HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University. (1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer. (2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer. (3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday. (4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one (1) day. (5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished. (6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit. D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees 21.1 Full time employees, upon completion of their Trainee (new hire) training shall be entitled to the following paid holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 holidays, which include nine (9) designated holidays, three (3) personal days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the employee’s choice. The specified holidays vary from year to year and are posted in October for the following year. The specified holidays are:
21.2 Holiday pay will consist of eight (8) holidays hours pay at straight time rates.
21.3 Employees who work on a designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall holiday will be paid at the rate of time one and one-half his/her regular pay (1-½) times their base hourly rate for all hours worked in addition to eight (8) hours holiday pay.
21.4 Employees on leave without pay, suspension, military leave, short or long term disability or workers' compensation do not qualify for holiday pay, except as designated in Article 10.1(b).
21.5 To be eligible for holiday pay, if the holidayholiday is not worked, an employee must have worked his last full scheduled workday prior to and shallhis next full scheduled workday after such holiday unless his absence is supported by a doctor's certificate. However, in additionthe case of multiple observance holidays, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days a disqualifying absence on either side of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employermultiple observance day will only affect 1 holiday.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) 21.6 If a holiday falls during an employee's vacationvacation period, the vacation such employee shall be extended by one
(1) dayentitled to receive pay for such holiday.
21.7 The employee's supervisor must approve personal days at least five (5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day calendar days in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedadvance.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may 21.8 Employees will be charged either as a paid for any unused personal day to days which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take exceed one (1) personal day during year’s accrual in December at their straight time rate of pay at the first six (6) months time of employment after completion distribution. Hours paid out at the end of the probationary period and year for personal days will be part of the second after completing overtime base.
(a) When employees work a designated holiday, hours worked will be counted as part of the first six overtime base. Holiday hours (68.0) months will not be counted as part of employment. After the first completed year of employmentovertime base.
(b) When employees other than those assigned to Headquarters do not work on a holiday, employees accrue one those holiday hours shall not go into the overtime base.
(1c) personal day during each six (6) month period of employmentEmployees assigned to Headquarters, or Training Relief, who do not work on a holiday, will have their holiday pay hours go into the overtime base.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees All employees in the bargaining unit shall be entitled to receive the following paid holidays within each calendar year as followsholidays: New Year's Day* Election Day* ’s Day Veteran’s Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Day Thanksgiving Day* Day President’s Day Day after After Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Day Christmas Day* Day Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Day Christmas Eve Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The If the holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxfalls on Sunday, Xx. it will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15thfollowing Monday; if it falls on Saturday, whichever is designated by it will be observed on the Universitypreceding Friday. The City Manager may with the consent of the unions, alter this schedule.
(1) C. In the event an employee is required to work on any observance of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the each authorized holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent granted the day off from work. Full-time offemployees shall receive straight time holiday pay for each authorized holiday. Such holiday pay will be calculated at the employee’s regular rate of pay for the number of hours he or she is normally scheduled to work on that day (e.g., usually on the preceding Friday or the following Mondayfour [4] hours, eight [8] hours, nine [9] hours, ten [10] hours, etc.).
(4) D. If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If occurs while an employee is on vacation such vacation day will not be charged against his vacation leave.
E. Employees that are required to work on the observed holiday will be compensated at one and one-half (1/2) times their rate of pay in addition to receiving the holiday pay, as described in Section 24.1(C), above. Premium pay for the time worked on a holiday does not count toward hours in active pay status for determining eligibility for overtime.
F. An employee scheduled to return from leave of absence without pay on the day after a holiday will not be paid for the holiday. An employee whose leave of absence without pay is approved through the end of the last business day preceding a holiday is also presumed to be on leave during the holiday, and will not receive compensation for the holiday.
