Garbage The Concessionaire will contract with and make payment directly to the provider.
Rubbish Please note that the blue top bin is for recycling and all other rubbish should be placed in black bin liners in the other bin for collection. Bins should be put out on Sunday evenings for an early Monday morning collection. Any bin that has not been put out will be the responsibility of the Guest to dispose of the rubbish. The Council will not collect any loose rubbish that is not inside a black bin liner. See above note re dog mess and nappies.
Trash Tenant shall not allow anything to be placed on the outside of the Building, nor shall anything be thrown by Tenant out of the windows or doors, or down the corridors or ventilating ducts or shafts, of the Building. All trash and refuse shall be placed in receptacles provided by Landlord for the Building or by Tenant for the Premises.
Garbage Disposal You are responsible for ensuring Your and Your guests’ rubbish is removed from the Room, Building and Common Property in a timely manner and properly deposited in the communal rubbish areas allocated by Us for collection. You must use all garbage chutes according to pasted instructions near chutes.
Cleaning 8.1 CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expenses, at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris, waste materials, and rubbish, and at the completion of the work, he shall remove his tools and equipment and all surplus materials, debris, waste material, and rubbish and shall leave the premises in a neat and clean condition. If CONTRACTOR does not attend to such cleaning immediately upon request, OWNER shall have the right to have this work done by others and deduct the cost therefore from the payment due CONTRACTOR hereunder.
DEBRIS Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt removal of all debris which is a result of this contractual service.
Containers The marine and intermodal cargo containers either owned or leased by the Borrower and employed by the Borrower in the conduct of its business, including, without limitation, refrigerated, dry van, tank, open top and flat rack containers and refrigeration units and generator sets associated therewith, but excluding any chassis for such containers.
Transport The Parents consent to the Pupil travelling by any form of public transport and / or in a motor vehicle driven by a responsible adult who is duly licensed and insured to drive a vehicle of that type.
Leave Loading The employer and the individual employee must have genuinely made the agreement without coercion or duress.
Baggage THE CARRIER shall be liable for loss or damage to checked baggage by the sole reason that the act causing the destruction, loss or damage occurred while the checked baggage was on board the aircraft or at any time under the custody of THE CARRIER. For unchecked baggage including personal items, THE CARRIER shall be liable if damage was caused by its fault or the fault of its employees or agents.