Green Belt Sample Clauses

Green Belt. The Concessionaire shall provide a vegetative cover in a strip of width 6 meters all along the fencing specified under Clause 3.9
Green Belt. The Concessionaire shall provide a vegetative cover in a strip of width 6 m all along the boundary wall. The species of trees for providing vegetative cover shall be approved by the Independent Consultant.
Green Belt. Emerging work on local plans across Bucks indicated that there was unlikely to be sufficient housing and employment land in Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe Districts to meet Objectively Assessed Needs in each of those districts, as set out in the Bucks HEDNA. The Buckinghamshire Districts and BCC jointly commissioned Arup to undertake an assessment of the Bucks Green Belt, focusing on the degree to which general areas of land identified in the study fulfil the Green Belt purposes set out in paragraph 80 of the NPPF. AVDC then progressed a Green Belt Part 2 assessment for Aylesbury Vale, preparing a draft methodology shared with the other Bucks Districts. Whilst the methodology was not agreed as a county wide basis for the second stage of assessment, the approach is closely based on the work undertaken by Arup whilst bringing in other sustainability and site suitability factors and making a judgment on whether exceptional circumstances exist on a site by site basis for releasing land from the Green Belt. In connection with the CDC/SBDC consultation document on Green Belt Preferred Options published in 2016 the councils entered into detailed discussions with the assistance of XX Xxxxx consultants to establish the realistic capacity for development within Chiltern and South Bucks. AVDC and CDC/SBDC have liaised on the Green Belt Part 2 work. In the consultation draft VALP in summer 2016 AVDC consulted on a possible site for release from the Green Belt at Wendover to help meet housing and employment land needs including unmet need from CDC/SBDC Following the draft VALP consultation AVDC reviewed the need for the release of land from the Green Belt and determined that there was no longer justification for the release of the land at Wendover or for the exclusion of RAF Halton from the Green Belt due its expected closure. AVDC then considered the suitability of RAF Halton as a redevelopment site for 1,000 houses to help meet housing and employment land needs including unmet need from CDC/SBDC.
Green Belt. To improve the environment of the area it is proposed to plant along the lease boundary and nearby schools & gram panchayat during plantation preference will be given to local species of plant.
Green Belt. To improve the environment of the area it is proposed to plant in unworked area and waste dump etc. during plantation. First five year 0.424 ha will be planted and end of life of mine total 33 % area will be covered from plantation which are 52.5063 ha. area. During plantation programme, preference will be given to local species of plants. Proper care will be taken during plantation such as watering, manuring & fencing. Plants such Azadirachta indica (Neem), Acacia nilotica (Babool), Prosopis cineraria (Khejri), Leptadenia ptrotechnica (Khunj), Crotolaria burhia (Sinia), Acacia senegal (Kumta), Acacia tortilis (Babul) etc. will be planted.
Green Belt. The Concessionaire shall provide a vegetative cover as given in layout drawing and approved by PMC. The species of trees for providing vegetative cover shall be approved by the PMC.
Green Belt. Planting a suitable combination of trees that can grow fast & also have good leaf cover shall be adopted to develop the green belt. Already plantation has been carried out in 40.75 ha of undisturbed land, nursery and office etc. It is proposed to further plant 14.25 ha of area during the plan period. 100 plants are proposed to be planted in a year. All native species grown in the area will be planted to have better survival as per climatic conditions. Details of plantation during scheme period are given below:
Green Belt. To improve the environment of the area it is proposed to plant along the lease boundary and nearby schools & gram panchayat during plantation preference will be given to local species of plant. 33% Plantation will be carried out outside the lease area. Total 2.5752 Ha. area will be planted with 800 samplings.
Green Belt. The year wise programme of afforestation for the life of mine, along with number of plants and name of species are as given below:- Year Type of plants Nos. of plant Area covered under plantation I Bamboo, Xxxxxx, Neem, Xxxxxxx, Dhak, Karanj, Kassod Tree, Xxxx, Khair, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxx, Gulmohar, Xxxxx, Vilayati Babool, Xxxxx shrub, Peeli Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Kans grass, Mehndi or Henna hedge shrub 4,00 0.40
Green Belt. To improve the environment of the area it is proposed to plant along the lease boundary, waste dump and other un worked area outside the lease area. Around 33% plantation will be carried out during life of mine. During plantation preference will be given to local species of plant. Proper care will be taken during plantation such as watering, manuring & fencing. Plant such as Acacia senegal (safed khair), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Cassia fistula (Amaltas) etc will be planted.