EXTENDED SERVICE Upon application, a military leave of absence (without pay) will be granted to employees who are employed in other than temporary positions. This applies to employees who are inducted through Selective Service, or voluntary enlistment, or if the employee is called through membership in the National Guard or reserve component into the Armed Forces of the United States. A position “other than temporary” is one that at the time of hire was expected to be continuous for an indefinite term and was not limited to a specific, brief, and non-recurrent period.
Scheduled Downtime For the purposes of this Agreement, Scheduled Downtime will mean those hours, as determined by us but which will not occur between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday without your authorization or unless exigent circumstances exist, during which time we will perform scheduled maintenance or adjustments to the Environment. We will use our best efforts to provide you with at least twenty-four (24) hours of notice prior to scheduling Scheduled Downtime.
Included Services If any services, functions, or responsibilities not specifically described in this Agreement are an inherent, necessary, or customary part of the Services or are required for proper performance or provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, such services, functions, or responsibilities are deemed to be included within the scope of the Services to be delivered for the Charges, as if such services, functions, or responsibilities were specifically described in this Agreement.
Excluded Services All Coverage Types
Extended Illness Sick leave for extended illness (5 or more days) will be paid only during the time period in which a physician certifies the employee to be physically or mentally disabled, and only to the extent of the number of days accumulated.
Service Period The Service Period of this Agreement is for 1 year in respect of the unit and starts on the Start Date as defined in the Terms and Conditions, or, in the case of an extension of renewal of the provision of Support Services, starts on the date of payment of the Charges.
Extended Sick Leave When sick leave extends for more than 25 consecutive working days, the appointing authority shall initiate the following procedure:
EPP service availability Refers to the ability of the TLD EPP servers as a group, to respond to commands from the Registry accredited Registrars, who already have credentials to the servers. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. An EPP command with “EPP command RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. If 51% or more of the EPP testing probes see the EPP service as unavailable during a given time, the EPP service will be considered unavailable.
INTERIM MAINTENANCE PERIOD During the interim maintenance period between obtaining of the completion certificate of such Project and formation and operationalization of the Association the Promoter shall through itself or through a facility management company to run, operate, manage and maintain the Common Areas. The Promoter shall endeavour that the committee responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas will be required to provide manpower for maintaining the Common Areas, wherever required, and to collect maintenance charges and also guest charges and the user charges for the utilities being provided on “pay by use” basis, if any. The maintenance and management of Common Areas by the committee will primarily include but not limited to maintenance of water works, common electrical installations, DG Sets, landscaping, driveways, parking areas, lobbies, lifts and staircases, AMC’s etc. It will also include safety and security of the Project such as fire detection and protection and management of general security control of the Project. The Rules/ Bye Laws to regulate the use and maintenance of the Common Areas shall during the interim maintenance period shall be framed by the Promoter with such restrictions as may be necessary for proper maintenance and all the Allottees are bound to follow the same. After the Common Areas of the Project are handed over to the Association, the Association may adopt the Rules and the Bye laws framed by the Promoter, with or without amendments, as may be deemed necessary by the Association.
Service Term XOOM agrees to act as your exclusive natural gas supplier and will provide competitive retail natural gas service to you. The term of this Contract will begin when your local utility switches your account to XOOM and will continue on a month-to-month basis as set forth in the accompanying Product Sheet.