Supplementary Card a card which is issued by the Bank to the client and/or other person nominated by the client and which is linked to the existing card account of the client;
Uniform Customs and Practice The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits as published by the International Chamber of Commerce most recently at the time of issuance of any Letter of Credit shall (unless otherwise expressly provided in the Letters of Credit) apply to the Letters of Credit.
Supplementary labour (a) If the Employer wishes to engage supplementary labour to perform work performed by its Employees under this Agreement, the Employer must first consult in good faith with the affected Employees. (b) Following consultation and subject to this clause, the decision whether to engage supplementary labour is a decision of the Employer alone. Any dispute as to the application of this clause will be dealt with under the disputes settlement procedure under clause 10 of this Agreement. The Employer will ensure that all supplementary labour is engaged on lawful terms and conditions.
Uniform Customs and Practices The Issuing Lender may have the Letters of Credit be subject to The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, as published as of the date of issue by the International Chamber of Commerce (the "UCP"), in which case the UCP may be incorporated therein and deemed in all respects to be a part thereof.
Customs Cooperation 1. The Parties shall enhance their cooperation in customs and customs-related matters. 2. The Parties affirm their commitment to the facilitation of the legitimate movement of goods and shall exchange expertise on measures to improve customs techniques and procedures and on computerized systems in accordance with this Agreement. 3. The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions set out in this Chapter to ensure that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by preventing, detecting, and investigating operations in breach of that legislation. 4. The Parties shall commit to: (a) pursuing the harmonization of documentation used in trade and data elements in accordance with international standards, for purposes of facilitating the flow of trade between them, in customs-related matters regarding the importation, exportation, and transit of goods; (b) intensifying cooperation between their customs laboratories and scientific departments and working towards the harmonization of customs laboratories methods ; (c) exchanging customs' experts of the Parties; (d) jointly organizing training programs on customs-related issues for the officials who participate directly in customs procedures; (e) developing effective mechanisms for communicating with the trade and business communities; (f) assisting each other, to the extent possible, in tariff classification, valuation, and determination of origin, for the preferential tariff treatment of imported goods, and other customs matters including non- preferential origin; (g) promoting strong and efficient intellectual property rights enforcement by customs authorities, regarding imports, exports, re-exports, transit, transshipments, and other customs procedures, and in particular regarding counterfeit goods; and (h) improving the security, while facilitating trade, of sea-container and other shipments from all locations that are imported into, trans-shipped through, or transiting Korea or Peru. The Parties agree that the objectives of the intensified and broadened cooperation include, but are not limited to: (i) working together to reinforce the customs- related aspects for securing the logistics chain of international trade; and (ii) coordinating positions, to the extent possible, in any multilateral fora where issues related to container security may be appropriately raised and discussed.
Letter of Credit Procedures 30 2.4.1 Issuance of Letters of Credit................................30 2.4.2 Participations in Letters of Credit..........................31 2.4.3 Reimbursement Obligations....................................31 2.4.4 Limitation on the Issuer's Obligations.......................32 2.4.5 Funding by Banks to the Issuer...............................32 2.5 Pro Rata Treatment..................................................33 2.6 Warranty............................................................33 2.7 Conditions..........................................................33 2.8 Commitments Several.................................................34 2.9 Payments by the Banks to the Agent..................................34
Salary Protection A regular employee who fills a regular vacancy or displaces a regular employee at a lower classification shall receive salary protection in accordance with Article 27.7.
Particular Methods of Procurement of Goods and Works International Competitive Bidding. Goods and works shall be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of International Competitive Bidding.
Elementary School At the request of the Superintendent, elementary school teachers that teach all the student contact time on a daily basis will be paid for an additional hour at an hourly rate based upon their contractual daily rate of pay for a maximum of 180 days. Teachers will not be required to spend additional time beyond their regular day. All scheduling options must have been exhausted before an administrator will receive permission for this variance. The appeal process for this variance is defined in the Staffing Plan.
Elementary Schools A. Each classroom shall have one text per child when the subject is being taught. Future textbook adoptions will include appropriate supplementary materials when those materials are recommended by the adoption committee. Any consumables or supplementary materials adopted shall be distributed according to the committee’s recommendation prior to implementing the adoption. When adopted, consumables, such as workbooks, will be distributed to each child before required usage of the materials. The joint Curriculum Committee shall be consulted prior to the discontinuance of such materials. (See Article XXVI). Newly employed teachers and all teachers who transfer to a new teaching assignment will be provided appropriate desk top supplies and Board adopted curriculum materials. If a teacher is transferring into a newly created classroom, appropriate furniture will be provided. The parties have agreed to an inventory (reference Appendix Z) of supplies, materials, and furniture. A teacher who is not provided the core inventory by September 1 or within thirty (30) days of assignment shall be entitled to appeal directly through the Federation to the appropriate Transformational Leader or his/her designee. B. Each child found to be without adequate health care, where immediate medical attention is needed, shall be referred by the Board to the appropriate social agency upon notification by the teacher. The teacher shall receive written confirmation of the referral within ten (10) school days. C. No teacher shall be required to supervise or be present in the dining area during a local, state or federal breakfast or lunch program. Such instructional time used for said programs shall be considered planning time for the teacher, at a place of his/her choice, within the building. D. No elementary teacher shall be assigned to teach in an area outside his/her certification, subject to Article IV, G- 4. E. Cafeteria duty shall be voluntary when service is performed by a teacher. F. No bus or other additional duties shall be assigned to an elementary teacher outside the six hour and fifteen minute duty day. G. Elementary teachers shall not be required to be present when other teachers are responsible for presenting materials to the class. If a demonstration lesson is requested by the teacher, he/she will be required to be present. Such requests shall be initiated by the teacher. H. Teachers in bilingual classes shall be capable of teaching in both languages when those bilingual teachers can be found. Volunteers, paraprofessionals or casual employees shall be prohibited from supplanting a teacher in bilingual or ESL programs. However, a paraprofessional ELDP tutor may be used to work under the direction of a regular teacher in the bargaining unit to assist those students who need reinforcement in English for less than a full class day. Regular contract teachers who will agree to obtain certification for bilingual or ESL classes shall be employed or used when teachers with fluency in two or more languages cannot be found. Consultants in these programs shall not replace or displace a teacher. I. Student test results for each elementary school shall be made available on a timely basis for achievement and other Ohio mandated tests and standardized tests when administered. J. When a teacher transfers, a three (3) day notice shall be given when possible. Two