HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. 30 12.1 HOLIDAYS 30 12.2 Scheduling Holidays Off 30 12.3 Premium Pay on Holidays 30 12.5 WORK ON A HOLIDAY 31 ARTICLE 13- PAID TIME OFF 31 13.2 PTO ACCRUAL CAPS 31 13.3 PTO CAP PROCESS 32 13.4 PTO Request Approval Process 32 13.5 PTO and Termination of Employment 32 13.6 PTO USE FOR ILLNESS 33 13.7 PTO BASED ON REGULAR PAY RATE 33 13.8 CALLING OUT SICK 33 13.9 Leaving Work Early Due to Illness 33 13.10 OPTIONAL CASH OUT OF PTO 33 ARTICLE 14 - ADDITIONAL PAID LEAVE 34 14.1 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 34 14.2 JURY/WITNESS DUTY LEAVE 34 ARTICLE 15- UNPAID LEAVE 35 15.1 FAMILY LEAVE 35 15.2 Non-Work-Related Disability Leave 35 15.3 MILITARY LEAVE 35 15.4 UNION LEAVE 35 15.5 OTHER LEAVES 36 ARTICLE 16 - RETIREMENT 36 16.1 ELIGIBILITY 36 16.2 Employee Enrollment 36 16.3 Employee Contribution 36 16.4 EMPLOYER MATCH 36 16.5 Contribution Amounts 36 16.6 Hardship Withdrawals 36 16.7 PROVIDER CHANGES 36 ARTICLE 17- TUITION ASSISTANCE 37 17.1 PROGRAM 37 17.2 Application Process 37 17.3 ELIGIBILITY 37 17.4 Certification and Renewal Fees 38 ARTICLE 18 - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 38 AND JUST CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 38 18.1 The Right to Organize 38 18.2 JUST CAUSE 38 18.3 Resident Information 39 18.4 Corrective Action Process 39 18.5 Principles of Progressive Discipline 40 18.6 Discharge and Suspension Notification 41 18.7 GRIEVANCES 41 18.8 Corrective Action in the Personnel File 41 ARTICLE 19- PERSONNEL RECORDS 41 19.1 PERSONNEL FILES 41 19.2 Disciplinary Materials and Evaluations 42 ARTICLE 20 - GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 42 20.1 INTENT 42 20.2 Optional Informal Discussion 42 20.3 GRIEVANCE DEFINED 43 20.4 Grievance Time Limits 43 20.5 Step I – Grievance Presented in Writing to Administrator 44 20.6 STEP 2 – GRIEVANCE APPEAL 44 20.6 Optional Mediation 45 20. 8 Step V – Arbitration 45 ARTICLE 21 – SEPARABILITY 50 ARTICLE 22 – LABOR-MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES 50 22.1 Labor Management Committees 50 22.2 Worksite Labor Management Committees 51 22.3 Bargaining Prohibition 51 ARTICLE 23 - SAFETY AND TRAINING 52 23.1 Safety Rules and Regulations 52 23.2 Emergency Preparedness Committee & Plans 52 23.3 Equipment, Materials and Training 53 23.4 Infectious Disease 53 23.5 Employer Paid Vaccines and Tests 53 23.6 Safe Equipment and Safe Conditions 53 23.7 Training for New Employees 54 23.8 Additional Training 54 ARTICLE 24 - NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT 54 24.1 NO STRIKE/ NO LOCKOUT 54 24.2 Union Notification 54 24.3 VIOLATION 55 24.4 Union Communication 55 24.5 Informational Picketing 55 ARTICLE 25 - SUCCESSORSHIP 55 ARTICLE 26- HEALTH INSURANCE 57 26.1 JOINT LEGISLATIVE WORK 57 26.2 Payroll Deductions 57 26.3 Health Care Joint Committee 57 26.4 Employee Contributions 58 26.5 Employee Eligibility 58 26.6 SPOUSAL COVERAGE 58 26.7 HEALTH CARE TRUST 58 ARTICLE 27 – SUBCONTRACTING & INSOURCING 59 27.1 INSOURCING 59 27.2 SUB-CONTRACTING 59 27.3 Initial Sub-Contracting 59 27.4 Pre-existing Sub-Contracting 59
