Emergency Assistance Both Parties shall exercise due diligence to avoid or mitigate an Emergency to the extent practical in accordance with applicable requirements imposed by the Standards Authority or contained in the PJM Tariffs and NYISO Tariffs. In avoiding or mitigating an Emergency, both Parties shall strive to allow for commercial remedies, but if commercial remedies are not successful or practical, the Parties agree to be the suppliers of last resort to maintain reliability on the system. For each hour during which Emergency conditions exist in a Party’s Balancing Authority Area, that Party (while still ensuring operations within applicable Reliability Standards) shall determine what commercial remedies are available and make use of those that are practical and needed to avoid or mitigate the Emergency before any Emergency Energy is scheduled in that hour.
Policy Grievance Where either Party disputes the general application, interpretation or alleged violation of an article of this Agreement, the dispute shall be discussed initially with the Employer or the Union, as the case may be, within thirty (30) days of the occurrence. Where no satisfactory agreement is reached, either Party may submit the dispute to arbitration, as set out in Article 10.