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For more information visit our privacy policy.Emergency Response Partners must develop, maintain, and carry out a response plan for public water system emergencies, including disease outbreaks, spills, operational failures, and water system contamination. Partners must notify DWS in a timely manner of emergencies that may affect drinking water supplies.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Response (applicable to any Party and any subcontractors and sub-grantees whose employees or other service providers deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services): Party shall establish a written workplace violence prevention and crisis response policy meeting the requirements of Act 109 (2016), 33 VSA §8201(b), for the benefit of employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party shall, in preparing its policy, consult with the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Services Workers, as those guidelines may from time to time be amended. Party, through its violence protection and crisis response committee, shall evaluate the efficacy of its policy, and update the policy as appropriate, at least annually. The policy and any written evaluations thereof shall be provided to employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party will ensure that any subcontractor and sub-grantee who hires employees (or contracts with service providers) who deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services, complies with all requirements of this Section.
COMPLIANCE WITH BREACH NOTIFICATION AND DATA SECURITY LAWS Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the New York State Information Security Breach and Notification Act (General Business Law § 899-aa and State Technology Law § 208) and commencing March 21, 2020 shall also comply with General Business Law § 899-bb.
Rectification of Safety Hazard Where, because of the existence of a safety hazard, a site has been stopped for a defined period of time and Employees sent off site by agreement between Site Managers and any combination of Union Official/s, Health and Safety Committee, those people who remain on site to do rectification work will be paid at the rate of double time for all such work.
Contingent Emergency Response 1. In order to ensure the proper implementation of contingent emergency response activities under Part 4 of the Project (“Contingent Emergency Response Part”), the Recipient shall ensure that: (a) a manual (“CERC Manual”) is prepared and adopted in form and substance acceptable to the Association, which shall set forth detailed implementation arrangements for the Contingent Emergency Response Part, including: (i) any structures or institutional arrangements for coordinating and implementing the Contingent Emergency Response Part;
COMPLIANCE WITH NEW YORK STATE INFORMATION SECURITY BREACH AND NOTIFICATION ACT Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the New York State Information Security Breach and Notification Act (General Business Law Section 899-aa; State Technology Law Section 208).
Authorization to Release and Transfer Necessary Personal Information The Grantee hereby explicitly and unambiguously consents to the collection, use and transfer, in electronic or other form, of the Grantee’s personal data by and among, as applicable, the Company and its Subsidiaries for the exclusive purpose of implementing, administering and managing the Grantee’s participation in the Plan. The Grantee understands that the Company may hold certain personal information about the Grantee, including, but not limited to, the Grantee’s name, home address and telephone number, date of birth, social security number (or any other social or national identification number), salary, nationality, job title, number of Award Units and/or shares of Common Stock held and the details of all Award Units or any other entitlement to shares of Common Stock awarded, cancelled, vested, unvested or outstanding for the purpose of implementing, administering and managing the Grantee’s participation in the Plan (the “Data”). The Grantee understands that the Data may be transferred to the Company or to any third parties assisting in the implementation, administration and management of the Plan, that these recipients may be located in the Grantee’s country or elsewhere, and that any recipient’s country (e.g., the United States) may have different data privacy laws and protections than the Grantee’s country. The Grantee understands that he or she may request a list with the names and addresses of any potential recipients of the Data by contacting his or her local human resources representative or the Company’s stock plan administrator. The Grantee authorizes the recipients to receive, possess, use, retain and transfer the Data, in electronic or other form, for the sole purpose of implementing, administering and managing the Grantee’s participation in the Plan, including any requisite transfer of such Data to a broker or other third party assisting with the administration of Award Units under the Plan or with whom shares of Common Stock acquired pursuant to the vesting of the Award Units or cash from the sale of such shares may be deposited. Furthermore, the Grantee acknowledges and understands that the transfer of the Data to the Company or to any third parties is necessary for the Grantee’s participation in the Plan. The Grantee understands that the Grantee may, at any time, view the Data, request additional information about the storage and processing of the Data, require any necessary amendments to the Data or refuse or withdraw the consents herein by contacting the Grantee’s local human resources representative or the Company’s stock plan administrator in writing. The Grantee further acknowledges that withdrawal of consent may affect his or her ability to vest in or realize benefits from the Award Units, and the Grantee’s ability to participate in the Plan. For more information on the consequences of refusal to consent or withdrawal of consent, the Grantee understands that he or she may contact his or her local human resources representative or the Company’s stock plan administrator.
Agency Response a. OGS will consider all information relevant to the Formal Dispute, and may, in its discretion, suspend, modify, or cancel the disputed procurement/Contract action prior to issuance of a Formal Dispute decision. b. OGS reserves the right to require the filer to meet or participate in a conference call with OGS to discuss the Formal Dispute when, in its sole judgment, circumstances so warrant. c. OGS reserves the right to waive or extend the time requirements for decisions and final determinations on appeals herein prescribed when, in its sole judgment, circumstances so warrant. d. OGS reserves the right to consider or reject the merits of any Formal Dispute.
