Grievant Sample Clauses
Grievant. A grievant is a unit member or the Association who is filing a grievance as defined above. Alleged violations, misapplications or misinterpretations which affect more than one (1) employee in a substantially similar manner may be consolidated at the discretion of management or the Association as a group grievance and shall thereafter be represented by a single grievant.
Grievant. The “grievant” is the person or persons making the claim and may be an employee, a group of employees, or the Association.
Grievant. Grievant is a bargaining unit member or a group of unit members, Association or IFO filing a grievance.
Grievant a grievant is a unit member or group of unit members in the bargaining unit. The Association itself may also be a grievant.
Grievant. The “grievant” shall be defined as any employee, group of employees within the bargaining unit or the OPBA.
Grievant. A Union representative, with or without the aggrieved employee, may submit a grievance, and the Union may in appropriate cases submit an “institutional” or “general” grievance in its own behalf. When individual employee(s) or group of employees elect(s) to submit a grievance without Union representation, the union’s representative or xxxxxxx shall be notified of the pending grievance, shall be provided a copy thereof, and shall have the right to be present at any discussions of the grievance, except that if the employee does not wish to have the xxxxxxx present, the xxxxxxx shall not attend the meeting but shall be provided with a copy of the written response to the grievance . The xxxxxxx shall be entitled to receive from the employer all documents pertinent to the disposition of the grievance and to file statements of position .
Grievant. An individual, group, or organization having a grievance.
Grievant. A teacher, class, or group of teachers filing a grievance.
Grievant. A grievant is an employee or, in the case of the Union's contractual rights, the Union.
Grievant. A grievant is an employee/bargaining unit member who is filing a grievance.