Freeware License. If Customer downloads a freeware version of Software from a Provider website, the terms of Use of such Software shall be governed by the applicable Freeware definition set forth in the Product Guide (a “Freeware License”). Notwithstanding anything otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Customer understands and agrees that Freeware Licenses are (i) provided “AS IS”, (ii) Provider does not provide warranties or Maintenance Services for Freeware Licenses, and (iii) Freeware Licenses are for internal use only and may not distributed to any third party.
Freeware License. Intentionally Omitted.
Freeware License. Under the terms of a Freeware License, one individual is licensed to use the Software on one computer or computing device at a time. The Freeware Version of the Software has limited features. The Freeware user may use the Freeware License for evaluation or production purposes. The Software licensed under the Freeware License is not eligible for product support.
Freeware License. (a) Xxxxxx XX may from time to time make the SaaS Service generally available to its customers at no charge for certain limited purposes (the “Freeware”). If Customer has licensed Freeware then only the terms and conditions of this Section 16 (including those Sections of this Agreement incorporated in this Section 16 by reference) will govern Customer’s use of such Freeware (and no other terms of this Agreement shall apply to Customer or govern Customer’s use of Freeware) and upon purchase of a commercial license or commercial subscription for such Freeware, this entire Agreement, exclusive of this Section 16, shall apply to Customer and govern all use of the SaaS Service and the Licensed Material.
(b) Xxxxxx XX is the owner and provider of certain proprietary software and documentation that Customer may request to use, from time to time, on a limited use basis solely in connection with (i) internal business operations (ii) internal educational purposes or (iii) contribution of software code to Open Source Software (available only upon request) (“Freeware”). All access and usage of Freeware by Customer requires a User generated username and password (“Freeware Registration”) and Customer is only permitted to use Freeware during the term identified on Xxxxxx CI’s website (the “Freeware Term”).
(c) Freeware is provided to Customer solely in connection with (i) internal business operations (ii) internal educational purposes or (iii) contribution of software code to Open Source Software (the “Authorized Purpose”) and upon Freeware Registration Xxxxxx XX hereby grants Customer a non-transferable, nonexclusive, limited license to access and use the Freeware for such Authorized Purpose during the period commencing on the date Customer first accesses the Freeware and ending on the expiration of the Freeware Term (including any extensions thereof authorized by Xxxxxx XX, the “Freeware Term”), and usage is further limited by the number of Credits allotted to Customer by Xxxxxx XX for each Freeware license. Freeware may be used by Customer solely for the Authorized Purpose and may not be used for any commercial purpose or any purpose for which Customer charges any third party a fee. Customer agrees not to cause or permit the reverse engineering, disassembly, modification, translation or decompilation of any Freeware. Customer shall not copy the Freeware, or create or develop any derivative software based upon the Freeware.
(d) Customer acknowledges that all Freeware ...
Freeware License. GSL grants End User an unlimited license to use the Freeware. The install packages for the Freeware can be redistributed without restriction, and can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
Freeware License. If Customer downloads a freeware version of Software from a Provider website, the terms of use of such Software shall be governed by the applicable Freeware definition set forth in the Product Guide (a “Freeware License”). Notwithstanding anything otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Customer understands and agrees that Freeware Licenses are (i) provided “AS IS”, (ii) Provider does not provide warranties or Maintenance Services for Freeware Licenses, and (iii) Freeware Licenses are for internal use only and may not distributed to any third party. (f) フリーウェア・ライセンス カスタマーがプロバイダのウェブサイトからフリーウェア版のソフトウェアをダウンロードした場合、かかるソフ トウェアの使用の条件は、製品ガイドに記載する適用あるフリーウェア定義が適用されます(以下「フリーウェア・ライセンス」といいます。)。 本契約の別段の定めにかかわらず、カスタマーは、フリーウェア・ライセンスが、(i)現状有姿で提供されるものであり、(ii)プロバイダがフリーウェア・ライセンスについて保証又はメンテナンス・サービスを提供せず、且つ(iii)フリーウェア・ライセンスが社内使用に限られ第三者に配布できないことについて了解し、同意します。
Freeware License. If a freeware version of Quest software (“Freeware”) is downloaded by Customer from a Quest website, the terms of such use shall be governed by the applicable Freeware definition provided at:
Freeware License. If a freeware version of Software is downloaded by Customer from a Dell website, the terms of use of such Software shall be governed by the applicable Freeware definition set forth in the Product Guide (a “Freeware License”). Notwithstanding anything otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Customer understands and agrees that Freeware Licenses are provided “AS IS” and that Dell does not provide warranties or Maintenance Services for Freeware Licenses.
Freeware License. If a freeware version of Software is downloaded by Customer from a Provider website. The Customer understands and agrees that Freeware Licenses are provided “AS IS” and that Provider does not provide warranties or Maintenance Services for Freeware Licenses.
Freeware License. SnapGene grants End User an unlimited license to use the Freeware. The install packages for the Freeware can be redistributed without restriction, and can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.