Finalized Draft. The Chair of the PacMtn Board of Directors (or designee) must circulate the finalized MOU and secure Partner signatures. The WIOA MOU will be considered fully executed once all signatories have reviewed and signed, and a signed copy has been returned to all Parties. (No later than March 10th, with Signatures due no later than March 31st)
Finalized Draft. The Region VI Workforce Development Board Chair (or designee) must circulate the finalized MOU and secure Partner signatures within two (2) weeks of receipt of feedback. The WIOA MOU will be considered fully executed once all signatories have reviewed and signed, and a signed copy has been returned to all Parties. If determined that a Partner is unwilling to sign the MOU, then the Region VI Workforce Development Board Chair (or designee) must ensure that the dispute resolution process is followed.
Finalized Draft. The WDB will secure Partner signatures within four (4) weeks of circulation of the final agreement. The MOU will be considered fully executed once all signatories have reviewed and signed, and a signed copy has been returned to the WDB. If determined that a Partner is unwilling to sign the MOU, then the WDB must ensure that the dispute resolution process is followed. Dispute Resolution The following section details the dispute resolution process designed for use by the Partners when unable to successfully reach an agreement necessary to execute the MOU. A disagreement is considered to have reached the level of dispute resolution when an issue arises out of the development and negotiation of an MOU that is not easily coming to a point of resolution. It is the responsibility of the WDB to coordinate the MOU dispute resolution to ensure that issues are being resolved appropriately. Any party to the MOU may seek resolution under this process.
Finalized Draft. The BGWIB Chair (or designee) must circulate the finalized MOU and secure Partner signatures within four (4) weeks of receipt of feedback. The WIOA MOU will be considered fully executed once all signatories have reviewed and signed, and a signed copy has been returned to all Parties. If determined that a Partner is unwilling to sign the MOU, then the BGWIB Chair (or designee) must ensure that the dispute resolution process is followed. Modification Process
Finalized Draft. ETR circulated the finalized MOU II and secured AJCC Partner’s signatures within four (4) weeks of receipt. The MOU II will be considered fully executed once all signatories have reviewed and signed, and a signed copy has been returned to all Parties. If a determination has been made that an AJCC Partner is unwilling to sign the MOU II, then the XXX WDB Chair (or designee) must notify the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and Regional Advisor that the XXX WDB was unable to negotiate the IFA with all of the required AJCC Partners, will not submit the signed agreement by January 1, 2018, and may trigger the State Funding Mechanism.