G. Employees must be in a paid status on the day before and day after the holiday in order to be eligible for pay on the above holidays. Employees who are absent due to illness on the day before or after a holiday may be required to furnish proof of illness by a physician' s statement (or other satisfactory written and signed statement), or shall forfeit the holiday pay or any compensatory time awarded in lieu of holiday pay. (For the purposes of this policy, the day before refers to the last regularly scheduled workday before and/or work day, and the day after refers to the next regularly scheduled work day after the day on which the holiday is observed.)
Section 24.2. Holiday Worked at WWTP: All holidays will be worked on a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedrotating schedule.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees The following days shall be entitled to paid considered Holidays: the eight (8) fixed holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 on which The Wall Street Journal does not publish and Juneteenth if The Wall Street Journal does not publish, or the days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the UniversityCompany for the celebration of such holidays.
(1) In B. A Holiday shall be observed beginning at the event an employee is start of the night shift on the eve of the Holiday and shall end at the start of the night shift on the day of the Holiday.
C. Employees required to work on any a Holiday shall be paid time and one-half the Employee’s regular hourly rate for each hour worked and shall be granted an additional day off, or an additional day’s pay, as determined by the Company.
D. If a Holiday falls on a full-time Employee’s regularly scheduled day off or during the Employee’s vacation or jury duty leave, the Employee shall receive another day off with pay or an additional day’s pay, at the Company’s option.
E. Each full-time Employee may have three (3) Personal Days off with pay to be scheduled with Company approval and a fourth Personal Day if The Wall Street Journal does publish on Juneteenth. Personal Days must be selected no later than November 1 of each year. Any remaining Personal Days not scheduled by November 1 will be assigned at the discretion of the eight Company.
F. For each fiscal year in which the Bowling Green plant meets Production Department goals for key operational metrics, all current, full-time Employees (8) holidays designated as of the date of ratification of this contract) shall receive one additional personal day to be used in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she the following fiscal year.
G. Holidays and Personal Days shall be paid at the rate of Employee’s regular, straight time and onehourly rate. Part-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof time Employees shall be paid a day's regular pay at for Holidays falling on the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular fullEmployee’s regularly scheduled workday. Part-time employees will Holiday pay shall be given equivalent time off, usually based on the Employee’s average daily hours worked over the fourteen (14) weeks preceding Friday the Holiday, but not to exceed 8 hours of regular straight-time pay. An Employee must work all of his or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the her last scheduled work day after shift preceding the Holiday or Personal Day and all of his or her first scheduled work shift following the Holiday or Personal Day in order to be eligible for Holiday or Personal Day pay, unless the absence from work is due to a paid holiday bona fide illness or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedinjury.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees Section 1. The Town shall be entitled to provide the following paid holidays within each calendar year as followsfor all employees of the Bargaining Unit: New Year's Day* Election Day* ’s Day Memorial Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Day Labor Day Presidents’ Day Columbus’ Birthday Good Friday Veterans’ Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Floating Holiday Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* (Assigned by Town) Christmas Day Employee’s Birthday If the Animal Control Officer or the Public Safety Coordinator is required by the Chief or his designee to work on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday , (s)he shall be paid two (2) times their regular hourly rate of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed pay for time worked on either holiday. If the Federal Holiday Animal Control Officer or January 15th, whichever the Public Safety Coordinator is designated required by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required Chief or his designee to work on any of the eight other holidays listed above, (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she s)he shall be paid at the rate of time one and one-half his/her (1 ½) times their regular hourly rate of pay for all hours time worked on either holiday. In the holidayevent any of the above-mentioned holidays falls on a Saturday, said holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday; in the event the holiday falls on a Sunday, it shall be observed on Monday. In the event that employees are scheduled to work the Thursday nine (9) hour day followed by the Friday four (4) hour day schedule pursuant to Article 6, Section 1, and shallthe above- mentioned holidays fall on a Friday or a Saturday, in additionsaid holiday will be observed on the preceding Thursday commencing at 3:00 p.m. and continuing through Friday thus providing each employee with a full seven (7) hours off. In those instances, receive an additional whereby the Town must maintain coverage within a department for the full nine (9) hour day off with regular pay on Thursday, employees within thirty (30) days the department will rotate such use of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or within the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal daysweek period pursuant to past practice. A new The Secretary/Office Assistant in Public Works shall observe the same holidays as the Public Works Bargaining Unit, not to exceed the maximum number allowed under this Agreement.
