Informal Discussion If an employee has a problem relating to a work situation, the employee is encouraged to request a meeting with his or her immediate supervisor to discuss the problem in an effort to clarify the issue and to work cooperatively towards settlement.
Informal Discussions The employee's concerns will be presented orally by the employee to the appropriate supervisor. Every effort shall be made by all concerned in an informal manner to develop an understanding of the facts and the issues in order to create a climate which will lead to resolution of the problem. If the employee is not satisfied with the informal discussion(s) relative to the matter in question, he/she may proceed to the formal grievance procedure.
Informal Stage If a Teacher is unable to resolve a complaint informally, the Teacher may with the concurrence of the Bargaining Unit Executive initiate a complaint with his/her supervisor who shall answer the complaint in writing (if requested) within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. The problem must be brought to the attention of the supervisor within fifteen (15) days after the Teacher becomes aware, or would reasonably be expected to have become aware, of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint.
Informal Grievance Procedure Employees are encouraged to act promptly to attempt to resolve disputes with their manager/supervisor through an informal procedure. A meeting between the manager/supervisor and the employee should take place whenever requested by either party to assist, to clarify or resolve the grievance. The employee may be accompanied by his/her Union representative at the informal meeting. Any resolution reached at the informal step must be in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, or other rule or ordinance and shall not set precedent.
Informal Grievance 1. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the event giving rise to a grievance, the grievant shall present the grievance informally for disposition by the immediate supervisor or at any appropriate level of authority within the department. 2. Presentation of an informal grievance shall be a prerequisite to the institution of a formal grievance.
Informal Observation Additional evaluation of employees may occur through informal observations by the Employer. It may not be necessary to reduce such evaluations to writing, and a verbal discussion between the Employer and the employee concerning the informal observations may suffice. If a written evaluation is deemed necessary, Procedures C and D as outlined above shall be followed.
Informal Process The Informal Process provides an Employee with the opportunity to resolve his or her concern by using the open door process, with the assistance of a FC member, within 30 calendar days of the date the Employee became aware of the issue. While an Employee may speak with anyone in the open door process regarding a concern or problem, the Employee is encouraged to take this concern up with his immediate supervisor or may request the assistance of the Employee Advocate or a FC member to facilitate resolution of the issue.
Informal Negotiations To expedite resolution and control the cost of any dispute, controversy, or claim related to these Terms of Use (each a "Dispute" and collectively, the “Disputes”) brought by either you or us (individually, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”), the Parties agree to first attempt to negotiate any Dispute (except those Disputes expressly provided below) informally for at least thirty (30) days before initiating arbitration. Such informal negotiations commence upon written notice from one Party to the other Party.
Informal Observations A. An informal observation is an observation that is not required to be pre-scheduled. B. An evaluator may conduct any number of informal observations. C. Observations do not have to be in the classroom. For example, department or collegial meetings may be used for informal observations. D. Informal observations may serve as an opportunity for formative feedback. If there are concerns regarding the teacher’s/educator’s level of performance based upon informal observations, the evaluator will document the concern and schedule a time to discuss with the employee.
Informal Dispute Resolution Process 1. In the event there is a dispute under this Centralized Contract, the Contractor, OGS and Authorized User agree to exercise their best efforts to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. The Contractor, OGS and Authorized User shall, without delay, continue to perform their respective obligations under this Centralized Contract which are not affected by the dispute. Primary responsibility for resolving any dispute arising under this Centralized Contract shall rest with the Authorized User’s Contractor Coordinators and the Contractor’s Account Executive and the State & Local Government Regional General Manager. 2. In the event the Authorized User is dissatisfied with the Contractor’s Products provided under this Centralized Contract, the Authorized User shall notify the Contractor in writing pursuant to the terms of the Contract. In the event the Contractor has any disputes with the Authorized User, the Contractor shall so notify the Authorized User in writing. If either party notifies the other of such dispute, the other party shall then make good faith efforts to solve the problem or settle the dispute amicably, including meeting with the party’s representatives to attempt diligently to reach a satisfactory result through negotiation. 3. If negotiation between the Contractor and Authorized User fails to resolve any such dispute to the satisfaction of the parties within fourteen (14) business days or as otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and Authorized User, of such notice, then the matter shall be submitted to the State's Contract Administrator and the Contractor’s senior executive officer representative. Such representatives shall meet in person and shall attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute within the next fourteen (14) business days or as otherwise agreed to by the parties. This meeting must be held before either party may seek any other method of dispute resolution, including judicial or governmental resolutions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section shall not be construed to prevent either party from seeking and obtaining temporary equitable remedies, including injunctive relief. 4. The Contractor shall extend the informal dispute resolution period for so long as the Authorized User continues to make reasonable efforts to cure the breach, except with respect to disputes about the breach of payment of fees or infringement of its or its licensors’ intellectual property rights.