Financial Impacts Sample Clauses
Financial Impacts. The Inter-Local Agreement will potentially run for a period of five years, with this renewal term being for two years. The annual minimum payment the City will receive is $111,528.00. The agreement includes a fuel surcharge that will be adjusted semi-annually based upon the average diesel fuel cost provided by the City’s Fleet Management Department. Additional revenue can be realized through the sale of recyclable material, averaging $12,240 to $20,700 annually. The total amount of revenues received will depend on market conditions.
Financial Impacts. The federal STP-DA funds require a local match of $572,625. An additional $244,816 is needed for construction administration, inspections, testing, and right-of-way acquisition (to cover expenses that NCDOT will not reimburse), which increases the total local funding for the project to $817,441. Funds are available in the Federal-State Match CIP fund. The administration of the project will require a commitment of staff resources.
Financial Impacts. The federal TIGER funds require a local match of up to $75,000 (the minimum required local contribution is $55,675, which is 20 percent, but in applying for the XXXXX xxxxx the City stated its willingness to provide a match of $75,000). Funds are available in the Transportation operating budget. The administration of the project will also require a commitment of staff resources.
Financial Impacts. The current balance of the fund at the end of 2023 was $535,191. Funds are allocated to municipalities across the province on a per-capita basis based on the 2021 census. The following represents an estimate of the funds to be provided by AMO for the first five years (2024-2028) of the agreement. 2024 $295,223 2025 $307,524 2026 $307,524 2027 $319,825 2028 $319,825 For Council’s information, a comparison of Canada Community-Building Fund allocations for the municipalities in the County of Grey is available (Attachment 3).
Financial Impacts. This project is funded in the CIP Wastewater Process Rehab and the Enhanced Nitrogen Removal Capital Improvement Projects. See below for further information.
Financial Impacts. The grant application indicates that the maximum federal share of project costs is 40%, the provincial share is 33.33% and the municipal share would be a minimum of 26.67%. The maximum the Town may receive is $3,466,396.51. The Town share of $1,260,722.69 is included in the 2022 budget and will be funded from the Water Asset Replacement Reserve Fund.
Financial Impacts. Costs for the use of MB personnel and equipment in Cayucos are not covered adequately by formal JPA requirements for chargebacks to Cayucos.
Financial Impacts. The federal TAP funds require a minimum local match of $1,570,000. Funds were previously approved for this project in the City’s Capital Improvements Program.
Financial Impacts. The Solid Waste Department included the cost of this contract extension in its budget request for FY 17.
Financial Impacts. This project will yield area-specific emergency hazard mitigation assistance plans, including emergency evacuation plans, that county departments, cities, emergency response agencies, service districts and local citizens can utilize for their emergency planning efforts.