Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Sample Clauses

Information, Monitoring and Evaluation. Provision of consultants’ services to PAF to: (i) disseminate information about the Project and strengthen PAF’s Management Information System (MIS); and (ii) monitor, supervise and evaluate the implementation of the Project.
Information, Monitoring and Evaluation. 1. The Parties shall collaborate fully to ensure that the purpose of this Agreement be accomplished. To that end, the Parties shall exchange views with regard to matters relating to the projects and provide each other with all available data, documentation and information; shall give all appropriate mutual assistance required in the discharging of the Parties’ duties; and provide all necessary support, in particular, in regard of administrative issues to facilitate the due implementation of the projects. 2. Joint Danish-Cambodian project reviews shall be carried out in accordance with the Project Documents or at the request of either Party. 3. Denmark shall have the right to carry out any technical or financial mission that it considers necessary to follow the execution of the projects. To facilitate the work of the person or persons instructed to carry out such monitoring missions the Royal Government of Cambodia shall provide these persons all relevant assistance, information, and documentation. A mid-term external review by Danida will assess project performance against approved work plans according to the Project Documents. 4. Evaluation of the projects, preferably undertaken jointly by Government of Denmark and the Royal Government of Cambodia, may be carried out at the request of either Party. 5. After the termination of the projects, Government of Denmark reserves the right to carry out evaluation in accordance with this article.
Information, Monitoring and Evaluation. 1. The Parties shall collaborate fully to ensure that the purposes of this Agreement be accomplished. To this end, the Parties shall exchange views with regard to matters relating to the project and provide each other with all available data, documentation and information; shall provide appropriate mutual assistance required in the discharging of the Parties’ duties; and provide all necessary support to facilitate the due implementation of the project. 2. One mid-term review after approximately one and a half years shall be jointly conducted by XxXX. The review will focus on achievements and necessary further steps to guarantee a successful completion of the project. 3. Technical supervision mission shall be jointly conducted 2 times per year as part of the partnership to be established between MCEB and MOIT/MOC. 4. GoDK shall have the right to carry out any technical or financial mission that is considered necessary to monitor the implementation of the project. To facilitate the work of the person or persons instructed to carry out such monitoring missions, the GoV shall provide these persons with all relevant support if deemed necessary. 5. Evaluation of the project support, preferably undertaken jointly by XxXX and the GoV may be carried out at the request of either Party. 6. After the termination of the project support GoDK reserves the right to carry out evaluation in accordance with this article.

Related to Information, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Program Monitoring and Evaluation The Recipient shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and furnish to the Association not later than six months after the Closing Date, a report of such scope and in such detail as the Association shall reasonably request, on the execution of the Program, the performance by the Recipient and the Association of their respective obligations under the Legal Agreements and the accomplishment of the purposes of the Financing.”

  • Monitoring and Evaluation a. The AGENCY shall expeditiously provide to the COUNTY upon request, all data needed for the purpose of monitoring, evaluating and/or auditing the program(s). This data shall include, but not be limited to, clients served, services provided, outcomes achieved, information on materials and services delivered, and any other data required, in the sole discretion of the COUNTY, that may be required to adequately monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Contract. Monitoring shall be performed in accordance with COUNTY’S established Noncompliance Standards, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment “C”. b. The AGENCY agrees to permit persons duly authorized by the COUNTY to interview any clients and all current and/or former employees of the AGENCY to be assured of the AGENCY’S satisfactory performance of the terms of this Contract. c. Following such evaluation, monitoring, and/or audit, the COUNTY will deliver a report of its findings and recommendations with regard to the AGENCY’S conformance with this Contract’s terms and conditions to the AGENCY and/or Board of Directors’ President, and members, whenever applicable. If deficiencies are noted, a written notice of corrective action will be issued to the AGENCY which will specify deficiencies and provide a timeline for correction of those deficiencies. Within the designated timeframe in the written notice of corrective action, the AGENCY shall submit to the COUNTY’S CCC manager (“Manager”), or their designee, a corrective action plan to rectify all deficiencies identified by the COUNTY. d. Failure by the AGENCY to correct noted deficiencies, as outlined in the written notice of corrective action, may result in the AGENCY being deemed in breach of the Contract terms. e. The AGENCY shall cooperate with the COUNTY on all reviews to ensure compliance with all applicable COUNTY guidelines and requirements for general fund recipients.

  • Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.

  • Monitoring and Review The Provider agrees to allow access to the Department for purposes of monitoring and review. This access includes but is not limited to client records, fiscal records, staffing records, policy and procedural manuals, facilities, staff, and children in care of the Department. The Department will conduct quality reviews, which may include site-based quality review visits.

  • Information Management Information and Records

  • Monitoring and Compliance Every year during the term of this Agreement on the anniversary date of the effective date of the Agreement, the Restaurant shall provide to the United States a narrative report of the actions taken during the reporting period to remove any barriers to access and otherwise enhance accessibility for individuals with disabilities at the Restaurant and any plans for action concerning ADA compliance in the coming year. The report shall include as an exhibit copies of any complaint, whether formal or informal, received during the reporting period alleging that the Restaurant was not being operated in compliance with the ADA or otherwise discriminated against any person on account of disability. The Owner and Operator of the Restaurant shall cooperate in good faith with any and all reasonable requests by the United States for access to the Restaurant and for information and documents concerning the Restaurant's compliance with this Agreement and the ADA. The United States shall have the right to verify compliance with this Agreement and the ADA, both as set forth in this Agreement and through any means available to the general public, including visits to the public areas of the Restaurant and communications with Restaurant staff. The United States shall have the right to inspect the facility at any time, and counsel for the United States need not identify themselves in the course of visits to the public areas.


  • Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility and Security Standards a. Applicability: The following Electronic and Information Resources (“EIR”) requirements apply to the Contract because the Grantee performs services that include EIR that the System Agency's employees are required or permitted to access or members of the public are required or permitted to access. This Section does not apply to incidental uses of EIR in the performance of the Agreement, unless the Parties agree that the EIR will become property of the State of Texas or will be used by HHSC’s clients or recipients after completion of the Agreement. Nothing in this section is intended to prescribe the use of particular designs or technologies or to prevent the use of alternative technologies, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater access to and use of a Product.

  • Reporting and Monitoring Please provide a brief description of the mechanisms proposed for this project for reporting to the UNDP and partners, including a reporting schedule.

  • Evaluation, Testing, and Monitoring 1. The System Agency may review, test, evaluate and monitor Grantee’s Products and services, as well as associated documentation and technical support for compliance with the Accessibility Standards. Review, testing, evaluation and monitoring may be conducted before and after the award of a contract. Testing and monitoring may include user acceptance testing. Neither the review, testing (including acceptance testing), evaluation or monitoring of any Product or service, nor the absence of review, testing, evaluation or monitoring, will result in a waiver of the State’s right to contest the Grantee’s assertion of compliance with the Accessibility Standards. 2. Grantee agrees to cooperate fully and provide the System Agency and its representatives timely access to Products, records, and other items and information needed to conduct such review, evaluation, testing, and monitoring.