Survivor Benefits 1. A surviving dependent of a retiree who was eligible to receive a Retiree Medical Grant, as stated above in A through C, and who qualifies for a monthly allowance shall be eligible for fifty (50) percent of the Grant authorized for the retiree. 2. A surviving eligible retiree who qualifies for a monthly retirement allowance who was married to a retiree who was also eligible for a Grant shall receive the survivor benefit described in D.1., above, or his or her own Grant, whichever is greater. Such retiree shall not be eligible for both Grants.
Survivor Benefit Upon the death of a regular employee who leaves a spouse and/or dependants enrolled in the Medical Services Plan, Dental Plan and Extended Health Benefit Plan, such enrolment may continue for twelve (12) months following the employee’s death, provided the enrolled family members pay the employee’s share of the cost of the premium for the plans. The Employer shall advise the survivor of this benefit.
Superior Benefits Employees receiving benefits and/or wages specified in this Agreement, superior to those provided in this Agreement, shall remain at the superior benefit level which was in effect on the effective date of this Agreement, until such time as such superior benefits are surpassed by the benefits and/or wages provided in succeeding agreements. This provision applies only to employees on staff as of the effective date of this Agreement.
Survivors Benefits Benefits for the surviving family members of individuals who have died from COVID–19, including cash assistance to widows, widowers, or dependents of individuals who died of COVID–19.
Death Benefits Upon the Executive’s death during the Contract Period, the Executive’s estate shall not be entitled to any further benefits under this Agreement.
Long Term Disability Benefit The Long Term Disability insurance provides income security should you become totally disabled prior to age 65 due to a sickness or injury which totally disables you over a long period of time. The Plan provides you with coverage on and off the job.
Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity An immediate annuity for the life of the Participant with a survivor annuity for the life of the spouse which is not less than 50% and not more than 100% of the amount of the annuity which is payable during the joint lives of the Participant and the spouse and which is the amount of benefit which can be purchased with the Participant's vested account balance. The percentage of the survivor annuity under the Plan shall be 50% (unless a different percentage is elected by the Employer in the Adoption Agreement).
Death Benefit Should Employee die during the term of employment, the Company shall pay to Employee's estate any compensation due through the end of the month in which death occurred.
Long Term Disability Benefits A benefit level of seventy percent (70%) of monthly earnings shall apply. Benefits would commence after a waiting period of seventeen (17) weeks, when Short Term Disability Benefits terminate. Terms of the Master Policy with the Insurance Company shall apply. In order to go on LTD, the person must: (a) Be off work for seventeen (17) consecutive weeks with the same or unrelated illness or injury. (b) Be off work for a total of seventeen (17) weeks with the same illness or injury providing that the return to work was less than twenty (20) consecutive days.
Supplemental Retirement Benefits The terms and conditions for the payment of supplemental retirement benefits are set forth in a separate written agreement between the parties.