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For more information visit our privacy policy.Complaints Investigation The employee who complains of harassment under the provisions of the Human Rights Code must first comply with the Employer’s harassment policy procedures before filing a grievance or human rights complaint.
Discipline Procedure 1. Disciplinary action may be imposed for violation of written rules and regulations as set forth by the Board, incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, any other failure of good behavior, or conviction of a felony. 2. No employee shall be disciplined without first having had the opportunity for a hearing, if the employee so requests, with an OAPSE representative of his/her choice present. The employee shall be given a written statement containing the charges and the time and place of the hearing. The written statement shall notify the employee of his/her rights to OAPSE representation. The employee must be given the opportunity to sign the statement acknowledging receipt of the statement and date received. Under emergency conditions as determined by the supervisor (including, but not limited to, health and/or safety of the employee or other employees; blatant insubordination; or refusal to work), the supervisor may immediately suspend an employee without pay for a period of up to three (3) work days without the formal hearing described above. An opportunity for a formal hearing with the supervisor must be provided within the suspension period. Failure to provide an opportunity for a hearing during the suspension period shall preclude the right of further discipline for the offense causing the initial suspension. Emergency suspensions will not be subject to Section 6 of this Article. 3. Disciplinary action of less than discharge should generally be progressive and corrective in nature. A. Disciplinary actions shall be grievable. This Section shall supersede existing state law governing termination of employment (O.R.C. 3319.081). B. In determining progressive and corrective action, just cause shall be construed and limited to the nature and seriousness of the offense, the effect the alleged conduct has on the Board’s operation, the discipline or lack thereof used in other similar situations known to the Board, and the appropriateness of the proposed penalty in view of the record and length of service of the charged employee. The enumeration of these factors is not intended to preclude either the exercise of good and sound business judgment or to minimize the importance of an employee’s property interest in his job.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES 19.1 The Company shall be free to discharge employees for refusal to obey lawful orders, incompetence, misrepresentation, intoxication, or any just cause. An employee who has not completed his or her probationary period may be disciplined or discharged without just cause and without recourse to the Grievance and Arbitration procedure set forth in Article 20. 19.2 The Company shall be free to discipline any employee who commits an infraction, which, while not being sufficient to constitute just cause for discharge, is sufficient to warrant some lesser disciplinary action. However, no employee who has completed the probationary period will be discharged for offenses, which do not in and of themselves constitute just cause for discharge unless the employee has received two (2) prior written warnings within twelve ( 12) months of the offense. The issuance of two (2) prior warnings within a twelve (12) month period shall constitute just cause. Absent excused or extraordinary circumstances, warning notices shall be issued within ten (10) days after the Company knew or should have known of the offense but not more than thirty (30) days after the event. Each warning notice shall contain a place for the employee to sign to acknowledge receipt without admitting guilt. 19.3 In addition to those circumstances mentioned elsewhere in this Agreement, just cause circumstances for discharge shall include, but not be limited to: insubordination, theft, excessive absenteeism, gross negligence, failure to comply with reasonable rules, policies or directives promulgated by the Company and clearly communicated to the employee, use of unnecessary force or disrespectful treatment of a tenant, visitor or employee and inability or unwillingness to be trained to fulfill existing or modified security needs of the Company, the building owner or its tenants. The Union further understands and agrees that the Company provides an important service to its tenants of a personalized nature to fulfill their security needs, as those needs are perceived by the Company, the building owner and the tenants. Accordingly, the provisions of this Section shall be implemented and interpreted by the parties and by an arbitrator in arbitration proceedings so as to give significant consideration to such needs. 19.4 The Company will discharge any employee who is denied registration or whose registration is canceled by the State of Minnesota Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services or any other governmental agency. Discharge under this Article for failure to possess a license shall be without recourse to the Grievance Procedures of Article 20. 19.5 The employee and the Union recognize that the customer is the ultimate consumer and ultimately controls the access of the employee and the business of the Company. When a security-related incident occurs on a job site that is or can reasonably be construed as injurious to that customer, the employee, the Union, and the Company will cooperate in every way in the investigation of the incident until the incident is resolved and/or the customer is satisfied that all reasonable avenues have been pursued to their completion. The Union will not impede any steps which may assist the Company in convincing the customer of the thoroughness and/or reliability of its investigation, consistent with the Union's duty to provide fair and effective representation to its membership.
Credit Investigation In conjunction with your application for credit and, if approved, maintenance of your Account, you agree that we have the right to investigate your credit and employment history, to verify your credit references, to request and use credit reports, and to report the way you pay your Account to credit bureaus and other interested parties.
Appeals Process The Participants acknowledge that, pursuant to local ordinances, regulations, and rules, each Participant has its own procedures by which matters relating to the calculation, assessment, and collection of business license taxes may be appealed. With respect to Impositions subject to this Agreement, however, each Participant has enacted a local ordinance by which appeals relating to such Impositions are excluded from the otherwise applicable local ordinance. Each Participant agrees that the appeals process described in this Section shall apply to all appeals relating to Impositions subject to this Agreement. Each Participant hereby consents to the adoption of the appeals process described in this Section; specifically declares its intention that such appeals process shall be deemed an exception to its otherwise applicable local ordinances, regulations, and rules; and agrees that it has or will approve such appeals process by appropriate local action. (a) There is hereby created a board for purposes of hearing appeals pursuant to this Section (the “Appeals Board”). The Appeals Board shall contain three members. The President of the Association, the Executive Director of the Association, and the President of the South Carolina Business Licensing Officials Association (“BLOA”) shall each serve ex officio as members of the Appeals Board, with terms of office coterminous with their terms as officers of the Association or BLOA, as appropriate. The President of the Association, or in his or her absence the Executive Director of the Association, shall serve as chair at meetings of the Appeals Board. (b) With respect to the calculation, assessment, and collection of Impositions, the following appeals process, as required by Section 6-1-410, shall apply. (1) If a taxpayer fails or refuses to pay an Imposition by the date on which such Imposition is due, the LRS Business License Official may serve notice of assessment of the Imposition due on the taxpayer by mail or personal service. Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service, a taxpayer may request, in writing with reasons stated, an adjustment of the assessment. An informal conference between the LRS Business License Official and the taxpayer must be held within fifteen days of the receipt of the request, at which time the taxpayer may present any information or documents in support of the requested adjustment. Within five days after the conference, the LRS Business License Official shall issue a notice of final assessment and serve the taxpayer by mail or personal service with the notice and provide a form for any further appeal of the assessment by the taxpayer. (2) Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service, the taxpayer may appeal the notice of final assessment by filing a completed appeal form with the LRS Business License Official, by mail or personal service, and by paying to LRS in protest at least eighty percent of the business license tax based on the final assessment. The appeal must be heard and determined by the Appeals Board. The Appeals Board shall provide the taxpayer with written notice of the hearing and with any rules of evidence or procedure prescribed by the Appeals Board. The hearing must be held within thirty days after receipt of the appeal form unless continued to another date by agreement of the parties. A hearing by the Appeals Board must be held at a regular or specially called meeting of the Appeals Board. At the appeals hearing, the taxpayer and LRS have the right to be represented by counsel, to present testimony and evidence, and to cross-examine witnesses. The hearing must be recorded and must be transcribed at the expense of the party so requesting. The Appeals Board shall decide the assessment by majority vote. The Appeals Board shall issue a written decision explaining the basis for the decision with findings of fact and conclusions and shall inform the taxpayer of the right to request a contested case hearing before the Administrative Law Court. The written decision must be filed with the LRS Business License Official and served on the taxpayer by mail or personal service. The decision is the final decision of LRS on the assessment. (3) Within thirty days after the date of postmark or personal service of LRS’s written decision on the assessment, a taxpayer may appeal the decision to the Administrative Law Court in accordance with the rules of the Administrative Law Court.
Grievance Investigation The Employer agrees to supply to the Union the names of all applicants for a vacancy, or new position in the course of a grievance investigation.
Evaluation Process A. The immediate supervisor will meet with an employee at the start of their review period to discuss performance expectations. The employee will receive copies of their performance expectations as well as notification of any modifications made during the review period. Employee work performance will be evaluated during probationary, trial service and transition review periods and at least annually thereafter. Notification will be given to a probationary or trial service employee whose work performance is determined to be unsatisfactory. B. The supervisor will discuss the evaluation with the employee. The employee will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the evaluation. The discussion may include such topics as: 1. Reviewing the employee’s performance; 2. Identifying ways the employee may improve their performance; 3. Updating the employee’s position description, if necessary; 4. Identifying performance goals and expectations for the next appraisal period; and 5. Identifying employee training and development needs. C. The performance evaluation process will include, but not be limited to, a written performance evaluation on forms used by the Employer, the employee’s signature acknowledging receipt of the forms, and any comments by the employee. A copy of the performance evaluation will be provided to the employee at the time of the review. A copy of the final performance evaluation, including any employee or reviewer comments, will be provided to the employee. The original performance evaluation forms, including the employee’s comments, will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. D. If an employee disagrees with their performance evaluation, the employee has the right to attach a rebuttal. E. The performance evaluation process is subject to the grievance procedure in Article 30. The specific content of a performance evaluation is not subject to the grievance procedure. F. Performance evaluations will not be used to initiate personnel actions such as transfer, promotion, or discipline.
Investigation Period The first sentence of Section 4.1 of the Purchase Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following is hereby substituted in lieu thereof: “During the time period commencing upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, and terminating at 11:59 p.m. on October 18, 2012 (the “Investigation Period”), Buyer shall have the right to conduct and complete an investigation of all matters pertaining to the Property and Buyer’s purchase thereof including, without limitation, the matters described in this Section 4.1.”
Trustee’s Good Faith Action, Expert Advice, No Bond or Surety The exercise by the Trustees of their powers hereunder shall be binding upon everyone interested in or dealing with the Trust. A Trustee shall be liable to the Trust and to any Shareholder solely for his or her own willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of the office of Trustee, and shall not be liable for errors of judgment or mistakes of fact or law. The Trustees may take advice of counsel or other experts with respect to the meaning and operation of this Declaration of Trust, and shall be under no liability for any act or omission in accordance with such advice nor for failing to follow such advice. The Trustees shall not be required to give any bond as such, nor any surety if a bond is required.
Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.