SERVICE STIPEND. The Board of Education shall additionally pay to each eligible retiree a post- retirement service stipend for each year of full-time teacher service (or equivalent thereof) in District 106 of $550 per year of service, up to $20,000. This service stipend will not be due, owing or payable until after the teacher has retired and received his or her final paycheck for regular earnings.
SERVICE STIPEND. A. By separate contract, employees who meet criteria identified below shall receive a service stipend to perform any of the following responsibilities: 1. Curriculum consultant; 2. Mentor employee; 3. Co-curricular assignment; 4. Staff development; 5. Or other responsibilities approved by the building or District administrators. B. Procedures: Present employees who will have completed twenty five (25) or more years of service in the State of Washington at the end of 2017-2018 school year shall be paid a one (1) year, one (1) time only service stipend in the amount of three thousand three hundred ninety five and 58/100 ($3,395.58).
SERVICE STIPEND. For the term of this agreement employees that have completed 10 years or more of service with the District as of July 1 of the contract year will receive a “Service Stipend” amount (paid with the December payroll each year) in accordance with the following table: 10-14 years $600 15-19 years $700 20-24 years $800 25 years or more $1,000 * Classified staff members employed by the District as of July 1, 2015 who opted for the Early Retirement Benefit and are no longer eligible to receive such benefit shall be eligible for the Service Stipend Amount based on their years of completed service.
SERVICE STIPEND. A. An employee legally separating from the District with 15 or more years of continuous service in the District, will be paid a length of service stipend amounting to .006 times the employee's annual salary at the time of retirement, times the employee's years of service. B. If an employee has 15 or more years of service in the District but dies before the severance payment is made, said payment shall be paid to the beneficiaries or the estate of the deceased.
SERVICE STIPEND. A post-retirement service bonus shall be paid to eligible retirees in the month of January following the Teacher’s retirement date. The amount of the bonus will be determined by the total number of years of full-time, continuous teaching employment in the District at the time of retirement. The service bonus shall be calculated as follows: In the event the compensation to which a Teacher would otherwise be entitled under the provisions of this agreement in each of the years prior to retirement hereunder is less than the 6% stipend noted above, the Board will deduct from the amount represented by the service bonus noted here, sufficient dollars to raise said Teacher’s creditable earnings to the required 6% level. Such deductions will be reflected in percentage increases to the Teacher’s non-enhanced creditable earnings for each year such enhancement is required to reach the 6% figure (difference between 6% and the negotiated increases). All such percentage increases will be added and then the sum will be subtracted from the relevant “Percent of Final Year’s Salary”, as noted above, to determine the final amount of the service stipend, if any (see examples in Appendix J). Any dollars remaining from the service bonus calculation thereafter, shall be the property of the Teacher and paid as a post-retirement bonus as noted above.
SERVICE STIPEND. As a benefit of voluntary retirement for teachers who qualify as provided above, the Board will pay the teacher a service recognition stipend of $1,000 for each full year of teaching service in District 25. In the event the compensation to which a teacher would otherwise be entitled under the provisions of this Agreement in each of the years prior to retirement hereunder is less than six percent (6%), the Board will deduct sufficient dollars from this service recognition stipend to increase the teacher’s TRS creditable earnings by six percent (6%) over the teacher’s prior year’s reported TRS creditable earnings for each remaining year of the teacher’s employment in the District. This increase would occur beginning in the school year in which the teacher gives notice of retirement as noted above. A retiring teacher may receive no more than four (4) years of six percent (6%) creditable earnings increases under this program. A retiring teacher xxx instead choose to receive this benefit as a lump-sum post-retirement payment in the January immediately following retirement. In the event the amount of the service recognition stipend exceeds the amount necessary to increase a teacher’s TRS creditable earnings by six percent (6%) for each remaining year of a teacher’s employment in the District, the remainder of the service recognition stipend will be paid to the teacher post retirement in the January immediately following retirement. A teacher for whom an extra-duty stipend or payment was part of the teacher’s creditable earnings in the school year prior to the school year in which retirement notice is given, and who gives up the duty in any year prior to retirement, will have the stipend or payment for such duty subtracted from creditable earnings before the relevant six percent (6%) increase is applied. Under no circumstance may a participating teacher receive a creditable earnings increase exceeding six percent (6%) over the prior year’s creditable earnings.
SERVICE STIPEND. ‌ A. By separate contract, employees who meet criteria identified below shall receive a service stipend to perform any of the following responsibilities:
SERVICE STIPEND. During any semester in which an employee teaches a course at SFAI, they shall receive a special stipend in the amount of $125 for providing any of the following services: (a) Employees teaching in a given semester may be asked to provide 1 guest lecture in another instructor's course without additional compensation. If an employee is asked to provide more than 1 guest lecture in a given semester, they shall receive the stipend; (b) Participation as a critic in Senior Review Seminar.
SERVICE STIPEND. During any semester in which an employee teaches a course at SFAI, they shall receive a special stipend in the amount of $500 if appointed by the Xxxxxxx or designee to serve as Chair of an MA Thesis Committee. Only Senior Lecturers are eligible to be selected as MA Thesis Committee Chairs. If a Senior Lecturer is already serving as the instructor of record for the MA Thesis Course, then that individual is considered a Reader on the MA Thesis Committee of all students enrolled in the course and as a result, that individual shall not be entitled to this service stipend.
SERVICE STIPEND. The Board encourages continuity, stability, and loyalty in employees. A stipend will be awarded to employees after five (5) full fiscal years of service are completed. After the fifth (5th) year, full-time employees will receive sixty-five dollars ($65) per year, and part-time employees will receive thirty- two dollars and fifty cents ($32.50) per year, for every full year of work finished. To qualify as a full year of service an employee must have been hired before November 1 of the fiscal year.