Loss of Seniority and Employment Sample Clauses
Loss of Seniority and Employment. A Nurse shall lose both Seniority and employment in the event that:
(a) The Nurse is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated.
(b) The Nurse resigns or retires from employment.
(c) After recall, the Nurse fails to notify the Employer as set out in lay off provisions unless such notice was not reasonably possible.
(d) The Nurse is laid-off for more than two (2) years, subject to lay off provisions.
(e) The Nurse is absent from work for three (3) consecutive scheduled shifts or more without sufficient cause or without notifying the Employer, unless such notice was not reasonably possible.
(f) A Nurse who retires from employment loses employment and Service, but if within six months of the retirement, the Nurse returns to work in any Bargaining Unit represented by the Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union, the Nurse will maintain the Seniority the Nurse had prior to retirement and may accumulate additional Seniority on either a Casual or Regular basis depending on the status of the appointment after retirement.
(g) The Nurse fails to return from an approved leave of absence, without notifying the Employer unless such notice was not reasonably possible or takes unauthorized employment while on an approved leave of absence.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. An employee shall cease to have seniority rights and Employee status with the Employer and shall be terminated for all purposes for any one of the following reasons:
Loss of Seniority and Employment. A Nurse shall lose both Seniority and employment in the event that:
(a) The Nurse is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated.
(b) The Nurse resigns or retires from employment.
(c) After recall, the Nurse fails to notify the Employer as set out in Article
Loss of Seniority and Employment. Seniority shall be lost and employment shall cease if the employee:
(a) is dismissed for just cause and is not reinstated by agreement of the parties or by virtue of an award by an arbitrator;
(b) retires;
(c) resigns;
(d) on the recall list fails, without valid reason, to report to work within five (5) days following the sending of a written notice of recall to the employee’s last known address and a copy to the Union;
(e) is laid off for a period of twelve (12) months;
(f) fails, without valid reason, to return to work from an authorized leave of absence for a period of five (5) consecutive days following the expiry of such leave;
(g) is subject to layoff and accepts in writing any NAV CANADA departure incentive program which may have been offered to the employee by NAV CANADA.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. 10.01 The seniority rights and employment of any employee shall cease for any of the following reasons:
(a) If an employee voluntarily quits the employ of the Employer or retires;
(b) If an employee is discharged for just cause and such employee is not reinstated pursuant to the provisions of the grievance procedure;
(c) If an employee abandons work without permission and without properly calling in for a period of more than three (3) consecutive working days, and does not provide satisfactory reason for both the failure to report for work and the failure to call-in;
(d) If an employee fails to report for work in accordance with a notice of recall seven (7) days after a registered mailing of such notice, without satisfactory reason;
(e) If an employee is laid off for a period in excess of a twenty-four (24) month period, is not recalled and is provided with any severance and notice required;
(f) If an employee fails to report for work upon the expiration of any leave of absence, without satisfactory reason;
(g) If an employee works at other employment during a leave of absence without permission.
(h) Accepts an offer of employment to any position not covered by this collective agreement.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. A Nurse shall lose both Seniority and employment in the event that:
(a) The Nurse is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated.
(b) The Nurse resigns from employment.
(c) The Nurse retires from employment subject to Article 11.04(f).
(d) After recall, the Nurse fails to notify the Employer as set out in Article 11.32 unless such notice was not reasonably possible.
(e) The Nurse is laid-off for more than fifteen (15) months without recall as per Article 32.18.
(f) A Nurse who retires from employment loses employment and Service, but if within six (6) months of the retirement, the Nurse returns to work at the NSHA or IWK the Nurse will maintain the Seniority the Nurse had prior to retirement and may accumulate additional Seniority on either a Casual or permanent basis depending on the status of the appointment after retirement.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. An employee shall lose seniority standing, his or her name shall be removed from all seniority lists and employment deemed to be terminated for any of the following reasons:
(1) If the employee voluntarily quits.
(2) If the employee is discharged and is not reinstated.
(3) If an employee fails to return to work on the date indicated in the return to work notice he/she shall be deemed to have abandoned their position and to have forfeited his/her right to recall. It is agreed that the employer shall provide at least 5 days notice of recall to employees. If an employee is available for work within the 5 days and if the employer has a position available, nothing will prevent the employee from assuming his/her job prior to the recall date provided in the notice.
(4) If the employee has been on layoff for lack of work for a period of more than twelve (12) consecutive months.
(5) If the employee is absent without permission for three (3) consecutive working days, unless he or she has a reasonable and justifiable explanation for the absence.
(6) Subject to a person’s rights under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Workers’ Compensation Act, when an employee is absent from work for six (6) months.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. An employee loses her seniority and employment in the following cases:
Loss of Seniority and Employment. An employee shall lose seniority and employment in the event that:
(a) the employee is discharged for just cause and not reinstated;
(b) the employee resigns;
(c) the employee is struck from the recall list in accordance with Article 34.17;
(d) the employee is laid off for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive months without recall.
(e) the employee has been appointed in an acting capacity to a position excluded from the bargaining unit for a period in excess of twenty four (24) months, in accordance with Article 35.12(d). In the event that an appointment to a position outside the bargaining unit is to be longer than specified above, extensions shall only be permissible with the agreement of the Employer and the Union.
Loss of Seniority and Employment. An employee shall lose both seniority and employment in the event that:
(a) The employee is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated.
(b) The employee resigns or retires from employment.
(c) After recall, the employee fails to notify the Employer within forty eight (48) hours of recall of the employee’s intention to return to work within two (2) weeks, unless such notice was not reasonably possible.
(d) The employee is laid off for more than one (1) year.