Section 2. Employees who are off duty on any of the approved holidays by reason of sick leave shall not be charged for a sick day but will be paid for the holiday. Employees who are on vacation shall be granted an additional vacation day.
Section 3. Each employee can take shall be granted, with pay, one (1) personal day during per year which may be used for personal business at the first six (6) months of employment after completion option of the probationary period employee. Effective upon execution of this Agreement that expires on June 30, 2025, the Animal Control Officer and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employmentPublic Safety Coordinator shall be granted, employees accrue with pay, one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period per year which may be used for personal business at the option of employmentthe employee. These days shall not be cumulative.
Section 4. Upon retirement, death or termination in good standing, 100% of all personal days shall be paid to the employee or their beneficiary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall There will be entitled to four (4) paid holidays within each calendar year as followsholidays: New Year's ’s Day* Election , Labor Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* , Thanksgiving Day* President’s , and Christmas Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Seasonper calendar year.
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular All full-time employees will be given equivalent paid eight (8) hours times their straight time off, usually on rate of pay for each of the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
listed paid holidays. All part-time employees will be paid four (4) hours times their straight time rate of pay for each of the listed paid holidays.
C. In order to qualify for holiday pay, an employee must have worked in one of the following: the week before the week in which a listed paid holiday occurs, the week in which the listed paid holiday occurs, or the week after the week in which the listed paid holiday occurs. In addition, the employee must work their scheduled work day before and after the listed paid holiday unless excused by the Employer or absent due to proven illness.
D. If a paid holiday falls occurs during an eligible employee's ’s vacation, the employee will receive the paid holiday and will have the choice as to whether or not to use paid vacation shall be extended by one
(1) dayfor the holiday.
(5) E. Work on listed paid holidays will be staffed with volunteers first. If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereofthere are insufficient volunteers, the Employer may demand proof will schedule the required number of illnessemployees by rotation according to the department’s practice. The Employer may deny In the event more employees volunteer than are needed to staff a listed paid holiday, the work will be assigned by seniority in classification.
F. Compensation for work on listed paid holidays will be straight time for all hours worked up to eight (8) hours, in addition to holiday pay provided the employee is eligible for holiday pay.
G. There will be three (4) unpaid holidays: Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Christmas Eve. Hourly employees who work on a listed unpaid holiday will be paid at one and one-half (1 ½) their regular rate of pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedall hours worked.
H. All full-time employees and part-time employees will accrue personal days based on hours worked at a rate of .02 hours/hour up to a maximum of forty (640) A religious holiday, when observed, may hours per anniversary year to a maximum of one hundred sixty (160) hours. Personal days will be charged either scheduled as a personal day mutually agreed to which reference is made below, or to vacation creditby the Employer and an employee.
D. In addition to I. Personal days used for absence will not accrue an attendance point. SECTION 8.4: PAY OUT: Employees who have accrued more than 160 hours of PTO time at the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion end of the probationary period Employee’s anniversary year will be paid out for all accrued and the second after completing the first six (6) months unused vacation hours in excess of employment160 hours. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) Employees will be paid out all accrued and unused vacation and remaining personal day during each six (6) month period of employmentdays upon termination.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Section 12.1 The following days will be paid holidays for full-time County personnel on the active payroll other than ambulance workers. Employees shall be entitled to paid holidays within receive one (1) regular day’s pay for each calendar year as follows: holiday and personal day(s). New Year's Day* Election Day* ’s Day Columbus Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* Day Veteran’s Day President’s Day Thanksgiving Day after Good Friday Thanksgiving Friday Memorial DayDay Christmas Eve Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day Personal Day(s) * Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* *One (1) day per year, credited on day of hire, up to a total accumulation of three (3) days.
