetary determinations by the City. Employer will pay the overtime rate for any training the employee is required to attend off duty in order to obtain or maintain an EMT IV, AEMT, or Paramedic certification. The Fire Chief or designee may grant compensatory time or authorize overtime for non- mandatory training that occurs off duty. The Fire Chief or designee may authorize payment of training class fees for higher levels of certifications that are not required for employment but that are of benefit to the city. Bargaining unit employees who have been certified and who meet the requirements promulgated by the Washington State Department of Health and the Yakima County Medical Program Director will be paid the special pays stated in Appendix “A" for any of the following described medical service levels of proficiency, to-wit: