Evaluation Procedure The procedural requirements set forth in this agreement which conform with and provide specificity to the statutory obligations established by Ohio Rev. Code § 3319.111 and § 3319.112.
Notification Procedure Each such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered: (i) when presented personally to the GOB, (ii) when transmitted by facsimile, or (iii) five (5) Days after being deposited in a regularly maintained receptacle for the postal service in Bangladesh, postage prepaid, registered or certified, return receipt requested, addressed to the GOB, at the address indicated in Section 17 of the Implementation Agreement (or such other address as the GOB may have specified by written notice delivered in accordance therewith). Any notice given by facsimile under this Section 7.5 shall be confirmed in writing delivered personally or sent by prepaid post, but failure to so confirm shall not void or invalidate the original notice if it is in fact received by the GOB.
Mediation Procedure The Chairman shall promptly advise the parties of a scheduled Mediation Hearing date. Unless a party requests an expedited procedure, or unless all parties to the proceeding agree to one or more extensions of time, the Mediation Hearing set forth below shall be completed within forty (40) days of BCBSA's receipt of the Complaint. The selected mediators, unless the parties otherwise agree, shall adhere to the following procedure: i. Each party must be represented by its CEO or other representative who has been delegated full authority to resolve the dispute. However, parties may send additional representatives as they see fit. ii. By no later than five (5) days prior to the date designated for the Mediation Hearing, each party shall supply and serve a list of all persons who will be attending the Mediation Hearing, and indicate who will have the authority to resolve the dispute. iii. Each party will be given one-half hour to present its case, beginning with the complaining party (or parties), followed by the other party or parties. The parties are free to structure their presentations as they see fit, using oral statements or direct examination of witnesses. However, neither cross- examination nor questioning of opposing representatives will be permitted. At the close of each presentation, the selected mediators will be given an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and witnesses. All parties must be present throughout the Mediation Hearing. The selected mediators may extend the time allowed for each party's presentation at the Mediation Hearing. The selected mediators may meet in executive session, outside the presence of the parties, or may meet with the parties separately, to discuss the controversy. iv. After the close of the presentations, the parties will attempt to negotiate a settlement of the dispute. If the parties desire, the selected mediators, or any one or more of the selected mediators, will sit in on the negotiations. v. After the close of the presentations, the selected mediators may meet privately to agree upon a recommendation for resolution of the dispute which would be submitted to the parties for their consideration and approval. If the parties have previously agreed to be bound by the results of this procedure, this recommendation shall be binding upon the parties. vi. The purpose of the Mediation Hearing is to assist the parties to settle their grievances short of mandatory dispute resolution. As a result, the Mediation Hearing has been designed to be as informal as possible. Rules of evidence shall not apply. There will be no transcript of the proceedings, and no party may make a tape recording of the Mediation Hearing. vii. In order to facilitate a free and open discussion, the Mediation proceeding shall remain confidential. A "Stipulation to Confidentiality" which prohibits future use of settlement offers, all position papers or other statements furnished to the selected mediators, and decisions or recommendations in any Mediation proceeding shall be executed by each party. viii. Upon request of the selected mediators, or one of the parties, BCBSA staff may also submit documentation at any time during the proceedings.
NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE 3.1 On or before September 1 of the prior year in which this agreement is to expire either party may initiate negotiations in accordance with RSA 273:A. The parties shall meet not later than September 15th, at which time the Association shall submit its proposals, unless another date is mutually agreed to by the parties. 3.2 The Negotiating Committee of the Board and the Negotiating Committee of the Association shall have authority to reach a complete agreement, subject to ratification by the Board and the qualified voting members of the Association covered by this Agreement. 3.3 Any agreement reached shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Board and the Association. Any agreement reached which requires the expenditure of additional public funds for its implementation shall not be binding on the Board, unless and until the necessary appropriations have been made by the Annual School District Meeting. The Board shall make a good faith effort to secure the funds necessary to implement said agreements. 3.4 If, after discussion of all negotiable matters, the parties fail to reach agreement, either party may declare impasse. In the event of impasse, the rules and procedures for “Resolution of Disputes” as outlined under RSA 273: A-12 shall be followed. 3.5 The cost for the services of the mediator and/or fact finder including per diem expenses, if any, will be shared equally by the Board and the Association. 3.6 Determinations and/or recommendations under the provision of Section 3.4 of this Article III will not be binding on the parties in accordance with RSA 273: A 3.7 If the monies to fund the economic provisions are not appropriated as provided in this Article III, Section 3.3 and/or if either party rejects the recommendations set forth in this Article III, Section 3.6, then the parties shall do the following: A. The appropriate party shall notify the other party of its intent to renegotiate the provisions of this Agreement, and: B. If either negotiating team rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the full membership of the employee organization and to the Board of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as is otherwise permitted by law. C. If either the full membership of the employee organization or the public employer rejects the neutral party’s recommendations, his/her findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the legislative body of the public employer, which shall vote to accept or reject so much of his/her recommendations as otherwise is permitted by law. D. If the impasse is not resolved following the action of the legislative body, negotiations shall be reopened. Mediation may be requested by either party and may involve the Board of the public employer if the mediator so chooses. 3.8 The parties may, by mutual agreement, pass over mediation and go directly to fact finding. 3.9 Neither party in any negotiations shall interfere with the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party.
Escalation Procedure Tentative Rates for those species and products listed in A4a are subject to quarterly escalation in accordance with the following pro- cedures: The calendar quarter index average for each price index described in A5 is the arithmetic average of the three such monthly price indices preceding January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. The difference between calendar quarter index average and Base Index listed in A4a shall be the basis for quarterly escalation. To arrive at Current Contract Rates for timber Scaled during the preceding calendar quarter, Tentative Rates for each species shall be reduced or increased by such difference, except when the calendar quarter index average is: (a) Less than the Base Index, the reduction shall not result in a rate below Base Rate or (b) Greater than the Base Index, the increase shall not exceed the difference between Tentative Rate and Base Rate. In the event of Contract Term Extension, the escala- tion procedure will be used during the extension period, except that adjusted payment rates for any calendar quar- ter cannot be less than Tentative Rates, for each species and product group, established under B8.23 for the ex- tension period.
Application Procedure 7.4.1. Application Priority........................................ 7.4.2. [Reserved].................................................. 7.4.3. Advance Payments............................................
Consultation Procedure If a party hereto is unable to meet the provisions of the Service Level Agreement, or in the event that a dispute arises relating to performance goals set forth in the Service Level Agreement, either party to this Agreement shall address any concerns it may have by requiring a consultation with the other party.
Variation Procedure 16.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Clause 16 and, in respect of any change to the Framework Prices, subject to the provisions of Framework Schedule 3 (Framework Prices), the Authority may request a variation to this Framework Agreement provided that such variation does not amount to a material change of this Framework Agreement within the meaning of the Regulations and the Law. Such a change once implemented is hereinafter called a "Variation". 16.1.2 The Authority may, at its own instance or where in its sole and absolute discretion it decides to having been requested to do so by the Supplier, request a Variation by completing and sending the Variation Form as set out in Framework Schedule 19 (Variation Form) to the Supplier giving sufficient information for the Supplier to 16.1.3 The Supplier shall respond to the Authority’s request pursuant to Clause 16.1.2 within the time limits specified in the Variation Form. Such time limits shall be reasonable and ultimately at the discretion of the Authority having regard to the nature of the proposed Variation. 16.1.4 In the event that: (a) the Supplier is unable to agree to or provide the Variation; and/or (b) the Parties are unable to agree a change to the Framework Prices that may be included in a request for a Variation or response to it as a consequence thereof, (c) the Authority may: (i) agree to continue to perform its obligations under this Framework Agreement without the Variation; or (ii) terminate this Framework Agreement with immediate effect.