Section 12.2 If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the University during the Christmas Season
B. The following Monday is celebrated. A holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. which falls on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday. The Christmas Eve holiday will be observed the work day immediately prior to the Christmas Day observance when either falls on the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by weekend. Dispatchers will observe holidays on the Universityactual days on which they fall.
(1) In Section 12.3 On occasion, it may not be possible to give all employees off on all holidays. If this is the event an employee is required to case, those full-time employees who work on any of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall will be paid at the rate of given full holiday pay plus time and one-half his/her regular pay for all the actual hours worked on or a like amount of time off with pay at a later date at the discretion of the employee. Time and one-half pay or equivalent amount of time off shall be at the employee’s discretion, provided that taking the equivalent time off does not disrupt department scheduling. Holiday work will be offered by seniority. If no one is willing to work, the supervisor shall designate employees to work by reverse seniority.
Section 12.4 An employee shall be paid for the holiday providing he or she works the regularly scheduled day before and after the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of except for absences covered by this Agreement or absences approved by the supervisor.
Section 12.5 An employee on vacation when a holiday or occurs can take an extra vacation day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) . An employee required to work on any unpaid leave of absence or layoff will not receive holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employerpay.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall be entitled to The following days are designated as paid holidays within each calendar year as followsby the Township: New Year's Day* Election Day* Day Columbus Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.Xxxx'x Birthday Veteran's Birthday* Day Presidents’ Day Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Day Christmas Day* Day Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Day 1/2 day Christmas Eve and Labor Day* the University during the Christmas SeasonDay 1/2 day New Year's Eve when a weekday
B. The When a holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxfalls on a Sunday, Xx. will it shall be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) following Monday. In the event a holiday falls on a Saturday, it shall be observed on the previous Friday. If an official holiday occurs when an employee is on sick leave or vacation, s/he shall not have that holiday charged against his/her sick leave or vacation.
C. Employees who are required to work on any of the eight (8) aforementioned holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at straight time pay for the rate of holiday as such, plus time and one-half his/her regular pay (1½) for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation creditworked.
D. In addition to the holidays noted in Section A above, employees covered by this Agreement will be entitled to the provisions of this Article for those holidays which are proclaimed by the Mayor and Council for all Township employees.
E. Employees who observe religious holidays not listed above holidays, there and who request one or more such days off as vacation or personal days shall have their request(s) granted providing the request(s) are made by October 1 of the preceding year.
F. Each employee covered under this Agreement shall be two entitled to three (23) personal daysdays per year that must be taken during the calendar year in which said personal days were granted. A new In years 2006, 2007 and 2008 only, one of these personal days shall be designated as follows: 2006 – July 3 2007 – ½ day December 24 and ½ day December 31 2008 – December 26 The employee can take one shall notify the Director of Public Works or his/her designee at least forty- eight (148) yours prior to taking the personal day during except in cases of extreme emergency.
A. Sick leave is defined as any absence from duty because of illness or accident not arising out of any employee's course of employment and may be used by an employee for personal illness. However, an employee may utilize up to five (5) days of sick leave per year to attend to the needs of a family member who permanently resides in his or her household who is ill.
B. Permanent, full-time employees shall be granted sick leave as hereinbefore defined, with pay, to which each is eligible as follows:
1. During the first six five (65) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year years of employment, employees accrue one-half (1/2) working day for each full month of service completed. Thereafter, one and one-quarter (11 1/4) personal day during days for each six full month of service completed.
2. If any such employee requires none or only a portion of such allowable sick leave for any calendar year, the amount of such leave not taken shall accumulate to his/her credit from year to year and such employee shall be entitled to such accumulated sick leave with pay if and when needed.
C. The Department Head, Township Manager or designee may require a certificate from a licensed physician as proof of illness.