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. 30 12.1 HOLIDAYS 30 12.2 Scheduling 31 Section 22.1. Holiday Schedule 31 Section 22.2. Compensation for Holidays Off 30 12.3 Premium Pay on Holidays 30 12.5 WORK ON A HOLIDAY 31 Section 22.3. Personal Days 32 ARTICLE 13- PAID TIME OFF 31 13.2 PTO ACCRUAL CAPS 31 13.3 PTO CAP PROCESS 32 13.4 PTO Request Approval Process 32 13.5 PTO and Termination of Employment 32 13.6 PTO USE FOR ILLNESS 33 13.7 PTO BASED ON REGULAR PAY RATE 33 13.8 CALLING OUT SICK 33 13.9 Leaving Work Early Due to Illness 33 13.10 OPTIONAL CASH OUT OF PTO 23 UNIFORMS 33 ARTICLE 14 - ADDITIONAL PAID LEAVE 24 VACATIONS 34 14.1 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Section 24.1. Accrual of Vacation Time 34 14.2 JURY/WITNESS DUTY LEAVE Section 24.2. Eligibility Requirement 34 Section 24.3. Vacation Benefits Upon Separation. 34 ARTICLE 15- UNPAID LEAVE 25 INSURANCE 35 15.1 FAMILY LEAVE Section 25.1. Cafeteria Benefits Plan 35 15.2 Non-Work-Related Disability Section 25.2. Retirees Insurance 35 Section 25.3. Flexible Benefits Plan 35 Section 25.4. Right to Change Carriers 35 Section 25.5. Terms of Policies/Plans to Govern. 35 Section 25.6. Right to Maintain Coverage While on Unpaid Leave 35 15.3 MILITARY LEAVE 35 15.4 UNION LEAVE 35 15.5 OTHER LEAVES or on Layoff 36 ARTICLE 16 - RETIREMENT 36 16.1 ELIGIBILITY 36 16.2 Employee Enrollment 36 16.3 Employee Contribution 36 16.4 EMPLOYER MATCH 36 16.5 Contribution Amounts 36 16.6 Hardship Withdrawals 36 16.7 PROVIDER CHANGES 36 26 SICK LEAVE INCOME 37 Section 26.1. Sick Leave 37 Section 26.2. Sick Leave Income 37 ARTICLE 17- 27 TUITION ASSISTANCE 37 17.1 PROGRAM 37 17.2 Application Process 37 17.3 ELIGIBILITY 37 17.4 Certification REIMBURSEMENT/EDUCATION INCENTIVE 39 Section 27.1. Tuition Reimbursement 39 Section 27.2. Education Incentive 39 ARTICLE 28 SPECIALIST POSITIONS COMPENSATION 40 ARTICLE 29 GENERAL PROVISIONS 41 Section 29.1. Chapter Officers 41 Section 29.2. Replacement of Equipment 41 Section 29.3. Immunization and Renewal Fees 38 ARTICLE 18 - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 38 AND JUST CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 38 18.1 The Right to Organize 38 18.2 JUST CAUSE 38 18.3 Resident Information 39 18.4 Corrective Action Process 39 18.5 Principles Inoculations 41 Section 29.4. Killed in Line of Progressive Discipline 40 18.6 Discharge and Suspension Notification Duty Benefit 41 18.7 GRIEVANCES 41 18.8 Corrective Action in the Personnel File Section 29.5. Solicitation 41 ARTICLE 19- PERSONNEL RECORDS 41 19.1 PERSONNEL FILES 41 19.2 Disciplinary Materials and Evaluations 42 30 DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING 43 ARTICLE 20 - GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 42 20.1 INTENT 42 20.2 Optional Informal Discussion 42 20.3 GRIEVANCE DEFINED 43 20.4 Grievance Time Limits 43 20.5 Step I – Grievance Presented in Writing to Administrator 44 20.6 STEP 2 – GRIEVANCE APPEAL 44 20.6 Optional Mediation 45 20. 