AGREEMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES AND SUBCONTRACTORS Grantee shall have written, binding agreements with its employees and subcontractors that include provisions sufficient to give effect to and enable Grantee’s compliance with Grantee’s obligations under this Article VI.
Agreements with Employees and Subcontractors Grantee shall have written, binding agreements with its employees and subcontractors that include provisions sufficient to give effect to and enable Grantee’s compliance with Grantee’s obligations under this Article VI, Intellectual Property.
Claims by Employees and Insurance Each Party shall be solely responsible for and shall bear all of the costs of claims by its own employees, contractors, or agents arising under and covered by, any workers' compensation law. Each Party shall furnish, at its sole expense, such insurance coverage and such evidence thereof, or evidence of self-insurance, as is reasonably necessary to meet its obligations under this Agreement.
Reasonable Accommodation for Applicants / Employees with Disabilities The contractor must be familiar with the requirements for and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and all rules and regulations established there under. Employers must provide reasonable accommodation in all employment activities unless to do so would cause an undue hardship.
Loss of Seniority and Employment A Nurse shall lose both Seniority and employment in the event that: (a) The Nurse is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated. (b) The Nurse resigns or retires from employment. (c) After recall, the Nurse fails to notify the Employer as set out in lay off provisions unless such notice was not reasonably possible. (d) The Nurse is laid-off for more than two (2) years, subject to lay off provisions. (e) The Nurse is absent from work for three (3) consecutive scheduled shifts or more without sufficient cause or without notifying the Employer, unless such notice was not reasonably possible. (f) A Nurse who retires from employment loses employment and Service, but if within six months of the retirement, the Nurse returns to work in any Bargaining Unit represented by the Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union, the Nurse will maintain the Seniority the Nurse had prior to retirement and may accumulate additional Seniority on either a Casual or Regular basis depending on the status of the appointment after retirement. (g) The Nurse fails to return from an approved leave of absence, without notifying the Employer unless such notice was not reasonably possible or takes unauthorized employment while on an approved leave of absence.
Employee Entitlements while on Worker’s Compensation If an Employee is absent from work and is in receipt of worker’s compensation, the Employee’s contract of employment shall remain intact during the period of absence, the Employer shall continue to make contributions on behalf of the Employee to all the Employee Entitlement Funds as outlined in clauses 20 to 23 (inclusive) of this Agreement. The Employee shall also continue to accrue all appropriate leave entitlements for the entire period for which worker’s compensation is in receipt.
Employment with Subsidiaries Employment with the Company for purposes of this Agreement shall include employment with any Subsidiary.
MANAGEMENT OF THE BUSINESS Pursuant to Section 00-00-000 of the Act, and as stated in its Articles, the Company’s day to day affairs are managed by the Member. The Member is responsible for the daily operations of the business.
LAYOFFS AND RECALLS (a) Employees will be laid off in reverse order of seniority whenever there is a reduction of employees in the bargaining unit. The only exception to this provision is when the client requests in writing that a specific security guard be retained at their site. Guards can bump due to (1) loss of site, (2) being bumped by a senior guard, (3) client removal for non-disciplinary reasons, (4) return from approved leave of absence or (5) loss of position on a site. (b) The Company shall notify employees whose position is to be eliminated due to the loss of work at a specific site or the loss of the entire site at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date of termination of the position. Such employee will be entitled to bump junior employees at other sites in order to maintain employment and status. The company will meet with the affected employee and their Union representative as quickly as possible after notification in order to allow the employee to review options and make an informed decision where they wish to bump into. The parties will attempt to place the security guard into an alternate site where said guard will not lose any days of pay, but in no event, will the placement, or bumping take more than five (5) working days (no more than five (5) unpaid days). If an employee is not slotted into their new position within said five (5) working days, the company will provide payment in lieu of work. During the up to five (5) days waiting period, the employee will be entitled to be on top of the spare board list if they so desire. (c) The Company shall generally give notice of recall by registered mail to the last recorded address of the employee. The employee shall keep the Company informed of the employee's present address of location where he may be reached. The employee who fails to do so shall forfeit his right of recall. (d) If, within one (1) calendar day from the receipt of such notice, the employee accepts the recall, the job will be held open for one (1) calendar day from the day of the employee's acceptance. In the event that such recalled employee is employed elsewhere at the time of recall, the Company will hold the position vacant for two (2) weeks if the Company has received appropriate advance notice from its client. (e) In circumstances where the Company must fill vacant positions without delay, the Company shall give notice of recall by telephone until able to find a qualified employee who is prepared to report to work immediately. (f) If the employee declines the position, or fails to respond to the notice within one (1) calendar day from the date of receipt of the original notice, or fails to report to work within the time period outlined above, such employee shall be considered to have resigned and shall forfeit his recall rights. Should such employee be prevented from returning to work due to illness or accident he shall retain his recall rights and the Company shall be at liberty to recall another employee. The employee shall be required to show proof of such illness or accident.
Medical Care Leave An Employee who is unable to make the necessary arrangements for maintenance of personal health care outside of scheduled work time, shall be granted time off with pay. Such time off shall not exceed sixteen (16) working hours per calendar year. Hours in excess of sixteen (16) hours per calendar year shall be deducted from the Employee's sick leave accumulation.