BREACH DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATION 17 1. Following the discovery of a Breach of Unsecured PHI, CONTRACTOR shall notify 18 COUNTY of such Breach, however both parties agree to a delay in the notification if so advised by a 19 law enforcement official pursuant to 45 CFR § 164.412. 20 a. A Breach shall be treated as discovered by CONTRACTOR as of the first day on which 21 such Breach is known to CONTRACTOR or, by exercising reasonable diligence, would have been 22 known to CONTRACTOR. 23 b. CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have knowledge of a Breach, if the Breach is 24 known, or by exercising reasonable diligence would have known, to any person who is an employee, 25 officer, or other agent of CONTRACTOR, as determined by federal common law of agency. 26 2. CONTRACTOR shall provide the notification of the Breach immediately to the COUNTY 27 Privacy Officer. CONTRACTOR’s notification may be oral, but shall be followed by written 28 notification within twenty four (24) hours of the oral notification. 29 3. CONTRACTOR’s notification shall include, to the extent possible: 30 a. The identification of each Individual whose Unsecured PHI has been, or is reasonably 31 believed by CONTRACTOR to have been, accessed, acquired, used, or disclosed during the Breach; 32 b. Any other information that COUNTY is required to include in the notification to 33 Individual under 45 CFR §164.404 (c) at the time CONTRACTOR is required to notify COUNTY or 34 promptly thereafter as this information becomes available, even after the regulatory sixty (60) day 35 period set forth in 45 CFR § 164.410 (b) has elapsed, including: 36 1) A brief description of what happened, including the date of the Breach and the date 37 of the discovery of the Breach, if known; 1 2) A description of the types of Unsecured PHI that were involved in the Breach (such 2 as whether full name, social security number, date of birth, home address, account number, diagnosis, 3 disability code, or other types of information were involved); 4 3) Any steps Individuals should take to protect themselves from potential harm 5 resulting from the Breach; 6 4) A brief description of what CONTRACTOR is doing to investigate the Breach, to 7 mitigate harm to Individuals, and to protect against any future Breaches; and 8 5) Contact procedures for Individuals to ask questions or learn additional information, 9 which shall include a toll-free telephone number, an e-mail address, Web site, or postal address. 10 4. COUNTY may require CONTRACTOR to provide notice to the Individual as required in 11 45 CFR § 164.404, if it is reasonable to do so under the circumstances, at the sole discretion of the 12 COUNTY. 13 5. In the event that CONTRACTOR is responsible for a Breach of Unsecured PHI in violation 14 of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, CONTRACTOR shall have the burden of demonstrating that 15 CONTRACTOR made all notifications to COUNTY consistent with this Subparagraph F and as 16 required by the Breach notification regulations, or, in the alternative, that the acquisition, access, use, or 17 disclosure of PHI did not constitute a Breach. 18 6. CONTRACTOR shall maintain documentation of all required notifications of a Breach or 19 its risk assessment under 45 CFR § 164.402 to demonstrate that a Breach did not occur. 20 7. CONTRACTOR shall provide to COUNTY all specific and pertinent information about the 21 Breach, including the information listed in Section E.3.b.(1)-(5) above, if not yet provided, to permit 22 COUNTY to meet its notification obligations under Subpart D of 45 CFR Part 164 as soon as 23 practicable, but in no event later than fifteen (15) calendar days after CONTRACTOR’s initial report of 24 the Breach to COUNTY pursuant to Subparagraph F.2. above. 25 8. CONTRACTOR shall continue to provide all additional pertinent information about the
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Contractor understands that HHS does not tolerate any type of fraud, waste, or abuse. Violations of law, agency policies, or standards of ethical conduct will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 321.022, if the administrative head of a department or entity that is subject to audit by the state auditor has reasonable cause to believe that money received from the state by the department or entity or by a client or contractor of the department or entity may have been lost, misappropriated, or misused, or that other fraudulent or unlawful conduct has occurred in relation to the operation of the department or entity, the administrative head shall report the reason and basis for the belief to the Texas State Auditor’s Office (SAO). All employees or contractors who have reasonable cause to believe that fraud, waste, or abuse has occurred (including misconduct by any HHS employee, Grantee officer, agent, employee, or subcontractor that would constitute fraud, waste, or abuse) are required to immediately report the questioned activity to the Health and Human Services Commission's Office of Inspector General. Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and System Agency policies regarding fraud, waste, and abuse including, but not limited to, HHS Circular C-027. A report to the SAO must be made through one of the following avenues: ● SAO Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT ● SAO website: xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/ All reports made to the OIG must be made through one of the following avenues: ● OIG Toll Free Hotline 0-000-000-0000 ● OIG Website: XxxxxxXxxxxXxxxx.xxx ● Internal Affairs Email: XxxxxxxxXxxxxxxXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx ● OIG Hotline Email: XXXXxxxxXxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx. ● OIG Mailing Address: Office of Inspector General Attn: Fraud Hotline MC 1300 P.O. Box 85200 Austin, Texas 78708-5200