8 Step V – Arbitration 31 MAINTENANCE OF ECONOMIC BENEFITS 45 ARTICLE 21 – SEPARABILITY 50 32 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 46 ARTICLE 22 – LABOR-MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES 50 22.1 Labor Management Committees 50 22.2 Worksite Labor Management Committees 33 SAVINGS CLAUSE 47 ARTICLE 34 DURATION 48 Section 34.1. Term of Agreement 48 Section 34.2. Continuing Effect 48 APPENDIX A - WAGE RATES AND LONGEVITY 49 SICK LEAVE SIDE LETTER 51 22.3 Bargaining Prohibition 51 ARTICLE 23 - SAFETY BUREAU VACATION SCHEDULING SIDE LETTER 52 SHIFT SELECTION SIDE LETTER 53 GPS LOCATION AND TRAINING 52 23.1 Safety Rules and Regulations 52 23.2 Emergency Preparedness Committee & Plans 52 23.3 Equipment, Materials and Training 53 23.4 Infectious Disease 53 23.5 Employer Paid Vaccines and Tests 53 23.6 Safe Equipment and Safe Conditions 53 23.7 Training for New Employees 54 23.8 Additional Training 54 ARTICLE 24 - NO STRIKESPEED POLICY SIDE LETTER 55 USE OF AUDIO/NO LOCKOUT 54 24.1 NO STRIKE/ NO LOCKOUT 54 24.2 Union Notification 54 24.3 VIOLATION 55 24.4 Union Communication 55 24.5 Informational Picketing 55 ARTICLE 25 - SUCCESSORSHIP 55 ARTICLE 26- HEALTH INSURANCE 57 26.1 JOINT LEGISLATIVE WORK 57 26.2 Payroll Deductions 57 26.3 Health Care Joint Committee 57 26.4 Employee Contributions 58 26.5 Employee Eligibility 58 26.6 SPOUSAL COVERAGE 58 26.7 HEALTH CARE TRUST 58 ARTICLE 27 – SUBCONTRACTING & INSOURCING 59 27.1 INSOURCING 59 27.2 SUB-CONTRACTING 59 27.3 Initial Sub-Contracting 59 27.4 Pre-existing Sub-Contracting 59VIDEO SQUAD CAR CAMERA SIDE LETTER 56
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
HOLIDAYS AND PERSONAL DAYS. 30 12.1 HOLIDAYS Section 16.1 -Designation of Holidays for Employees Assigned to 8-Hour Shifts 30 12.2 Scheduling Holidays Off Section 16.2 -Eligibility Requirements for Employees Assigned to 8-Hour Shifts 30 12.3 Premium Pay on Holidays 30 12.5 WORK ON A HOLIDAY Section 16.3 -Pay for Holiday Work for Employees Assigned to 8-Hollf Shifts 31 Section 16.4 -Personal Days for Emplovees Assigned to 8-Hour Shifts 31 Section 16.5 -Holidays for Emplovees Assigned to 24-Hour Shifts 31 ARTICLE 13- PAID TIME OFF 31 13.2 PTO ACCRUAL CAPS 31 13.3 PTO CAP PROCESS 17 INSURANCE 32 13.4 PTO Request Approval Process Section 17.1 -Cafeteria Benefits Plan 32 13.5 PTO and Termination Section 17.2 -Retirees Insurance 32 Section 17.3 -Flexible Spending Account 32 Section 17.4 -Right to Change-Carriers 32 Section 17.5 -Terms of Employment 32 13.6 PTO USE FOR ILLNESS Policies to Govern 33 13.7 PTO BASED ON REGULAR PAY RATE 33 13.8 CALLING OUT SICK 33 13.9 Leaving Work Early Due Section 17.6 –Right to Illness 33 13.10 OPTIONAL CASH OUT OF PTO Maintain Coverage While on Unpaid Leave or on Lavoff 33 ARTICLE 14 - ADDITIONAL PAID LEAVE 18 MISCELLANEOUS FRINGE BENEFITS 34 14.1 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Section 18.1 -Deferred Compensation Plan 34 14.2 JURY/WITNESS DUTY LEAVE Section 18.2 -Credit Union 34 Section 18.3 -Quartermaster System and Maintenance Allowance 34 Section 18.4 -Sick Leave Incentive Plan 34 Section 18.5 –Pay for Unused Sick Leave at Retirement 34 Section 18.6 -Severance Pay 36 Section 18.7 -Eye Glass Replacement 36 Section 18.8 -Inoculation 37 Section 18.9 -Killed in Line of Duty 37 Section 18.10 -Flexible Benefit Purchase Program 37 ARTICLE 15- UNPAID