Arbitration Procedure The following procedures shall govern the conduct of any arbitration under this section. All procedural matters relating to the conduct of the arbitration other than those specified below shall be discussed among counsel for the parties and the arbitrator. Subject to any agreement of the parties, the arbitrator shall determine all procedural matters not specified herein. (a) Within 30 days after the delivery of a Notice of Arbitration, each party shall afford the other, or its counsel, with reasonable access to documents relating directly to the issues raised in the Notice of Arbitration. All documents produced and all copies thereof shall be maintained as strictly confidential, shall be used for no purpose other than the arbitration hereunder, and shall be returned to the producing party upon completion of the arbitration. There shall be no other discovery except that, if a reasonable need is shown, limited depositions may be allowed in the discretion of the arbitrator, it being the expressed intention and agreement of each party to have the arbitration proceedings conducted and resolved as expeditiously, economically and fairly as reasonably practicable, and with the maximum degree of confidentiality. (b) All written communications regarding the proceeding sent to the arbitrator shall be sent simultaneously to each party or its counsel, with a copy to the Additional Notice Parties. Oral communications between any of the parties or their counsel and the arbitrator shall be conducted only when all parties or their counsel are present and participating in the conversation. (c) Within 20 days after selection of the arbitrator, the Claimant shall submit to the arbitrator a copy of the Notice of Arbitration, along with a supporting memorandum and any exhibits or other documents supporting the Claim. (d) Within 20 days after receipt of the Claimant’s submission, the Opposing Party shall submit to the arbitrator a memorandum supporting its position and any exhibits or other supporting documents. If the Opposing Party fails to respond to any of the issues raised by the Claimant within 20 days of receipt of the Claimant’s submission, then the arbitrator may find for the Claimant on any such issue and bar any subsequent consideration of the matter. (e) Within 20 days after receipt of the Opposing Party’s response, the Claimant may submit to the arbitrator a reply to the Opposing Party’s response, or notification that no reply is forthcoming. (f) No later than twenty (20) days prior to the hearing date scheduled by the arbitrator each party shall provide the other, and the arbitrator, with a list and copies of the documents upon which they may rely and/or submit as exhibits at the hearing and a list of the witnesses they may present, with a reasonably detailed summary of the testimony that each witness may give. (g) Within 10 days after the last submission as provided above, the arbitrator shall notify the parties and the Additional Notice Parties of the date of the hearing on the issues raised by the Claim. Scheduling of the hearing shall be within the sole discretion of the arbitrator, but in no event more than 30 days after the last submission by the parties, and shall take place within 50 miles of the corporate headquarters of the Company at a place selected by the arbitrator or such other place as is mutually agreed. Both parties shall be granted substantially equal time to present evidence at the hearing. The hearing shall not exceed one business day, except for good cause shown. (h) Within 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the arbitrator shall issue a written decision to be delivered to both parties and the Additional Notice Parties (the “Final Determination”). The Final Determination shall address each issue disputed by the parties, state the arbitrator’s findings and reasons therefor, and state the nature and amount of any damages, compensation or other relief awarded. (i) The award rendered by the arbitrator shall be final and non-appealable, except as otherwise provided under the applicable Arbitration Act, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in such court as has jurisdiction thereof.
Selection Procedure Internal applicants shall be defined as all applicants with seniority in accordance with Article 12.5. In filling a posted vacancy, first consideration shall be given to internal applicants who meet the stated qualifications. All Faculty members who meet the stated qualifications for the posted vacancy shall be interviewed by the Selection Committee. Past service and evaluations shall be considered by the Committee. The best qualified candidate shall be recommended for appointment to the position. Where the qualifications of two or more of the applicants are relatively equal, the applicant with the greatest seniority shall be recommended for appointment to the position. In establishing the qualifications, and in evaluating the qualifications and past performance of the applicants, the committee shall act in good faith, in a fair and reasonable manner, and shall not act in an arbitrary or discriminatory fashion. Following the interviews, the committee will submit its recommendations containing a list of qualified candidates in order of preference, through the appropriate Xxxx to the President or delegate. New faculty members shall be appointed only when there are no qualified internal applicants. If there are no qualified internal applicants, the selection committee may consider external applications, in accordance with the procedure outlined above. Internal applicants will be advised as soon as possible of the selection committee's decision that the committee will be considering external applications in accordance with Article