Bypass Sample Clauses
Bypass. Any of the steps in this procedure may be bypassed with mutual written consent of the parties involved at the time the bypass is sought.
Bypass. By mutual agreement, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed.
Bypass. By mutual written agreement, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed.
Bypass. If the Association and the Superintendent mutually agree, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed and the grievance brought directly to the next step.
Bypass. Any of the steps in this procedure may be bypassed with mutual written consent of the parties involved at the time the bypass is sought. Discipline Disciplinary grievances will be initiated at the level at which the disputed action was taken. Grievance Files Written grievances and responses will be maintained separately from the employee’s personnel file.
Bypass. If the event giving rise to the grievance was not caused by the immediate supervisor, or if the immediate supervisor lack authority to grant the relief requested, the grievant may bypass Level I of this procedure and file his/her written grievance at Level II; provided, exercise of this bypass of Level I shall not extend the requirement that written grievances be filed within twenty (20) days of the date of the event giving rise to the alleged grievance.
Bypass. Promotional bypass will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 143.036 (f) and
Bypass. By mutual agreement of the Association and the District any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed and the grievance brought directly to the next step.
Bypass. If the teacher(s) and the superintendent agree, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed and the grievance brought directly to the next step.
Bypass. By mutual agreement, any step of the grievance procedure may be bypassed. Grievances involving an administrator above the building level may be initially filed at the Superintendent’s level, Section 3.3.3 of this Article.