D. An employee must promptly notify his/her Department Head or the Department Head’s designee of intended absence from work. Notification shall be made before the employee's usual starting time. Failure to notify his/her Department Head or the Department Head’s designee may be cause for denial of the use of sick leave for that absence, and may constitute cause for disciplinary action.
E. There shall be no vacation or sick leave earned once a sick leave absence extends beyond 45 days.
F. Absence without notice for three (63) month period consecutive days shall constitute a resignation. Extenuating circumstances shall, in the discretion of employmentthe Township, be handled on an individual basis upon presentation by the employee involved in the circumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
one (1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight nine (8) 9) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees Eligible Employees
1. The following shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year observed as followsholidays: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving , Memorial Day* , Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* . In the University during event any of these above holidays fall on Saturday, Dental Administration will specify the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will date to be observed on either for the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the Universityholiday.
2. There shall be no deduction in pay for the observance of the foregoing holidays for any Full-Time, Part-Time, benefit eligible On-Call and Short-Hour Employee who has been in an employed status for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days prior to the holiday. Such an Employee working one (1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) foregoing holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time two and one-half (2-1/2) times his/her regular pay rate of pay.
3. Pay for all hours holidays not worked shall be on the following basis:
a. If the holiday falls on a normally scheduled work day and the Employee is scheduled off because of the holiday, and the pay for such holiday not worked shall be for the number of hours at the straight- time rate the Employee would have received had he/she worked.
b. If the holiday falls on a day scheduled off, the Employee shall, in additiondepending on staffing requirements, receive an additional either a paid day off with within
B. General that pay period or additional pay equal to one fourth (1/4th) his/her regular pay within thirty (30) days weekly scheduled hours of work, not to exceed the hours of the holiday or an extra day's pay regular shift (see examples below). The Employer will make a reasonable effort to allow the Employee a day off in lieu thereofof the holiday. If staffing requirements direct, as determined by the Employer.
Employer will ask for volunteers to work. Examples for calculating paid day off or additional pay: An Employee who normally works four (4) ten (10) hour days: 4X10=40, 1/4th 40 = 10 hours holiday pay. An Employee who normally works two (2) ten (10) hour days: 2X10=20, 1/4th 20 = 5 hours holiday pay. An employee required Employee who normally works two (2) eight (8) hour days and two (2) nine (9) hour days: 2X8=16, 2X9=18, 16+18=34, 1/4th 34 = 8.5 hours holiday pay. An Employee who normally works five (5) eight (8) hour days: 5X8=40, 1/4th 40 = 10, the Employee will receive his/her normal scheduled eight (8) hours holiday pay.
1. Paid holidays shall not count toward forty (40) hours in the workweek for the purpose of computing overtime.
2. Vacation days around holidays (The day preceding and the day following the holiday) and peak time off periods will be granted on a rotational basis to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a daydecided upon among the hygiene group at each clinic.
a. The Employee's regular pay at the option Manager will facilitate decisions of the Employerhygiene group by posting a calendar for Employees to write their requested days off and/or their extra availability, by providing information on staffing ratios and availability of Float and On-Call Employees, and will facilitate availability of discussion time, if requested by the hygienists, to discuss the issue a minimum of four (4) months prior to the holiday/peak time off.
b. If the hygiene group is unable to resolve conflicting time off requests by three (3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sundaymonths prior to the holiday/peak time off period, regular full-time employees then the requests will be given equivalent time off, usually on approved according to seniority (see Article 12.A) with subsequent rotation. Whether subsequent rotation would be for holidays within the preceding Friday same year or the following Mondaysame holiday from year to year will be decided by the hygiene group at each clinic, or a simple coin toss will decide subsequent rotation if the hygiene group cannot agree.
