EMERGENCY PLANNING. A. In order for PROVIDER and the people PROVIDER serves to be prepared for an emergency such as a tornado, flood, blizzard, electrical blackout, pandemic and/or other natural or man-made disaster, PROVIDER shall develop a written plan that at a minimum addresses:
1. The steps PROVIDER has taken or will be taking to prepare for an emergency;
2. Which of PROVIDER’s services will remain operational during an emergency;
3. The role of staff members during an emergency;
4. PROVIDER’s order of succession, evacuation and emergency communications plans, including who will have authority to execute the plans and/or to evacuate the facility;
5. Evacuation routes, means of transportation and use of alternate care facilities and service providers, (such as pharmacies) with which PROVIDER has emergency care agreements in place;
6. How PROVIDER will assist clients/consumers to individually prepare for an emergency; and
7. How essential care records will be protected, maintained and accessible during an emergency. A copy of the written plan should be kept at each of PROVIDER’s office(s).
B. Providers who offer case management or residential care for individuals with substantial cognitive, medical, or physical needs shall assure at-risk clients/consumers are provided for during an emergency.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. Each supplier must provide us with evidence of the existence of an emergency plan in accordance with the requirements of IATF16949 and update it at regular intervals and check its effectiveness. In the event of unforeseeable events (e.g. accidents, strikes, natural disasters), the ability to deliver shall be ensured and, in addition, a notification process shall be set up that includes the extent and duration of emergency situations that have an impact on voestalpine's business operations. This emergency plan shall be presented to voestalpine upon request.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. A27.1 You must develop a Health Emergency Plan that sets out how your clients/patients and staff will be provided for during a Health Emergency and review the Health Emergency Plan periodically to maintain currency.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. The School will work with the Alternate Site to develop effective Emergency Response Plans that are specific to the Alternate Site. These plans shall include evacuation and lock-down plans.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. If the Storage Facility is co-located within an existing facility, it shall interface with the host site contractors/tenants for inclusion into the general site emergency plan. Alarms and responses for emergency events shall be integrated into the existing host site emergency plan.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. If County provides Work that is an extension of State work performed as part of the State of Colorado Emergency Operations Plan or for a publicly funded safety net program, as defined by C.R.S. § 24-33.5-701 et seq., County shall perform the Work in accordance with the State’s Emergency Operations Plan or continuity of operations plan in the event of an emergency. If requested, County shall provide a plan and reporting information to ensure compliance with the State’s Emergency Operations Plan and C.R.S. § 24-33.5-701 et seq.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. 10.1 The Council is a category one responder under the Civil Contingencies Act and one of the responsibilities is to warn and inform the public in relation to any Major Incident which may have an impact on them. In line with this requirement, the Council is committed to engaging and communicating with Town and Parish Councils as soon as is reasonably practicable in the event of a Major Incident occurring, or likely to occur. The Council is also committed to engaging and working with Town and Parish Councils to plan and prepare for Major Incidents. The Council works with Towwn and Parish Councils to enable them to support the response to Major Incidents through communications with residents or other practical actions.
10.2 Further information on the Councils Emergency Planning service webpage.
11.1 Local Council tax bases
11.2 Collection and payment of local precepts
EMERGENCY PLANNING a. Advising and assisting District Councils to prepare, validate, test and maintain District Council Emergency Plans.
b. Advising on operational requirements, including District Council Control Centre facilities and arrangements.
c. Advising on and co-ordinating adequate emergency call-out/alerting arrangements within District Councils.
d. Advising and assisting on the setting up and maintenance of alternative emergency communications, including; the replacement for the Emergency Communications Network (ECN) (the Contingency Telecommunications Provision System (CTPS)), the Government Telephone Preference Scheme (GTPS) and Access Overload Control (ACCOLC).
e. Advising on and assisting in compliance with regulatory or statutory duties imposed by Central Government.
f. Disseminating information relating to Emergency Planning on a regular basis, through the LAEPCG and other means.
g. Assisting in the preparation of District Council Community Risk Registers.
h. Co-ordinating local authorities’ involvement in the multi-agency arrangements for temporary mortuaries.
i. Co-ordinating local authorities’ involvement in the multi-agency arrangements for mass casualties.
j. Co-ordinating local authorities’ involvement in the multi-agency arrangements for mass fatalities.
EMERGENCY PLANNING. As provided in PRA clause 43, the Sponsor Body and the Delivery Authority will develop, and the Sponsor Body will agree, with the Corporate Officers a plan to protect the Parliamentary Estate, Works and all people in the event of a major incident or Emergency having impact on or causing disruption to any or all parts of the Parliamentary Estate. The Sponsor Body and the Delivery Authority shall consult the Parliamentary Business Resilience Group before agreeing its emergency plan for the Programme.
EMERGENCY PLANNING a) Emergency planning shall be developed by the Contractor and submitted to the Contract Administrator prior to abatement initiation.
b) Emergency planning shall include notification of police, fire and emergency medical personnel of planned abatement activities, work schedule and layout of work area.
c) Contractor employees shall be trained in proper evacuatio11 procedures in the event of workplace emergencies.
d) Telephone numbers of all emergency response personnel shall be prominently posted in the clean change area and equipment room, along with the location of the nearest telephone. Contractor's Liability Insurance: During the term of this agreement, the Contractor shall maintain the following insurance: 1 Commercial General Liability, including Product’s and Completed Operations (Written on an Occurrence-based form) (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) $2,000,000 per occurrence or more 2 Vehicle Liability (Including Hired & Non-Owned) (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) $1,000,000 per occurrence or more