LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. 1. Any standard laundry equipment that may be in the house has been left by a previous tenant. You may use the equipment if you wish; or you may replace it and take it with you when you leave. Landlord does NOT maintain/repair any laundry equipment existing in the house.
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LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. All operational. Fairfield Inn Charleston, SC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- California Knock- The two rooms where the maintenance staff performed the down knock-down application will be redone by an authorized contractor. Parking lot: Area of asphalt outside the maintenance office will be repaired utilizing concrete. Bids pending. Fairfield Inn Richmond, VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washing Machine: One machine was leaking and has been repaired.
LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. Time for use of laundry rooms (where applicable) will be designated by the Owner/Manager. Washing machines, dryers, and laundry tubs must be cleaned after using. All other posted rules must be observed. Washers and dryers, where provided, are for the convenience of the residents. Acquaint yourself with the operations of machines and clean after each use. No dyes of any type are permitted in the machines PARKING No automobiles, trailers, boats, motorcycles, campers, or other motorized vehicles shall be stored or repaired on the Premises. Recreational vehicles, trailers, boats and inoperable or unlicensed automobiles may not be parked or stored on the Property, unless registered with the Owner/Manager and parked in specified areas only. Current tabs must be displayed on the plate as required by law. Changes in vehicles or license numbers must be registered immediately. All inoperative vehicles will be removed from the premises at the Resident’s expense after posted notice by management on the vehicle. Owner/Manager shall have the right to remove any vehicles from the premises which are deemed by Owner/Manager to be unsightly or constitute a hazard or nuisance after placing notice on the vehicle. This includes, but not limited to, vehicles that block or make it difficult for another vehicle to enter or exit, vehicles parked in a specified no-parking zone or fire lane, and vehicles blocking access to dumpster or garbage cans. Removal shall be paid at the expense of the owner of the vehicle. Residents and their guests are required to adhere to all parking regulations. Failure to do so will be construed as illegal parking and may result in the vehicle being towed away at vehicle owner’s expense. Each Resident is to use the parking space(s) assigned to and respect the parking regulation. Failure to do so will be construed as illegal parking and such vehicles may be subject to being towed away at the Resident’s expense. This includes taking up more than one parking space and parking in a designated handicapped space. This applies to Resident’s guests as well. Please inform your guests where they may park while visiting. No vehicles are to be dismantled or placed on blocks, jacks, or have the wheels removed on the premises. MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUT Responsibility for any damage incurred by the Resident(s), guests, movers, or employees carrying articles in or out shall be paid for by the Resident(s). If residence is an apartment, duplex, or any other multifamily housing u...
LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. 11. Washing machines or clothes dryers shall not be used in Rental Unit situated in an apartment building. Air Conditioners
LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. The Contractor shall provide maintenance to laundry equipment to ensure washer and dryer units are fully operational at all times. The Contractor shall have full responsibility maintain, repair, and replace washer and dryer units. The Contractor shall replace any unit within 48 hours of equipment failure if equipment cannot be repaired to operational status. Replacement units shall be of same type unit and size as the unit removed. Service orders will not be issued for repairs or replacement of laundry equipment. Laundry equipment is maintained and fully operational. Laundry units are replaced within 48 hours if not repairable.
LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. (if present) Laundry facilities are not part of the lease but are for the use of the Tenants and provided as a convenience. Use machines at your own risk, and cleanup after each use (keep dryer lint traps clean). Landlord is not responsible for articles that may be damaged or stolen. No laundry work shall be done in apartment.
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LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. CLOTHES WASHER The machine ran through the cycle normally. We do not check every cycle. There is no safe pan under the washer. Normally when a washer is located on a finished floor there is a safe pan under it with a drain in case something leaks. You should have one added. DRYER


  • Capital Equipment Collaborator’s commitment, if any, to provide ICD with capital equipment to enable the research and development activities under the Research Plan appears in Appendix B. If Collaborator transfers to ICD the capital equipment or provides funds for ICD to purchase it, then ICD will own the equipment. If Collaborator loans capital equipment to ICD for use during the CRADA, Collaborator will be responsible for paying all costs and fees associated with the transport, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or disposal of the equipment, and ICD will not be liable for any damage to the equipment.

  • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Sublessee shall have the right to use during the Term the office furnishings and equipment within the Subleased Premises that are identified on Exhibit C attached hereto, as such exhibit may be adjusted by mutual agreement of the parties prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date (the “Furniture”), provided Sublessee may only use the Furniture located in the Second Floor Premises after the Second Floor Commencement Date. The Furniture is provided in its “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition, without representation or warranty whatsoever. Sublessee shall insure the Furniture under the property insurance policy required under the Master Lease, as incorporated herein, and pay all taxes with respect to the Furniture. Sublessee shall maintain the Furniture in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the same occurring during the Term. Sublessee shall surrender the Furniture to Sublessor upon the termination of this Sublease in the same condition as exists as of the applicable Delivery Date, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Sublessee shall not remove any of the Furniture from the Subleased Premises. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Sublessee may provide Sublessor with written notice one (1) time not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date that lists any items of Furniture that Sublessee does not want to use and Sublessor shall, at no cost to Sublessee, remove such items from the Subleased Premises prior to the Third Floor Premises Delivery Date and such items shall no longer be considered Furniture hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, provided Sublessee is not in default beyond the expiration of any applicable cure or grace period as of the date of the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease, which condition may be waived by Sublessor in its sole discretion, then upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease, the Furniture shall become the property of Sublessee, and Sublessee shall accept the same in its “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition, without representation or warranty whatsoever except as provided in the Bill of Sale referred to in the following sentence. In the event the Furniture is to become the property of Sublessee upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease pursuant to the terms of the immediately preceding sentence, then Sublessor agrees to execute and deliver to Sublessee a Bill of Sale in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto conveying and transferring to Sublessee the Furniture.