(4) c. Holiday/peak time off periods are defined as New Year’s Day, Spring Break Week, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
3. If a holiday falls during an employeeEmployee's vacation, the vacation shall that day will be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after compensated as a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedvacation.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Washington's Birthday Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* the University during the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will be observed on either the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
one (1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees The following holidays shall be granted to seniority employ- ees without reduction in pay: New Year’s Day Christmas Day Memorial Day December 31st July 4th Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Every January each seniority employee shall be granted float- ing holidays to be taken each calendar year. Local Union Nos. 63, 186, 381, 396, 492, 542, 572 and 952 eligible seniority employees shall be entitled five (5) personal days to paid be taken each anniversary year and every January 1st each seniority employee shall be granted four (4) floating holidays within to be taken each calendar year. Local Union Nos. 104 and 631 eligi- ble seniority employees shall be entitled five (5) personal days to be taken each anniversary year and every January 1st each seniority employee shall be granted five (5) floating holidays to be taken each calendar year. Employees hired on or after October 1, 1993, shall be eligible for the floating holidays upon completion of one (1) year seniority. The employee shall designate on a form provided by the Company which of the selected days off are to be paid as follows: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day* Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 floating holidays and which of the selected days - off are to be paid as personal days. The employee shall be given a copy of this form once it is filled out and these days shall be paid from the appropriate entitlement bank. Floating holidays and personal days shall be selected by Labor Day* in the University fol- lowing manner. Floating holidays and personal days which are available for selection in accordance with the procedures and formulas contained in this section and are scheduled during the Christmas Season
B. vacation selection process shall be guaranteed time off for the employee requesting such days. Those employees not selecting during the vacation selection period may request their floating holidays or personal days at any time during the calendar year. Seniority shall prevail when the floating holidays and personal days which are available for selection in accordance with the procedures and formulas contained in this section and have been selected at least ten (10) working days prior to the selected dates, and time off shall be guaranteed ten (10) working days prior to the dates the floating holidays or personal days occur. Floating holidays and personal days may be selected as individual days, blocks of days (two (2), three (3) or four (4) days) or combined in blocks of five (5) days and selected as full weeks. Seniority shall prevail when an excessive number of employ- ees have chosen the same day. The Company shall make available for selection floating holi- days in each center according to the following schedule regardless of the fifteen percent (15%) allowed off per week in each center for earned vacations; In centers of thirty (30) drivers or less, a minimum of one (1) floating holidays/personal days per day shall be granted. In centers of thirty-one (31) drivers to fifty-nine (59) drivers, a minimum of two (2) floating holidays/personal days per day shall be granted. In centers of sixty (60) drivers to ninety-nine (99) drivers, a minimum of three (3) floating holidays/personal days per day shall be granted. In centers of one hundred (100) drivers to one hundred twen- ty-nine (129) drivers or more, a minimum of four (4) floating holidays/personal days per day shall be granted. In centers of one hundred thirty (130) drivers to or more, a minimum of five (5) floating holidays/personal days per day shall be granted. The granting of floating and personal holidays may be limited from December 1st through December 25th. during the month of December. Employees hired on or after the ratification of this agreement shall be eligible for holiday commemorating time off for the birthday named holidays above, but shall not be eligible for pay for the above-named holidays until they have six (6) months seniority with the company. (This provision does not apply to Local 104 in the state of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx XxxxArizona where employees are eligible for pay effec- tive with their date of hire.) If the Company decides to shut down its operation in the Southern California Area on another day, Xxa floating holiday will be assigned to that day. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed on either as the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the University.
(1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) same. The above holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall will be paid at regardless of what day in the rate of time and one-half his/her regular pay week they may fall. Employees absent for all hours worked on the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within more than thirty (30) days due to non- industrial illness or injury will not be eligible for holiday pay. In case of industrial injury, employees absent for more than ninety (90) days will not be eligible for holiday pay. Except as described above, an employee, to be eligible for holiday pay, must have monies earned during the week in which the holiday falls. HOLIDAYS WORKED: Pay shall be one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate, plus the holiday pay. There shall be no premium pay for hours worked on a Sunday or an extra day's a holiday to Night Loaders or Feeder Drivers where their regular job either begins or ends on a Sunday or a holiday. In the case of a holiday, their holiday is either advanced or delayed, but it is, nevertheless, observed and paid as a holiday. Premium holiday pay shall be paid to feeder drivers for hours worked on a holiday, when the employee’s job begins on a holiday, unless the holiday had been advanced or delayed. Employees may elect, on their anniversary dates to receive five (5) personal days off (40 straight-time hours) or pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
. These five (5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnished.