LEAVE 35 15.1 FAMILY LEAVE 35 15.2 Non-Work-Related Disability Leave 35 15.3 MILITARY LEAVE 35 15.4 UNION LEAVE 35 15.5 OTHER LEAVES 36 ARTICLE 16 - RETIREMENT 36 16.1 ELIGIBILITY 36 16.2 Employee Enrollment 36 16.3 Employee Contribution 36 16.4 EMPLOYER MATCH 36 16.5 Contribution Amounts 36 16.6 Hardship Withdrawals 36 16.7 PROVIDER CHANGES 36 ARTICLE 17- TUITION ASSISTANCE 37 17.1 PROGRAM 37 17.2 Application Process 37 17.3 ELIGIBILITY 37 17.4 Certification 19 MISCELLANEOUS 38 Section 19.1 -Outside Employment 38 Section 19.2 -Gender of Words 38 Section 19.3 -Physical Examination 38 Section 19.4 -Job Descriptions 38 Section 19.5 -Posting of Formal Training Opportunities 38 Section 19.6 -Released Time 39 Section 19.7 -Civil Emergencies 39 Sedion-19.8 -Drug and Renewal Fees 38 ARTICLE 18 - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 38 AND JUST CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 38 18.1 The Right to Organize 38 18.2 JUST CAUSE 38 18.3 Resident Information Alcohol Testing 39 18.4 Corrective Action Process 39 18.5 Principles of Progressive Discipline 40 18.6 Discharge and Suspension Notification Section 19.9 -Solicitation 41 18.7 GRIEVANCES 41 18.8 Corrective Action in the Personnel File 41 ARTICLE 19- PERSONNEL RECORDS 41 19.1 PERSONNEL FILES 41 19.2 Disciplinary Materials and Evaluations Section 19.10 -Physical Fitness Program 42 ARTICLE 20 - GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 42 20.1 INTENT 42 20.2 Optional Informal Discussion 42 20.3 GRIEVANCE DEFINED SAVINGS CLAUSE 43 20.4 Grievance Time Limits 43 20.5 Step I – Grievance Presented in Writing to Administrator ARTICLE 21 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 44 20.6 STEP 2 – GRIEVANCE APPEAL 44 20.6 Optional Mediation 45 20. 8 Step V – Arbitration ARTICLE 22 MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS 45 ARTICLE 21 23 DURATION AND TERM 46 APPENDIX A – SEPARABILITY 50 ARTICLE 22 – LABOR-MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES 50 22.1 Labor Management Committees 50 22.2 Worksite Labor Management Committees 51 22.3 Bargaining Prohibition 51 ARTICLE 23 - SAFETY AND TRAINING 52 23.1 Safety Rules and Regulations 52 23.2 Emergency Preparedness Committee & Plans 52 23.3 Equipment, Materials and Training 53 23.4 Infectious Disease 53 23.5 Employer Paid Vaccines and Tests 53 23.6 Safe Equipment and Safe Conditions 53 23.7 Training for New Employees 54 23.8 Additional Training 54 ARTICLE 24 - NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT 54 24.1 NO STRIKE/ NO LOCKOUT 54 24.2 Union Notification 54 24.3 VIOLATION 55 24.4 Union Communication 55 24.5 Informational Picketing 55 ARTICLE 25 - SUCCESSORSHIP 55 ARTICLE 26- HEALTH INSURANCE 57 26.1 JOINT LEGISLATIVE WORK 57 26.2 Payroll Deductions 57 26.3 Health Care Joint Committee 57 26.4 Employee Contributions 58 26.5 Employee Eligibility 58 26.6 SPOUSAL COVERAGE 58 26.7 HEALTH CARE TRUST 58 ARTICLE 27 – SUBCONTRACTING & INSOURCING 59 27.1 INSOURCING 59 27.2 SUB-CONTRACTING 59 27.3 Initial Sub-Contracting 59 27.4 Pre-existing Sub-Contracting 59ALTERNATIVE IMPASS RESOLUTION PROCEDURE 47
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement