Interior Partitions Sample Clauses
Interior Partitions. Tenant shall be responsible for any and all interior partitions, including stockroom partition and exit corridor, as well as any and all drop walls, curtain walls, lowered ceilings, soffitted areas, light covers, show window platforms, store fixtures, furnishings and accessories.
Interior Partitions. New interior walls shall be constructed of 3-5/8” x 25 Ga. metal studs at 16” O/C with 1/2” gypsum wallboard on both sides. Walls shall extend to 6” above the ceiling grid, except full height at large Conference Room.
Interior Partitions. 8 A. Partitions, except as otherwise indicated, shall be of 3 ⅝" nominal stud construction with 9 minimum 5/8" gypsum board on each side. Joints shall be taped or joined with acceptable 10 mechanical joints to provide a continuous surface, suitable for a high-grade, durable finish. All 11 newly constructed wall intersections in heavy traffic areas shall receive a "Bullnose" detail in 12 treatment. (Corner guards are acceptable). 13
14 B. All new full height partitions shall be sound insulated, have at lease 3" fiberglass insulation and a 15 sound transmission class, (STC), rating of 49 minimum. 16
17 C. All gypsum board partitions shall be treated with one sealer coat, then painted with one 18 undercoat and one finish coat of Xxxx-Xxxxxxx semi-gloss latex paint or accepted equivalent. 19 20 D. Restroom wainscot(s) shall be 54" high ceramic tile.
Interior Partitions. Interior partitions shall be constructed with 3 5/8” x 20 gauge metal studs at 16” O.
Interior Partitions. Taped, finished and painted (two coats of flat latex, MAB or approved equal) partitioning to be constructed with one layer of 1/2” drywall mounted on each side of 3 1/2” metal studs.
Interior Partitions. 8” – gauge minimum stud thickness at 16” oc minimum.
Interior Partitions. All interior partitioning including the finishing thereof complete with millwork and fixtures.
Interior Partitions. Partitions shall be constructed of ------------------- metal stud and drywall or other similar forms of construction material in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. Non-rated partitions are allowed within the Premises and shall be installed by Tenant in accordance with building standards established by Landlord. Request for non-standard interior partitions shall be submitted to Landlord for Landlord's written approval. Partitions meeting the interior face of the glazed external Building wall or column shall terminate only at the centerline of window mullions or columns. Tenant shall install, to the extent the same have not already been installed, the studs for all demising walls separating Tenant's premises from other premises on multi- tenant floors. Tenant will be responsible for one-half (1/2) of the cost of installing the studs for Tenant's demising walls or, if Tenant is only required to install the studs for one (1) demising wall, Tenant shall be responsible for the entire cost of installation of such studs.
Interior Partitions. 4.3.1 Interior partitions shall be as indicated on the plans, but primarily shall be metal and/or wood studs with gypsum board wall covering. Minimum construction shall be 2" x 4" or 2" x 6" blocking on 16" centers. Wood studs used in non-sprinklered areas (above finished ceiling) are not permissible unless concealed area is sprinklered.
Interior Partitions. 8” X 25 Ga. metal studs at 24” on center with 5/8” Type ‘X’ gypsum board each side to the finished ceiling 9’-0”). Seismic bracing per City of Thousand Oaks/Westlake Village Building Department. Gypsum board taped smooth to receive paint. Pertinent metal casing where applicable.