(6) A religious holiday, when observed, days may be charged either selected under the seniority procedures by the employee as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be two (2) personal days. A new employee can take one (1) personal day during the first six (6) months of employment after completion part of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employmentemploy- ee’s vacation selection procedure.
Appears in 1 contract
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. A. Employees Eligible Employees
1. The following shall be entitled to paid holidays within each calendar year observed as followsholidays: New Year's Day* Election Day* Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx.'s Birthday* Thanksgiving Day* President’s Day Day after Thanksgiving , Memorial Day* , Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day* Independence Day* 2 days - selected by Labor Day* . In the University during event any of these above holidays fall on Saturday, Dental Administration will specify the Christmas Season
B. The holiday commemorating the birthday of Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xx. will date to be observed on either for the Federal Holiday or January 15th, whichever is designated by the Universityholiday.
2. There shall be no deduction in pay for the observance of the foregoing holidays for any Full-Time, Part-Time, benefit eligible On-Call and Short-Hour Employee who has been in an employed status for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days prior to the holiday. Such an Employee working one (1) In the event an employee is required to work on any of the eight (8) foregoing holidays designated in Article 20, Section A, by an asterisk (*), he/she shall be paid at the rate of time two and one-half (2-1/2) times his/her regular pay rate of pay.
3. Pay for all hours holidays not worked shall be on the following basis:
a. If the holiday falls on a normally scheduled workday and the Employee is scheduled off because of the holiday, and shall, in addition, receive an additional day off with regular pay within thirty (30) days of the holiday or an extra day's pay in lieu thereof, as determined by the Employer.
(2) An employee required to work on any holiday other than those specified with an asterisk in Section A above shall receive a day off with regular pay or in lieu thereof shall be paid a day's regular pay at the option of the Employer.
(3) When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, regular full-time employees will be given equivalent time off, usually on the preceding Friday or the following Monday.
(4) If a holiday falls during an employee's vacation, the vacation shall be extended by one
(1) day.
(5) If an employee is absent the scheduled workday before and/or the scheduled work day after a paid holiday or day in lieu thereof, the Employer may demand proof of illness. The Employer may deny pay for such holiday if such proof is requested and not furnishedworked shall be for the number of hours at the straight-time rate the Employee would have received had he/she worked.
b. If the holiday falls on a day scheduled off, the Employee shall, depending on staffing requirements, receive either a paid day off within that pay period or additional pay equal to one fourth (61/4th) A religious his/her regular weekly scheduled hours of work, not to exceed the hours of the regular shift (see examples below). The Employer will make a reasonable effort to allow the Employee a day off in lieu of the holiday. If staffing requirements direct, when observedthe Employer will ask for volunteers to work. Examples for calculating paid day off or additional pay: An Employee who normally works four (4) ten (10) hour days: 4X10=40, may be charged either as a personal day to which reference is made below, or to vacation credit.
D. In addition to the above holidays, there shall be 1/4th 40 = 10 hours holiday pay. An Employee who normally works two (2) personal ten (10) hour days: 2X10=20, 1/4th 20 = 5 hours holiday pay. A new employee can take one An Employee who normally works two (12) personal day during eight (8) hour days and two (2) nine (9) hour days: 2X8=16, 2X9=18, 16+18=34, 1/4th 34 = 8.5 hours holiday pay. An Employee who normally works five (5) eight (8) hour days: 5X8=40, 1/4th 40 = 10, the first six (6) months of employment after completion of the probationary period and the second after completing the first six (6) months of employment. After the first completed year of employment, employees accrue one (1) personal day during each six (6) month period of employment.Employee will receive his/her normal scheduled eight
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement