INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. The aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party shall furnish to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party, at their request, statistical data as may be reasonably required for the purpose of reviewing the capacity provided by the designated airline of the first Contracting Party on the specified route. Such data shall include all information required to determine the amount of traffic carried.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. The aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party shall supply to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contract ing Party, at their request, such information and statistics relating to traffic carried on the agreed services by the designated airline of the first Contracting Party to and from the territory of the other Contracting Party as may normally be prepared an d submitted to its national aeronautical authorities. Any additional statistical traffic data, which the aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party may desire, shall, upon request, be a subject of mutual discussion and agreement between the aeronaut ical authorities of the two Contracting Parties.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS a. Copies of any information, statistics and records which either party deems necessary to engage in informed Agreement discussions between the District and the Union on wages, benefits and working conditions, or necessary for the implementation, enforcement or administration of any of the terms of this Agreement, shall be made available by either party upon the request of the other.
b. The lawful custodian of the records may charge the person desiring to make the photocopies a reasonable rate for his/her services or for the services of a deputy to supervise the work and for the use of the room or place where the work is done in accordance with 109.190 RSMo.
c. Nothing contained in this section shall require either party to reveal information protected by law as confidential.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. The aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party shall supply to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party, at their request, such information and statistics as may be reasonably required for information purposes subject to the laws and regulations of each Contracting Party.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. The Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties shall supply each other, on request, with periodic statistics or other similar information relating to the traffic carried on the agreed services.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. The Superintendent shall make available to the Association upon request all public information, statistics and records deemed relevant to negotiations.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. 1) The relevant authorities of either Contracting Party shall furnish to the Aeronautical Authorities of the other Contracting Party at their request such periodic or other statistical data as may be reasonably required for the purpose of reviewing the capacity provided by the designated airline or airlines of the first Contracting Party on the specified routes in accordance with Article (3) of this Agreement. Such data shall include all information required to determine the amount of traffic carried.
2) The Aeronautical Authorities of one Contracting Party may require a designated airline of the other Contracting Party to provide statements of statistics related to the traffic carried by that airline on services performed under this Agreement.
3) The Aeronautical Authorities of each Contracting Party may determine the nature of the statistics required to be provided by designated airlines under the above paragraph, and shall apply these requirements on a non-discriminatory basis.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. (a) Distributor shall provide to EMI, in a manner as mutually agreed between the parties, the following daily updated usage data (the “Usage Data”):
(i) For each End-User action on the Service, a transaction-level report including at least the following information, as applicable: User Identifier (as defined in (ii) below), date and time stamp, type of action (e.g., artist search, track title search, album title search, track stream, album stream, recommended stream, personal stream, trial stream, quasi-upload, playlist-add, artist-page visit, etc.), time-played (for partial streams), artist name, track title, album title, ISRC code, genre, and host-site URL (e.g., Distributor domain name, or third-party URL where the Service is accessed through a “widget”);
(ii) For each End User (i) a unique masked (i.e., anonymous) user code identifying the End User (“User Identifier”), registered ZIP code; and (ii) to the extent Distributor is reasonably able to obtain the following: birth year, sex, home ZIP code or home town, self-reported listening preferences (e.g., at work, at home, etc.), self-reported favorite artists/songs/genres, and, on an anonymous basis and in accordance with privacy laws, regulations and good business standards, any other information provided by End Users to Distributor;
(iii) At EMI’s option, such additional categories of data (including, without limitation, demographic data) that Distributor provides to any other provider of sound recordings, provided that EMI pays to Distributor additional consideration, if any, in exchange for which Distributor has provided such other data with similar frequency to such other provider of sound recordings; and
(iv) Such additional data regarding End Users and/or the Service as EMI reasonably requests and as Distributor reasonably is able to obtain and provide to EMI.
(b) In the event that Distributor discovers an error or inaccuracy in any Usage Data that has been previously provided to EMI pursuant to this Section 6.6, Distributor shall (i) immediately notify EMI of such error or inaccuracy; (ii) use reasonable efforts to ensure that Distributor’s future delivery of Usage Data to EMI does not contain similar errors or inaccuracies; and (iii) promptly provide EMI with corrected Usage Data.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. Copies of any information, statistics and records which either party deems necessary for Meet and Confer discussions between the district and the Federation on wages, benefits and working conditions, or necessary for the implementation, enforcement or administration of any of the terms of this Agreement, shall be made available by either party upon request of the other.
INFORMATION AND STATISTICS. Information Exchange Within the EAEU Article 24 Official Statistical Information of the EAEU Article 25 Principles of Functioning of the Customs Union Article 26 Enrollment and Distribution of Import Customs Duties (Other Duties, Taxes and Charges Having Equivalent Power) Article 27 Establishment and Functioning of Free (Special) Economic Zones and Free Warehouses