Fill Material Sample Clauses
Fill Material. Unless site characteristics dictate otherwise, fill material within surface waters or wetlands shall be sand, gravel, rock, or other clean material with a minimum potential to degrade water quality and shall be obtained from a state-authorized source.
Fill Material. Fill materials placed in the stream channel shall be adequate to withstand high stream flow and shall consist of clean, non-erodible, silt-free material. All fill material shall be free from any substance or material deleterious to fish and wildlife (e.g., corrosive, combustible, noxious, or reactive materials). Permittee shall not use asphalt, rebar, or concrete as fill material.
Fill Material. The type of soil utilized for fill shall have shearing, slumping, and similar characteristics necessary to support the structure intended. Fill materials that may present a water quality problem on site or within the surrounding area, due to their physical characteristics or contamination from oil, industrial waste or similar pollutants, shall not be permitted.
Fill Material. (i) All fill material whether such material is brought from outside borrow areas or excavation within the site, will be subject to Engineer's approval. Notwithstanding any approval given to the fill material or borrow areas from which fill material is proposed to be brought, the Engineer reserves the right to reject such material which in his opinion either does not meet the specification requirements or unsuitable for the purpose for which it is intended.
(ii) It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to locate suitable borrow areas for borrowing fill material. Such areas will be inspected by Engineer and approved before Contractor makes arrangements to borrow the fill material. The top soil which may contain vegetation, rubbish, slush, etc. shall not be used. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange to have trial pits of specified dimensions and numbers dug at locations specified, for the Engineer to examine the nature and type of material likely to be obtained from the borrow areas.
(iii) The borrowed soil shall be generally granular, and non-cohesive. It shall consist of sand, silty sand, morrum, ordinary soil, gravel and shingle. Dredged material, free from clayey deposit, may be accepted. Fill material shall also be free from sulphates, salts, organic, foreign and other harmful or objectionable materials. Any material rejected by the Engineer shall be removed from the site immediately.
(iv) Roads, of a temporary nature, required to be constructed for access and for movement of men, materials, equipment, transport vehicles, vehicles carrying fill material, etc. to or over borrow areas and/or to or over areas on which fill has to be deposited shall be constructed by the Contractor. Such access roads shall be maintained in good condition during all seasons to ensure completion of the work according to the time schedule.
Fill Material. The Landlord currently has dirt stockpiled on Landlord’s other property located within the City of Palm Coast. If requested by Xxxxxx, Landlord will provide and transport a minimum of 15,000 cubic yards and up to 20,000 cubic yards of the stockpiled dirt, in “as is” condition to the Premises at no cost to Tenant in order to facilitate the construction of the Project. Nothing in this section shall be construed to compel the Landlord to purchase dirt or fill material in order to meet the commitments made herein.
Fill Material. Customer shall not transport any material to the Facility other than the material from the site listed below (“Fill Material”) unless transport of such other material is authorized pursuant to this Agreement or a separate Canyon Pit Disposal Agreement. The following information describes the source of the Fill Material (the “Site”) being placed by Customer at the Facility: Property Owner: Material Description:
Fill Material. Fill material shall be coarse sand to gravelly coarse sand and as specified in the latest edition of the Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules or as shown on the plans.
Fill Material. Paragraph 10 of the Encroachment Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: City agrees to clean up and repair all damages to the Easement resulting from City work on or across the Easement and to restore the Easement as close as reasonably practicable to the condition prior to any work undertaken by the City. Any fill material shall be free of organics, roots, metals, rocks, and other foreign debris.
Fill Material. A. Clean fill material for excavation backfill shall consist of granular soil, free of organic, deleterious materials, clay lumps and hazardous substances or waste material defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Section 3010 and Parts 261, as amended. In addition, embankment material shall consist of suitable earth material such as loam, clay, or other materials as approved by the State.
B. Contaminated fill material for excavation backfill shall consist of granular soil, free of organic, deleterious materials, clay lumps and hazardous substances or waste material defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 40 C.F.R. Part261, as amended, except as allowed by 30 T.A.C. Chap. 334, Subchap. K, Storage, Treatment, and Reuse procedures for Petroleum-Substance Contaminated Soil, as may be amended. However, the State reserves the right to reject such reuse of soils on a case by case basis. In addition, embankment material shall consist of suitable earth material such as loam, clay, or other materials as approved by the State.
C. Fill material shall meet the requirements of Item 132 (Embankment) from the State’s Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges (2014): Property Test Method Specification Limit Liquid Limit Tex-104-E ≤ 40 Plasticity Index (PI) Tex-106-E 3 – 25
A. Place select fill material in excavation in maximum loose lifts not to exceed 10 inches. Use Tex-114-E to determine the maximum dry density (Da) and optimum moisture content (Wopt). Field density determination to be made in accordance with the following requirements of Test Method TEX‑115‑E, Table 2, Field Density Control Requirements: .
Fill Material. Existing fill material in the crossing shall be excavated down vertically to the approximate original channel and outwards horizontally to the approximate crossing hinge points (transition between naturally occurring soil and remnant temporary crossing fill material) to remove any potential unstable debris and voids in the older fill prism.