Unpaid Personal Leave Sample Clauses
Unpaid Personal Leave. Where an employee has exhausted all paid personal leave entitlements, they are entitled to take unpaid personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support or who require care due to an unexpected emergency. The employer and the employee shall agree on the period. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to take up to two days (up to a maximum of 16 hours) of unpaid leave per occasion, provided the requirements of 7.2.5(a) and 7.2.5(b) are met.
Unpaid Personal Leave. Unpaid personal leave, other than herein before specified, may be granted by the CEO, upon the written request of the employee, at least thirty (30) days in advance. Approval may not be unreasonably denied. Retirement, seniority, sick leave, vacation credit and time accrual for step increase shall not accrue during the term of such leave.
Unpaid Personal Leave. Where an employee has exhausted all paid personal leave entitlements, they are entitled to take unpaid personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support or who require care due to an unexpected emergency. The employer and the employee shall agree on the period. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to take up to two (2) days of unpaid carer’s leave per occasion, provided the employee complies with the notice and evidence requirements of this clause. Unpaid carer’s leave can be taken in a single unbroken period or any separate periods agreed between the employee and employer.
Unpaid Personal Leave. An unpaid personal leave is a leave without pay for one to five work days which may be requested only when all allowable paid personal leave has been exhausted. The supervising administrator must agree to the leave request for consideration for approval by the district human resources office. Should the supervising administrator deny the request, such leave will not be considered for approval.
Unpaid Personal Leave. 13.6.1 In circumstances where all paid personal leave entitlements are exhausted, the employee in compliance with the notification and evidence requirements outlined in clauses 13.4 and 13.5 above will be entitled to unpaid carer’s leave of up to 2 days for a particular permissible occasion as mutually agreed.
Unpaid Personal Leave. A personal leave may be granted for a variety of reasons for a period of up to twelve (12) months at the discretion and approval of the Supervisor. The Employee may continue to participate in the Employer benefit plans, provided she pays both the Employee and the Employer benefit plan premiums in advance.
Unpaid Personal Leave. An Employee who has exhausted all paid personal/carer’s leave entitlements may, with the consent of the Employer, take unpaid personal leave. The Employer will require that the Employee provide documentary evidence to support the unpaid personal leave to the satisfaction of the Employer.
Unpaid Personal Leave. 13.2.1 An employee may request a personal leave of absence for reasons enumerated elsewhere in the Agreement.
13.2.2 The employee seeking an approved personal leave of absence shall submit a request, including the reasons and any supporting information related thereto, and shall indicate the duration of the length of the requested leave to the County Superintendent of Schools or his designee.
13.2.3 Employees will exhaust all available vacation, compensatory time, discretionary personal necessity and personal business days before approval for unpaid personal leave of absence.
13.2.4 For personal absences of five (5) working days or less, the employee shall submit the request described herein to the County Superintendent of Schools not less than five (5) working days prior to the beginning date of the leave. The decision of the County Superintendent of Schools for approval or denial of these requests shall be final.
13.2.5 For personal absence in excess of five (5) workdays including the balance of the school semester/year, or a full school semester/year, the employee shall submit the request described herein to the immediate supervisor for recommendation to the Division Assistant Superintendent for his/her recommendation to the County Superintendent of Schools for approval or denial. The decision of the County Superintendent of Schools for approval or denial of these requests shall be final.
13.2.6 An employee shall not accept gainful employment while on personal leave of absence without the prior approval of the County Superintendent of Schools.
13.2.7 Any personal leave of absence that may be granted under these provisions shall be without compensation. Employees on personal leave of absence in excess of thirty (30) calendar days shall be permitted to participate in the Office insurance program at their expense as provided for in Article X of this Agreement.
13.2.8 The employee shall be reinstated to the position classification held prior to the leave of absence or to a position for which the employee is qualified.
13.2.9 If the personal leave of absence was granted for personal health reasons, the employee shall be required to submit, prior to return to active duty, a medical statement indicating an ability to assume assigned duties without restrictions or detriment to the employee’s physical or emotional well-being.
Unpaid Personal Leave. 5.13.1 Short-term leave, twenty-five (25) calendar days or less, may be granted to a Unit Member upon the approval of the Superintendent/President or designee, and will be evaluated on an individual basis. Short-term personal leave includes but is not limited to the following: religious purpose, for appearance in legal proceedings, professional development, in-service training, child rearing or health. A request for a short-term personal leave must be in writing and carry the recommendation of the immediate supervisor and either the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Vice President for Student Affairs. Short-term personal leave will be granted without pay, but the District will continue all other employee benefits.
5.13.2 Upon recommendation of the Superintendent/President and approval of the Governing Board of the District, a full-time Unit Member requesting short-term personal leave for five (5) days or less will be granted the following salary compensation: The Unit Member will receive his/her contract salary minus a deduction for the salary paid to substitutes or fifty percent (50%) of the Unit Member's daily rate of pay, whichever amount is larger. The daily rate to be computed by dividing the Unit Member's annual salary by the number of contract days that the Unit Member is required to be on duty for the year. The sole discretion to determine whether such compensation will be granted lies with the Governing Board.
5.13.3 Long-term personal leave, in excess of twenty-five (25) calendar days, may be granted upon the approval of the Governing Board. Long-term personal leave includes but is not limited to the following: religious purpose, for appearance in legal proceedings, professional development, in-service training, child rearing or health. Requests for long-term leave shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent/President. Normally, this leave will commence with the beginning of a semester, and may not exceed two (2) semesters in length. The Governing Board may extend the leave upon receipt of a written request from the Unit Member on leave. The Governing Board shall establish the date of the Unit Member's return to duty that may extend the leave time to the beginning of a new semester or a new fiscal year. Long-term personal leave is granted without pay or any other benefits.
5.13.4 Short or long-term personal leave shall be granted to any female Unit Member who desires to absent herself from her duties because of pregnancy or conva...
Unpaid Personal Leave. 45.7.1 Where an Employee has exhausted all paid Carers Leave entitlements, the Employee is entitled to take unpaid personal leave to care for or support members of his or her immediate family or household who are sick or injured and require care and support or who require care or support due to an unexpected emergency. The Employer and the Employee shall agree on the period. In the absence of agreement, the Employee is entitled to take up to two days of unpaid leave per occasion, provided the above notification and evidentiary requirements are met.