  • Equipment The Fund shall obtain and maintain at its own cost and expense all equipment and services, including but not limited to communications services, necessary for it to utilize the Software and obtain access to the System, and Custodian shall not be responsible for the reliability or availability of any such equipment or services.

  • Leased Equipment The risk of loss or damage to leased equipment, goods or property shall not transfer to the University except as provided in §680.219, Florida Statutes. Any security interest in the leased equipment, goods or property granted to the Contractor contrary to AGO 79-72 and AGO 80-9 is null and void. Limitations of remedies provisions, which are unconscionable under applicable Florida law, are void. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS). In compliance with Florida Statutes, Ch. 442, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany any applicable item delivered under this Agreement.

  • Additional Equipment Additional Equipment may from time to time be added as the subject matter of this Agreement as agreed on by the parties. Any additional property will be added in an amendment describing the property, the monthly rental, security deposit, and stipulated loss value of the additional Equipment. All amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties. Other than by this amendment procedure, this Agreement may not be amended, modified, or altered in any manner except in writing signed by both parties.

  • Fixtures and Equipment Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries (as applicable) has good title to, or a valid leasehold interest in, the tangible personal property, equipment, improvements, fixtures, and other personal property and appurtenances that are used by the Company or its Subsidiary in connection with the conduct of its business (the “Fixtures and Equipment”). The Fixtures and Equipment are structurally sound, are in good operating condition and repair, are adequate for the uses to which they are being put, are not in need of maintenance or repairs except for ordinary, routine maintenance and repairs and are sufficient for the conduct of the Company’s and/or its Subsidiaries’ businesses (as applicable) in the manner as conducted prior to the Closing. Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries owns all of its Fixtures and Equipment free and clear of all Liens except for (a) liens for current taxes not yet due and (b) zoning laws and other land use restrictions that do not impair the present or anticipated use of the property subject thereto.

  • Furniture Sub-Sublandlord represents and warrants that all furniture and equipment listed and described in Schedule “B” attached hereto is within the Sub-Subleased Premises (such equipment and furniture is hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Existing Furniture”). The Sub-Sublandlord warrants that the Existing Furniture is free of any financial lien or hypothec and that there are no service contracts affecting the Existing Furniture. The parties acknowledge and agree that, upon the execution and delivery of this Sub-Sublease, without the requirement of any additional consideration, all rights, title and ownership in and to the Existing Furniture shall be conveyed to and vest in Sub-Subtenant and Sub-Subtenant shall be free to maintain and/or dispose the Existing Furniture as Sub-Subtenant so elects in its sole discretion but subject to the terms hereof. The foregoing conveyance with respect to the Existing Furniture shall be self-executing and no additional documentation shall be required in order to evidence the aforementioned assignment and conveyance of the Existing Furniture to Sub-Subtenant. Sub-Sublandlord makes no representation or warranty as to the condition, fitness or suitability of such Existing Furniture for Sub-Subtenant’s purposes. Sub-Subtenant may, as it deems appropriate or necessary, reconfigure the Existing Furniture to combine with any of Sub-Subtenant’s furniture and equipment. Sub-Sublandlord shall have no obligation for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any such Existing Furniture.

  • Tooling Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all tooling and/or all other articles required for the performance hereof shall be furnished by Seller, maintained in good condition and replaced when necessary at Seller's expense. If NETAPP agrees to pay Seller for special tooling or other items either separately or as a stated part of the unit price of Goods purchased herein, title to same shall be and remain in NETAPP upon payment therefore.

  • Machinery and Equipment Except for items disposed of in the ordinary course of business, all machinery, tools, furniture, fixtures, equipment, vehicles, leasehold improvements and all other tangible personal property (hereinafter “Fixed Assets”) of the Company currently being used in the conduct of its business, or included in determining the net book value of the Company on the Balance Sheet Date, together with any machinery or equipment that is leased or operated by the Company, are in fully serviceable working condition and repair. Said Fixed Assets shall be maintained in such condition from the date hereof through the Closing Date. Except as described on Schedule 4.14 hereto, all Fixed Assets owned, used or held by the Company are situated at its business premises and are currently used in its business. Schedule 4.14 describes all Fixed Assets owned by or an interest in which is claimed by any other person (whether a customer, supplier or other person) for which the Company is responsible (copies of all agreements relating thereto being attached to said Schedule 4.14), and all such property is in the Company’s actual possession and is in such condition that upon the return of such property in its present condition to its owner, the Company will not be liable in any amount to such owner. There are no outstanding requirements or recommendations by any insurance company that has issued a policy covering either (i) such Fixed Assets or (ii) any liabilities of the Company relating to operation of the Business, or by any board of fire underwriters or other body exercising similar functions, requiring or recommending any repairs or work to be done on any Fixed Assets or any changes in the operations of the Business, any equipment or machinery used therein, or any procedures relating to such operations, equipment or machinery. All Fixed Assets of the Company are set forth on Schedule 4.14 hereto.

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