Escalation of Issues. Parents are never permitted to address the coach outside of the Player’s Escalation Policy. If concerns or problems still exist, they will be addressed in the following order:
a. Athlete / Coach b. Athlete / Parent/Guardian / Coach c. Athlete / Parent/Guardian / Coach / Director Finally, a commandment to grow on: Enjoy your athlete and her play as well as the other players on the team and their families! Time flies quickly through the season. Make the most of each game if she has a good game – GREAT! If she has a poor game, it’s still OK as there was something to be learned! Etiquette for Supporters/Fans - Understand that your coach/coaches are very aware of the rules of this game, and have the intent to ensure the team follows the rules so that we are not penalized. This means that the coach/coaches need you to understand the rules of the game as well. Take time to review the U.S.A. Volleyball rules which can be found at ● Review and understand the DALLAS ARSENAL VOLLEYBALL CLUB Player Policies. ● Understand the USAV rules. ● Quality practice time is guaranteed but playing during tournaments is NOT guaranteed. Players must work to earn Game Play time. ● Cheer the team on even when you’re athlete isn’t on the court. ● NEVER approach the coach at practice, tournaments, or league games to discuss issues or your athlete’s play time. Parents must follow the Player Escalation of Issues Policy to address issues (Player Policy #15). Remember, your player must be the first to approach the coach about the issue. ● NEVER approach the player’s bench (or the opponent’s). ● NEVER approach the scorekeeper’s desk at any time and do not try to correct the score by xxxxxxx at the scorekeeper. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that the score is kept accurately and questioned when necessary. Would you want other parent’s yelling at your athlete while she’s trying to accurately keep a complicated score sheet? ● NEVER attempt to correct a call by the referees or argue with their call. Again, this is the coach’s responsibility. If you don’t understand a call, ask the coach after the team has left the court. If a parent/guardian displays inappropriate behavior, the coach will ask the parent/guardian to change their behavior. If the inappropriate behavior continues, they may be asked to leave the Club Event. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will not be allowed to attend Events and/or the player may be removed from the DA...
Escalation of Issues. 1. Should the PEC be unable to resolve a dispute among the parties regarding PSIP, the parties may appeal the unresolved issue to the County Manager, the Town Manager and the Sheriff for resolution. If the Managers and the Sheriff are unable to come to a resolution, the final decision on resolving a dispute will be with the County Manager.
Escalation of Issues. Any potential conflict between the MoJ and the PPO should be attempted to be resolved through ongoing dialogue and/or at the quarterly sponsorship meetings. There may, however, be a need for intervention outside of this monitoring framework, in circumstances where: either party considers that the other does not comply with this protocol or that there is a real risk to the operational independence of the PPO; there are early indications that a risk of material failure may occur in the operation of the PPO and the judgement of the PPO or the MoJ is that additional input or resource beyond that available to the PPO is needed to prevent the risk materialising; the financial performance of the PPO is deteriorating and there are significant concerns within MoJ Group Finance over financial control; and broadly, an adverse situation arises which the National Audit Office, on behalf of Parliament, may in the public interest be asked to investigate. This could include a situation beyond poor financial control, poor performance or issues relating to regularity or propriety.
Escalation of Issues. Discuss any question, concern or problem with one of the coaches immediately. Do not let the stress or frustration of an issue continue, as it usually only makes the issue worse. Xxxxxxxx request to speak in private with your coach either between matches or before or after practices. Addressing issues during a match is inappropriate. Explain the issue or concern in a calm manner. Listen to the response given by the coach. If concerns or problems still exist, they will be addressed in the following order:
a. Athlete / Coach b. Athlete / Parent/Guardian / Coach c. Athlete / Parent/Guardian / Coach / Director
Escalation of Issues. Any Party may give notice to other Parties of a dispute under this Agreement at any time as outlined in sections 54-56 of the Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth and South Australia. Designated officials of the relevant Parties will attempt to resolve any dispute in the first instance, through the South Australian Bilateral Steering Committees for transition and relevant multilateral officials groups. If the issue cannot be resolved by officials, it may be escalated to the relevant Ministers and, if necessary, the Disability Reform Council, or equivalent Ministerial Council and Council of Australian Governments (COAG).
Escalation of Issues. For any issue that arises, please follow the following process in sequential order:
Escalation of Issues. Any potential conflict between the MoJ and the Lay Observers Chair should be attempted to be resolved through ongoing dialogue and/or at the quarterly Business Assurance Meetings. There may, however, be a need for intervention outside this framework, in circumstances where:
Escalation of Issues. Any Party may give notice to other Parties of a dispute under this Agreement. Officials of relevant Parties will attempt to resolve any dispute in the first instance, through bilateral steering committees for transitioning sites and relevant multilateral officials groups. If the issue cannot be resolved by officials, it may be escalated to the relevant Ministers and, if necessary, the Disability Reform Council or equivalent Ministerial Council and COAG.
Escalation of Issues. In the event that, during the course of inspection and/or review activities, a member of staff of RQIA becomes aware of any issue which presents an immediate risk to a service user and has the potential to cause significant harm, the staff member will bring this to the attention of the appropriate person in line with the RQIA enforcement policy.