Purpose of this MoU Sample Clauses

Purpose of this MoU. This MoU defines the cooperation between the Parties in pursuit of the development and implementation of a new joint master’s level study programme titled “European Master in particle Physics and Accelerator Technologies for Research and Industry” (EMPATRI), focused on the scientific fields of high-energy particle physics and high-energy particle physics instrumentation. The steps required for the attainment of the general purpose, are outlined in the following clauses of this MoU, as well as its annexes. Any additional steps, activities, responsibilities, and deliverables will be articulated in a separate written contract, or an amendment to this MoU. Any such documentation will be signed by an authorised representative of each party.
Purpose of this MoU. 2.1 This MoU governs deployment and exploitation of the WLCG. It defines the programme of work to be carried out and the distribution of duties and responsibilities of the Parties as well as the Computing Resource Levels they will offer to the LHC Experiments. It sets out organisational, managerial and financial guidelines to be followed by the WLCG Collaboration and defines the status of staff working for a Member of the WLCG Collaboration at CERN, the legal framework applicable to the contribution and creation of intellectual property, and the mechanism for resolution of disputes. It also sets out the mechanism by which the motivated requests of the LHC Experiments are reviewed annually on the advice of an independent, impartial and expert body (see paragraph 7.2 below), and by which any mismatches with the pledged Computing Resource Levels are identified for action. 2.2 The LCG project Phase 2 is executed in the framework of the CERN scientific programme, as approved by the CERN Council. The provisions of this MoU are complemented by the bilateral Agreements (including Protocols) concluded between CERN and Member State and/or non-Member State Institutes, which shall be without prejudice to the performance of this MoU.
Purpose of this MoU. The purpose of this MOU is to define the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of the parties with regard to providing certain services for all elections. This MOU supersedes any other agreement between the parties related to the matters covered by this MOU.
Purpose of this MoU. 2.1. The Purpose of this MoU is to clarify how the Parties will meet their respective obligations under Data Protection Legislation in relation to the processing of Personal Data as necessary to meet the requirements of the Air Quality Regulations. It explains how the parties will co-operate to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation.
Purpose of this MoU. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (codified at 29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.), hereafter referred to as “WIOA”, requires under 20 CFR §678.500 that a Memorandum of Understanding, hereafter referred to as “MOU”, is developed and executed between the Local Chief Elected Official (Local CEO), the Local Workforce Development Board - the MassHire Greater New Bedford Workforce Board, Inc., hereafter referred to as “workforce board”, and WIOA-mandated Partners as established by 20 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §678.400 and other Partners as described by 20 CFR §678.410 hereafter referred to collectively as “Partner(s)”. The purpose is to establish a cooperative working relationship between the parties and to define their respective roles and responsibilities in achieving the policy objectives of WIOA and establish a Universal Career Pathways System, hereafter referred to as “The System”. The process conducted for achieving this MOU is outlined in Attachment D. This MOU also serves to create the framework for providing services to employers, employees, job seekers, and others needing workforce services, hereafter referred to as “Shared Customers”, in the designated local workforce area of Greater New Bedford on the South Coast of Massachusetts, hereafter referred to as the “South Coast”. This MOU replaces the interim MOU signed by all parties on June 30, 2017. The workforce board functions as the Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) throughout the Greater New Bedford designated area of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The workforce board competitively procures service providers to function as the operators of the Greater New Bedford Career Center, hereafter referred to as “Career Center” as outlined in 20 CFR §678.300, of which the WIOA Required Partners agree to participate in the selection process of One-Stop Operators as required by WIOA, at least once every 4 years. This MOU represents an agreement between the workforce board, the Career Center, and all WIOA- mandated Partners to meet compliance with all requirements under WIOA and to execute a data and demand-drive workforce development system in the service area to further support the development of local service strategies to meet the needs of local businesses and job seekers. Non-mandated Partners are defined and are included in this MOU. Greater New Bedford’s One-Stop career delivery system via the Career Center, referred to at the federal level as American Job Centers (AJC), fosters...
Purpose of this MoU. This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) records the roles, responsibilities and relationship between the Chief Investigator Transport and Marine Safety Investigations (hereafter referred to as “CI”) and the Director of Marine Safety Victoria (hereafter referred to as “MSV”) in relation to the reporting and investigation of marine incidents and the exchange of information between the Parties in relation to such matters.
Purpose of this MoU. 1. The purpose of this MoU is to define the distribution of responsibilities for the execution of the Experimental program of the NA61/SHINE Experiment.
Purpose of this MoU. 3.1 This MoU addresses the pre-exploitation and exploitation phases of the Error! Reference source not found. detector. Its purpose is to define the procedure for determining the maintenance and operation (M&O) costs in these phases along with the mechanisms by which they are reviewed and by which the charges and responsibilities for the execution of this work are distributed amongst the Parties. It sets out organisational, managerial and financial guidelines to be followed by the Collaboration. It does not address the offline computing needs of the Collaboration. These will the subject of a separate Memorandum of Understanding for LHC Computing as described in the document "Proposal for Building the LHC Computing Environment" (CERN/3279 Rev.). 3.2 Exploitation refers to the time after data-taking for physics has commenced at the LHC. Pre- exploitation refers to the time before this and in particular, for individual sub-detector/system components of the Error! Reference source not found. detector, to the time after they have been commissioned. 3.3 M&O comprises all of the actions needed to fulfil the Error! Reference source not found. Collaboration co-ordination function and to operate and keep in good working order the individual components of the Error! Reference source not found. detector, along with their respective infrastructure and facilities.
Purpose of this MoU. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to help Councils and The Operator work together to ensure that a shared E-Bike trial is successfully delivered in Melbourne. It documents the roles and responsibilities of the Councils and The Operator in relation to: the exchange of information agreed standards of service and maintenance mitigation of any impacts of shared E-Bike services on public amenity. The parties wish to proactively address any issues during system implementation and operation. The Operator and the Councils agree that this MOU is legally binding.
Purpose of this MoU. 2.1 This MoU addresses the distribution of charges and responsibilities amongst the Parties for the exploitation and upgrade of the ISOLDE facility. It defines the programme of work to be carried out for this phase and the procedure for determining the M&O costs along with the mechanisms by which they are reviewed. It sets out the distribution of charges and responsibilities amongst the Parties for the execution of the work. It further sets out organizational, managerial and financial guidelines to be followed by the Collaboration, and describes the obligations of CERN as Host Laboratory towards the Collaboration and the ISOLDE experiments. 2.2 M&O comprises the actions needed to fulfil the Collaboration co‐ordination function and to operate and keep in good working order the individual components of the ISOLDE common equipment for experiments, along with their respective infrastructure and facilities, and to dismantle them when the experiments are completed. 2.3 The work linked to upgrade comprises the engineering design, final prototyping, construction, calibration, transportation, assembly, installation and commissioning of the elements which will be part of the ISOLDE facility and the common equipment for the experiments. 2.4 The ISOLDE facility is operated in the normal framework of the CERN scientific programme, approved by the CERN Council, and subject to the bilateral Agreements and Protocols between CERN and non‐Member States.